The Jehovas witnesses stuck some phamplets in my door this morning


Villified User
I flipped open one of the phamplets and the first thing I saw was :
Evil spirit creatures, not dead people, delight in harassing humans. Luke 9:37-43; Ephesians 6:11, 12.

Filed 13 was my next action for the phamplets as I wondered how much of a tree gave it's life for that crap?
I flipped open one of the phamplets and the first thing I saw was :
Evil spirit creatures, not dead people, delight in harassing humans. Luke 9:37-43; Ephesians 6:11, 12.

Filed 13 was my next action for the phamplets as I wondered how much of a tree gave it's life for that crap?
Last time I had some JW's knock on my door I scared them off by looking nuts and talking about the glories and the wonders of being a Toltec. They freaked.
I flipped open one of the phamplets and the first thing I saw was :
Evil spirit creatures, not dead people, delight in harassing humans. Luke 9:37-43; Ephesians 6:11, 12.

Filed 13 was my next action for the phamplets as I wondered how much of a tree gave it's life for that crap?

Hmmm. Maybe this explains the actions of some posters regarding the recent controversy over name calling currently taking place on another thread.
Jehovah's Witness folks knocking on my door deserve whatever harrassment they get.

The sign says "No Trespassing".
They tend to be pretty interesting folks if you'd bother to talk with them a bit. I find it ironic that people who spout their mouth off all day long trying to antagonize others that they don't agree with suddenly shut up when someone they may not agree with rings their doorbell. LOL.
They tend to be pretty interesting folks if you'd bother to talk with them a bit. I find it ironic that people who spout their mouth off all day long trying to antagonize others that they don't agree with suddenly shut up when someone they may not agree with rings their doorbell. LOL.

The people who "spout their mouth off all day long" (and I am speaking of doing so on this or similar websites) do so on internet sites designed for discussion and debate.

My home is my castle and my sanctuary. I see no problem in choosing to control who comes there and who does not. I think a simple sign that forbids the uninvited from coming to my door is understandable. And if anyone chooses to ignore that request and warning then they are subjectto whatever harrassment I see fit to give them.
Big balls to disagree here but no balls in person. LOL.

More personal insults. Of course you ignore the irony of accusing me of that on an internet forum.

My personal property is my own to do with as I choose. If I choose to not allow door-to-door peddlers (regardless of what they are selling) on my property that is my right.

For someone who professes to be in favor of personal freedom, its funny that you would ridicule someone for doing the same.
Do what you want. No balls, closed mind. LOL

It would only be closedminded if I was ignoring something I didn't understand or know about.

But I am reasonably knowledgeable about the various christian sects and about many other faiths. But I am a lifelong methodist who has no desire to change that.