The Joy Of Being Offensive.


I have no doubt there are many brainwashed people out there who would find being "offensive" unreasonable. Maybe that it why it is against the rules here. But it shouldn't be. For more reasons than you can shake a stick at. One of which is that basically, I have heard it said that it is the unreasonable people who get things done. For those who know, feel free to tell me what the exact quote is.

There are many things going on today that offends the sheit out of me. (Am I allowed to say "shit" around here?) I wish this forum would allow me the joy of saying offensive things in reply to them. Also, an actor on the old TV show Babylon 5 once said something true. He said, "If you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say."

Also, life is all about being "offensive." And being offensive right back to whatever offends you. For example, are you offended when a mosquito bites you? Judging from your likely reaction to it, I would say so. Also, krill are probably offended by a whale eating them. If they had the ability, they would be offensive right back. A gazelle is probably offended by having a lion attack it. If it had the ability, it would probably be offensive right back. Etc. times zillions. So for this forum to be against being "offensive," it is basically anti-life. I don't know about you. But I can't think of anything more evil!!!!!

Most people would likely be offended by the truth. It would almost certainly be forbidden around here. But I can give you a link to a book where the truth isn't forbidden. This link will take you to Where if you choose to, you can download the book. It is only about 100 pages long. (With quite a few pictures) So in that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. Here is the link. TRUTH, UNFORBIDDEN!.pdf
I have no doubt there are many brainwashed people out there who would find being "offensive" unreasonable. Maybe that it why it is against the rules here. But it shouldn't be. For more reasons than you can shake a stick at. One of which is that basically, I have heard it said that it is the unreasonable people who get things done. For those who know, feel free to tell me what the exact quote is.

There are many things going on today that offends the sheit out of me. (Am I allowed to say "shit" around here?) I wish this forum would allow me the joy of saying offensive things in reply to them. Also, an actor on the old TV show Babylon 5 once said something true. He said, "If you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say."

Also, life is all about being "offensive." And being offensive right back to whatever offends you. For example, are you offended when a mosquito bites you? Judging from your likely reaction to it, I would say so. Also, krill are probably offended by a whale eating them. If they had the ability, they would be offensive right back. A gazelle is probably offended by having a lion attack it. If it had the ability, it would probably be offensive right back. Etc. times zillions. So for this forum to be against being "offensive," it is basically anti-life. I don't know about you. But I can't think of anything more evil!!!!!

Most people would likely be offended by the truth. It would almost certainly be forbidden around here. But I can give you a link to a book where the truth isn't forbidden. This link will take you to Where if you choose to, you can download the book. It is only about 100 pages long. (With quite a few pictures) So in that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. Here is the link. TRUTH, UNFORBIDDEN!.pdf

So that means acting like an ass hole is copacetic?
People who fashion themselves offensive usually are rather pedestrian. If you want to be offensive, at least put some work into being entertaining.
People who fashion themselves offensive usually are rather pedestrian. If you want to be offensive, at least put some work into being entertaining.

Like this, for Text Drivers Are Killers?
Like this, for Text Drivers Are Killers?
Yes. That poster was offensive. Here is why.
1. Slaves are what employers like.
2. Paying them less for wages is what employers also like.
3. Illegals are willing to work for less pay.
4. Crime is what you call their being here.
5. Kill them all is what some would say.
6. Send them ALL back to mexico is what many others would say.
Now. what do the first letters from 1 to 6 spell.
You can be as offensive as you want here. It's why you have the stormfronters using the n word all the time here. Just read up on rule 12b.
I'll not take the chance. So you prove it to me. Write out the "N" word and post it. After all, many negroes often use the word themselves. You may like or dislike it. That doesn't matter. Just write out the "N" word as proof to me that it can be done here. Or are you afraid. (or lying)
Yes. That poster was offensive. Here is why.
1. Slaves are what employers like.
2. Paying them less for wages is what employers also like.
3. Illegals are willing to work for less pay.
4. Crime is what you call their being here.
5. Kill them all is what some would say.
6. Send them ALL back to mexico is what many others would say.
Now. what do the first letters from 1 to 6 spell.

If you just want to troll, you should own it. Nothing stops you here, outside 12b rules.
Being offensive is all some people have as any sort of argument on this forum. Without it they would be reduced to lurking. :speaknoevil: