The Joy Of Being Offensive.

Offended much little snowflake?
Your pictures are revolting and an abomination. Because when different species interbreed, it IS an abomination! And don't give me that crap about Whites and negroes being the same species. They're not. Also, about 98% of the time that I see a negro male out in public with a female, it is a white female. Why? Like it or not, the explanation is that negroes are so fu*king ugly! I was even told of one negro my cousin knew why he only dated white girls. His answer was, "What would I want one of those ugly things for."
Here is another reason why what you show is an abomination. In nature, it is the general rule for species to diverge. Convergence is an abomination because it goes against nature. Out in the wild, it almost never happens. If you want to know more, go to this link and download the book. There is a chapter in it that deals with the "species" point that I made. The book is only about 100 pages long with quite a few pictures to help prove various points. In that regard, it should be right up your ally.
I know that you have been brainwashed and raised to be a filthy traitor. And being such is most likely even enjoyable to you. But if you think you can handle the truth, here is the link. TRUTH, UNFORBIDDEN!.pdf

Here's a fiiinnnneeee african bitch:


You gotta believe I would betray my race for her, wouldn't take more than a couple of seconds.
I don't care if the truth offends the money making abilities of those who set up this forum. The truth has value. If in speaking it I am offensive, I have the ability to back up that "offensiveness" with cold hard facts. But as far as forums are concerned, that doesn't matter.
Also, there is no work involved in creating a forum. If you have the money, all you have to do is buy forum creation software and have its appearance altered to suit your tastes. There are even free sites out there where you can start your own forum. The problem with them is that you get what you pay for. Which is just about nothing. For example, this forum has many categories in which you can talk about various topics. In the two free forums I tried to create, they only gave you one. Even then, anybody there still isn't allowed to say what they want.
Well, fair play, I wouldn't do it, would you?
Unfortunately, you would probably find my getting banned pretty entertaining.

You won’t get banned for being offensive on JPP alone. Where did you get the idea you can’t be offensive on JPP. Hell I’ve been offending people on JPP for over a decade now and having a right good time of it. If you get banned from JPP it’s because you’re to simple minded to follow what few rules the do have here.
Yes. That poster was offensive. Here is why.
1. Slaves are what employers like.
2. Paying them less for wages is what employers also like.
3. Illegals are willing to work for less pay.
4. Crime is what you call their being here.
5. Kill them all is what some would say.
6. Send them ALL back to mexico is what many others would say.
Now. what do the first letters from 1 to 6 spell.
I'll not take the chance. So you prove it to me. Write out the "N" word and post it. After all, many negroes often use the word themselves. You may like or dislike it. That doesn't matter. Just write out the "N" word as proof to me that it can be done here. Or are you afraid. (or lying)
Shut up nigger.
Offended much little snowflake?
Your pictures are revolting and an abomination. Because when different species interbreed, it IS an abomination! And don't give me that crap about Whites and negroes being the same species. They're not. Also, about 98% of the time that I see a negro male out in public with a female, it is a white female. Why? Like it or not, the explanation is that negroes are so fu*king ugly! I was even told of one negro my cousin knew why he only dated white girls. His answer was, "What would I want one of those ugly things for."
Here is another reason why what you show is an abomination. In nature, it is the general rule for species to diverge. Convergence is an abomination because it goes against nature. Out in the wild, it almost never happens. If you want to know more, go to this link and download the book. There is a chapter in it that deals with the "species" point that I made. The book is only about 100 pages long with quite a few pictures to help prove various points. In that regard, it should be right up your ally.
I know that you have been brainwashed and raised to be a filthy traitor. And being such is most likely even enjoyable to you. But if you think you can handle the truth, here is the link. TRUTH, UNFORBIDDEN!.pdf
Speaking of abomination could you tell your mom to find a new corner to work? She’s blocking the bus stop.
I'll not take the chance. So you prove it to me. Write out the "N" word and post it. After all, many negroes often use the word themselves. You may like or dislike it. That doesn't matter. Just write out the "N" word as proof to me that it can be done here. Or are you afraid. (or lying)

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