the intent of liberals

One...I am far from being a moron, Jerkoff.
Two...what you want is government to the extent that you want...which, in effect, is no government at all. You do not give a shit about the needs of civilization or society...only about yourself.
You and the other people who make "limited government" their mainstay are full of shit.
So you deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of every State.
You want The Oligarchy or even a dictatorship.

Fuck you.
No it isn’t irrelevant. It is 100% relevant since we are NOT a white nation we are a diverse one. You posted a definition and then ignored it. Because you aren’t too bright. I’ll explain it and try to use small words so you’ll understand. Nationalism elevates your country as better than all others and leads irreversibly to jingoism and isolationism. Not America first but America only. If you don’t see the problem with that then I can’t help you hot rod.

Racism. Insult fallacy. America hate.
you said you would bury them before the government could confiscate're a coward. admit it, pussy.
If you were really smarter than me, you'd be able to quote me instead of these vague, weaselly and unsubstantiated accusations, Doolittle.

You're generalizing, Doolittle. LOL

if you think that what we have now in this shit stain country is a democracy, YOU are the insane one.

so trump is your president and you gave your consent to be governed by him, right?

if my way is the constitution and yours is not, then YOU are the enemy. end of story. that is the constitution. when you, majority or not, disregard the constitution and violate the rights of the minority, you are the enemy.

come and try to make me, you selfish racist traitor.
You missed his point. He wasn’t defining democracy. Just giving the temporary nature of it.

“ A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing,…”

I can’t disagree with that portion.
I’ve wondered the same. How can a democracy survive when basically all voters are almost always voting for their own self interests?
We’ve seen how socialist states failed and we know why.
Which begs the question: What would the ideal form of government be that could last?

There isn't one.

A democracy collapses into an oligarchy or dictatorship pretty quickly, the reasons have more to do with some faction gaining control and staying there.
A republic can only exist as long as people support and honor the constitution that defines it. Once that is lost, an oligarchy or dictatorship usually follows. Typically, this follows increasing depravity until the republic is no more.
A theocracy can only exist as long as the people accept that their god is infallible and that those who speak for him are equally infallible. Once that is lost, such is usually revealed to be what was an oligarchy or dictator in the end.
A dictatorship or oligarchy (a dictatorship by committee) brings with it the tyranny of the king or the elite. Sooner or later, the people will reject the tyranny and overthrow said king or elite, and implement one of any of these forms of government.

And round and round it goes.

Of these, I support a republic as a form of government. This is a government of laws, not of men (in other words, a constitution). It is the only form of government that is. It allows the opportunities of capitalism, usually protected and enshrined in the constitution itself in some way. Government is limited to the constitution that defines it. As long as people support that constitution and enforce it, that constitution will survive.

In every form of government there are dissidents. Today, that is the Democrats. They want to implement an oligarchy (and some want a dictatorship). It is Democrats that want to discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They are pretenders. They try to hide behind the very documents they despise.
Yep, and during the twump era the MAGAs decided that democracy just wasn't working for them any longer. So they made up lies about a stolen election and attacked their own country. Fuck them and the weasels they rode in on.

The United States was never a democracy.

You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats go away by blaming Trump or anybody else. Trump never attacked the Constitution. Democrats do.
If you were really smarter than me, you'd be able to quote me instead of these vague, weaselly and unsubstantiated accusations, Doolittle.

You're generalizing, Doolittle. LOL

what I find amusing is the fact that I live in your head so much. so much so that you copy and keep my quotes. do they bother you that much? do I expose your cowardice that badly?
The cons who claim they aren't "trumpers"? They're all like that. They condemn Democrats for any little thing but give the twump team a pass on everything.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for every little thing the Democrats do. You hate and despise America. You committed election fraud sufficient to cause the 2020 election to fault, and you continue to do so (lately causing several State elections to fault). You hate and despise the Constitution of the United States and every State constitution. You force your sexual perversions upon the public. You try to force your tyranny upon the public. You steal wealth from people to 'redistribute it fairly', meaning you give it to the unproductive after taking a fat cut off the top for yourselves, promoting poverty and slavery.

And you kill for it.

Fuck you.
No, Doolittle. The fact you've repeatedly ran from defining the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist proves you don't have a fucking clue. You just want to murder Americans and force the survivors to your way of thinking; White Supremacy.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
Do you or do you not consider Timothy McVeigh to be a hero?
A guy filled with revenge for the murders of children and citizens under color of law. He didn't plan his attack out as well as he thought, though it was effective. It did put the federal government into fear of it's own citizens.
Do you consider those attacking electrical substations and depriving Americans of electrical power to be patriots?
Democrats and sympathizers of them. No, they are not patriots.