The Jehovas witnesses stuck some phamplets in my door this morning

My super hot roommate and I actually invited a couple of those guys into our home and I found it to be quite pleasant. They have their own sales pitch and all that but they were a pretty cool couple of kids.

We prefaced the meeting with "We're secure in our system, but lets talk", and they were totally receptive. I actually gained respect for mormon missionaries. That being said, one of those kids is so dying to party, but he's resisting because he's always been programmed to be a mormon. He don't even know it yet. Cool kid though.
We had a Mormon family living down the street for a couple of years. They were a great couple, with three great kids. I only met the hubby briefly twice, but got to talk to the mom at length at sports events. She was very smart, pleasant and attractive.
BTW - The LDS missionaries aren't too bad and we always speak with the JWs when they come by too. It always seems to be a good-looking woman with a man driving her around (has anybody else noticed this?). They do know their bible, but they seem to miss some of the context, in our conversations they are often surprised at how much a Buddhist knows of the bible.

The LDS guys are often susceptible to questions of faith, so I don't play with their minds too much. It isn't my place to make them question.
I knew two Mormons in high school, and both were good peoplez, as well as several more at my Air National Guard unit (oddly we've had a lot of Mormons and Catholics). I've actually only met one Mormon in my life who was a douche...
I knew two Mormons in high school, and both were good peoplez, as well as several more at my Air National Guard unit (oddly we've had a lot of Mormons and Catholics). I've actually only met one Mormon in my life who was a douche...

Try living in a mormoan community.
Come to think of it, the crazy economics teacher at my high school, Mr. Moore, who was one of the most beloved teachers for many years (he finally retired the year I graduated, along with the crazy world history teacher - that place must be boring by comparison now...) once admitted he was Mormon. He would clearly be what they call a "Jack Mormon," but he wouldn't be the only one I've met. He was also a disabled vet who milked the system and got away with all sorts of crazy shenanigans that younger teachers would have been reprimanded for (which added to his appeal).