The Jehovas witnesses stuck some phamplets in my door this morning

Not a straw man at all. Just pointing out your hypocrisy.
George Bernard Shaw:
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.

The Southern Man:
When you rob Peter to pay Paul you can always count on the support of Paul.
[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Racism on the right rising?[/ame]

Winterborn= Liar.
Paraphrasing does not alleviate you from your responsibility to give credit.

Yes, what you posted is plagarism.


transitive verb : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source intransitive verb : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

Wrong-o. It was never presented as original, since it is such a well known phrase, at least to folks engaged in current affairs. *shrug*

Wrong-o. It was never presented as original, since it is such a well known phrase, at least to folks engaged in current affairs. *shrug*

Its still plagarism.

Your denial is just avoidance since you made such a huge deal about it when I posted the joke I got in an email.
Its still plagarism.

Your denial is just avoidance since you made such a huge deal about it when I posted the joke I got in an email.
So you're having a hissy fit over me calling you out and want revenge. It's not the first time, and I realize that you probably lay awake at night plotting out ways to prove me wrong or win an argument with me, but as I've said so many ties now, this ain't it. :)
So you're having a hissy fit over me calling you out and want revenge. It's not the first time, and I realize that you probably lay awake at night plotting out ways to prove me wrong or win an argument with me, but as I've said so many ties now, this ain't it. :)

No, I am shining the light of truth on your hypocrisy.

And no ties. You have lost every time. :cof1:
Last time I had some JW's knock on my door I scared them off by looking nuts and talking about the glories and the wonders of being a Toltec. They freaked.

I love when they come knocking, LOL, it gives the rotts some exercise running them off the property, lol
and how much bandwidth is wasted by your insane mumbo jumbo.....

you're killing


I like USC's little slice of life posts. Its a nice diversion.

It beats the HELL out of all the school girl, whiny posts from Cons complaining about how unfair the new forum is; about their obsessions with some other poster's personal life; or about the latest outrage from a liberal talk show host no one's ever heard off.
I like USC's little slice of life posts. Its a nice diversion.

It beats the HELL out of all the school girl, whiny posts from Cons complaining about how unfair the new forum is; about their obsessions with some other poster's personal life; or about the latest outrage from a liberal talk show host no one's ever heard off.

I don't think its unfair. But I am going to keep posting profanity and images of T&A because then the admins have to edit them. And threaten to ban me from APP.

Someone say T & A ?????? :eek:

Yeah, that was me.


Incidentally, I had a pair of Mormon missionaries knock on my door today...

My super hot roommate and I actually invited a couple of those guys into our home and I found it to be quite pleasant. They have their own sales pitch and all that but they were a pretty cool couple of kids.

We prefaced the meeting with "We're secure in our system, but lets talk", and they were totally receptive. I actually gained respect for mormon missionaries. That being said, one of those kids is so dying to party, but he's resisting because he's always been programmed to be a mormon. He don't even know it yet. Cool kid though.