George Soros-backed district attorney candidates sweep elections › politics › george-soros-backed-district-attorney-candidates-sweep-elections
Nov 10, 2022Soros views district attorneys as a significant component of overhauling the criminal justice system and has financially backed dozens of far-left prosecutor candidates, including Krasner in...
George Soros spends big in last-minute attempt to rescue far-left Texas ... › politics › george-soros-spends-big-last-minute-attempt-rescue-far-left-texas-district-attorneys
Nov 2, 2022George Soros spends big in last-minute attempt to rescue far-left Texas district attorneys The liberal billionaire pushed $1.15M behind Bexar County DA Joe Gonzalez and Dallas County DA...
Why is George Soros Buying District Attorneys? - AMAC › why-is-george-soros-buying-district-attorneys
Over the last few years, progressive billionaire George Soros has dumped millions of dollars into district attorney races around the country. Soros has used his considerable finances and political clout to challenge district attorneys that do not fit into his progressive ideological agenda. 2015, Scott Colom and Robert Shuler Smith, $400,000
How George Soros funded progressive DAs behind US crime surge › 2021 › 12 › 16 › how-george-soros-funded-progressive-das-behind-us-crime-surge
Dec 16, 2021For the last several years, billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been quietly financing a revolution in criminal justice reform, doling out tens of millions of dollars to progressive...
George Soros vows to keep backing woke DAs despite urban crime spikes › 2022 › 08 › 01 › george-soros-vows-to-keep-backing-woke-das-despite-urban-crime-spikes
Aug 1, 2022Left-wing billionaire George Soros insisted Monday that soft-on-crime district attorneys he's backed to the tune of millions of dollars are making the criminal justice system "more...
George Soros's Conservative Renaissance - WSJ › articles › george-soross-conservative-renaissance-district-attorneys-prosecutors-crime-recall-paaf-law-order-police-seattle-los-angeles-san-francisco-11658350969
Jul 20, 2022George Soros's Conservative Renaissance. ... and making it tougher to send bad guys to jail, Mr. Soros is skipping straight to the office that enforces the law—district attorney. Political ...
Living Room Pundit's Guide to Soros District Attorneys [REPOST] › article › living-room-pundits-guide-to-soros-district-attorneys-repost
Dec 23, 2022George Soros's influence on left-wing DA candidates is often wildly underestimated. Since 2016, when Soros first began to back the campaigns of district attorneys, CRC researchers have tracked more than $29 million in funding from Soros through a personal network of political action committees formed specifically to back left-wing DA candidates. In total, Soros cash has generously supported ...
George Soros' quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system › story › 2016 › 08 › george-soros-criminal-justice-reform-227519
Soros has spent on district attorney campaigns in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas through a network of state-level super PACs and a national "527"...
George Soros, Antisemitism, & Support for Prosecutors › sections › news › articles › sanctification-george-soros-district-attorneys-james-kirchick
Aug 11, 2022In San Francisco, the Soros-backed District Attorney Chesa Boudin lost a recall vote earlier this year following a disastrous tenure marked by sharp increases in both violent and petty crime rates.
George Soros's groups have spent $40 million to elect 75 progressive ... › news › article-10894581 › George-Soross-groups-spent-40-million-elect-75-progressive-prosecutors-decade.html
Jun 8, 2022George Soros-backed groups have spent $40 million to elect 75 progressive prosecutors over the last decade - meaning one in FIVE Americans now live in areas covered by his criminal justice...