The Joy Of Being Offensive.

They spreadin the black dick around so some white bitches can finally get some decent dick. It's nothing to be ashamed of. They'll have a beautiful black babies that can make even more white women happy.

If that's all your concerned with, get a vibrating dildo. It is the ultimate in selfishness to bring some mixes species into the world that has sickly looking tanish colored skin and have to go through life with a permanent bad hair day.
If you can't think of your species, at least try to give the child some consideration. Also, I have briefly seen porno pictures of white chicks with humanzees. It looked like the whores were sucking on a black turd or had one being shoved up their smelly twats. NOT COOL! Also, consider these two points.
1. Tar is something you put on a road.
2. Babies is something that women are supposed to care about.
Coolzone is sperging out so hard. It's hilarious. He talked some serious shit about how offensive and edgy was, but he cannot take. Just jumps straight on the bait. Are you like the new Tom or something sperg?

Bait? It is strange how I so often hear somebody calling my replies species (race) bating. I guess that's just what idiots do when their position is indefensible.
Here's a fiiinnnneeee african bitch:

You gotta believe I would betray my race for her, wouldn't take more than a couple of seconds.

I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Also, about 98% of the time that I see a negro male out in public with a female, it is a white female. I could count on one hand the number of times I have seen some white guy with a negro chick. So your argument falls flat.
You won’t get banned for being offensive on JPP alone. Where did you get the idea you can’t be offensive on JPP. Hell I’ve been offending people on JPP for over a decade now and having a right good time of it. If you get banned from JPP it’s because you’re to simple minded to follow what few rules the do have here.

Apparently you don't know. But there is a huge difference between being offensive and being offensive for justifiable reasons.
Speaking of abomination could you tell your mom to find a new corner to work? She’s blocking the bus stop.

The sign of a true idiot. You go as far as to insult my mother. But you don't mention what I said in particular that you disagree with that caused your insult. Though I have been down this road before. So I am guessing that you will just say "everything." And asking you to be more specific would go nowhere. How about you going to haunt somebody elses thread.