Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
First thing that came to my mind was "stupid" .. but that doesn't quite capture the essence .. make that stench .. of how mindless your post really is.
I thought, I wonder if this neanderthal realizes just how many women are, and have been, in positions of power he will never achieve, or could possibly operate in. I wonder if he realizes how many women are way beyond his intellectual capacity. But I realized that kind of rational thinking in itself is far beyond his own intellectual capacity. He's operating on the decidely "me man" moron level. Does he have any proof that women break down and cry when confronted with problems? After all, there are COUNTLESS women doctors, lawyers, Senators, military commanders, police officers, and a litany of professionals that would certainly provide lots of evidence to back up his claim.
But evidence is not something those operating on the moron level require.
"Pro-thought?" .. oh hell no.
Pro-moron .. that captures his post much better than a simple "stupid."
"Cheese" .. a "hip hop" term?
"Cheese" as a term for money has been around since the sixties, long before hip hop's existence. Perhaps that's what he paid the "ho's" .. be they male or female, in his own life.
Certainly someone who exhibits such disdain for women must have a fascination/love for men.
AssHatZombie .. how appropriate.
Your post is quite devoid of any intellectual merit. There are general differences between men and woman, in many areas of behavior, and tendency. I know in your anti-critical thought worldview, generalizations are not allowed. This is why you're such an idiotic moron.