the intent of liberals

you're free to delude yourself with this fantasy all you need to. I'm not the one wanting to use the government as their political weapon like you are.

you love this fantasy shit you got going, don't you? does it make you feel safe?

what your ignorant ass doesn't get, because you're too much of a coward, is that by the time it comes down to Americans dying by each others hands, there won't be anyone left to help you but yourself. By then, it will be too late and, again, I hope it's me that gets to say 'I told you so' before you die.

Dutch, of course, is completely clueless about this.
we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. I know you want us to be a Democratic Republic like North Korea, where you get to sick the military on those who dissent from your beliefs, but it's not happening.

North Korea is currently a dictatorship. There is no such thing as a ' democratic republic'. A republic is government by law (a constitution). To say 'constitutional republic' is redundant.
want to? no. but i'd certainly be happy to if necessary. you're an enemy of the Constitution, this nation, and freedom in general.

Weaselling away again, SSGT Doolittle? Of course you'd be happy. You hate me because I disagree with you about protecting our country.
You'd rather burn it to the ground, like your marriage IMO, than admit you are wrong. You want to overthrow the nation and impose Earl Turner's version of an ideal White Nation. You know, like with the Cleavers. A fantasy in which you will murder to make happen.

The fact you don't understand why that is nuts is why you are a danger to all of those around you...and why the judges ruled against you.

You're a victim and you want revenge against the United States government and any Americans who get in your way.
Congress voted in that rule.



There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'.

There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'. The United States was organized as a federated republic. A democracy is not a republic.

Let's not play semantics! OK?

The United States government is a complex entity known as a democratic republic. This essentially means that the government operates on the principles of both a republic and a democracy. In other words, the nation functions upon principles that are common in both republics and democracies. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a republic as “a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines democracy as “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.” In other words, in a republic there are a group of citizens elected or appointed to represent the people, but with a democracy the power is theoretically in the hands of usually all voting citizens. A democratic republic is a mixture of the two.

Direct Democracy Versus a Representative Democracy
Although we hear often that the US is a democracy, it is not fully a direct democracy in the purest sense. Presidential elections are not decided by a direct democracy, but by the electoral college (Electors are officials appointed by each state). A 2016 article in the Huffington Post outlines the process very clearly. The article states that when voters go to the polls they choose “which candidate receives their state’s electors. The candidate who receives a majority of electoral votes (270) wins the Presidency. The number 538 is the sum of the nation’s 435 Representatives, 100 Senators, and 3 electors given to the District of Columbia.” Thus at the federal level, the US is a representative democracy. Many aspects of the United States function as a direct democracy such as local elections for mayor, city council and school board members. State governors are another well known example; in each of the fifty states the governor is elected by popular vote.

Constitutional Democracy
Having said that, like many large entities, it is difficult to find one term to define the US political system. For instance, in many cases the government is described as a constitutional democracy because governmental power is defined, limited, and regulated by a constitution and the electorate (General voting populace). The court system is involved with matters of interpreting the constitution. To make matters even more complex, Native American tribes within the United States are sovereign nations within US borders that are governed by their own separate constitutions. But that is another article for another time.
The fact is it is the Republicans, who work for the super-wealthy
I guess you have no clue how wealthy Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden are, or Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg, or many other Democrats I can name.

As far as creating and running successful companies and corporations, all while producing products and services that people want, what's wrong with that?
and corporations,
What's wrong with corporations?
who vote for making themselves richer.
They don't need to. They make themselves richer by providing products and services that people want.
We have a worse wealth gap
There is no such thing as a 'wealth gap'. Buzzword fallacy.
The Repubs vote for tax breaks
and ending regulations
so the rich get richer.
We have had a trickle-up economic system under the Repub's control.
Buzzword fallacy. Capitalism is open to anyone. Anyone can play. Go out and make yourself worth something to somebody. They will pay you for it! Instead, you would rather whine about how poor you are! :rofl2:
Check this on what the wealth gap was. It has gotten worse.
There is no such thing as a 'wealth gap'. Buzzword fallacy.
What freedoms are you speaking of, Dumber?

Do you mean the freedom of women to have control of their own bodies?
They already do. Murder, however is illegal. No women or man has the right to kill their own offspring for the sake of convenience.
Do you mean the freedom of people to demand that the government help those who need help in a meaningful way?
Socialism is theft.
What freedom(s) are you talking about?
Redefinition fallacy (tyranny<->freedom).
"Warfare"? Why are you supporting warfare against the American people?

Clearly, these terrorists are not following the rules of war, but even if they were, it would be war against the United States, and its people. Why on earth would you want to support that?

He isn't.
Quite the opposite. I see no point to war in the USA. We need to de-escalate the violence.
Lie. You have already called for civil war several times.
But we also need to arrest the terrorists who are attacking the USA.
So which Democrats are you going to arrest?
There are ways to arrest people that minimize the violence. But we cannot just allow them to walk free. That is not an option.
So which Democrats are you going to arrest?
I still remember when supporting the violent overthrow of the US would get you thrown out of politics, but now it is nearly required for Republicans.

The world has gone crazy, or at least a vocal minority of it.

You are describing yourself again. Inversion fallacy.
But you are not doing that. The Democrats, and their base, are doing what they want with absolutely no concern for anyone's almost like you WANT the other side to get violent so you can sit back in glee at the government, you literally do want war in the US
