The JPP Boat is sinking!

people saying they would throw me off simply can't be serious. I know everyone wants to get their ha-ha's taking a dig at me, but at the end of the day, I am amazing, and JPP without me would be a dreadful thing. Nearly every single person on this site would miss me immensely. In many ways, I am JPP, especially now that I am also damo as well.

So you are saying its time for werewolf?
people saying they would throw me off simply can't be serious. I know everyone wants to get their ha-ha's taking a dig at me, but at the end of the day, I am amazing, and JPP without me would be a dreadful thing. Nearly every single person on this site would miss me immensely. In many ways, I am JPP, especially now that I am also damo as well.


Sounds like someone's butthurt he's not as popular as moi!
I would throw of the most useless or senseless posters. ergo I would toss;

#1. Grind. (right)
#2. Desh. (left)
#3. Howie/Buck Ewer. (left)
#4. Chopped Liver (right)
#5. Truth Detector (right)
#6.The Dude (left)

Grind was a tough choice. He's actually a fair to middlin moderator....but as a poster he's pretty useless. He has only two topics he can discuss. Zimmerman and Guns...and those two are related so it's really only one. That is really odd when you consider he doesn't even own a gun.

Desh is nuts. Funny as hell but other than the occasional laugh doesn't add a lot

Howie is a slightly more sane version of Desh. Howie is like an alcoholic. He'll have moments of acute clarity...but then he'll drink some more Kool-Aid.

Chopped Liver provides nothing of value, only hate and anger.

Ditto for Truth Detector.

The Dude is freaking hillarous but too stoned to be of any value. Over the side he goes.

you need to accept FACTS

you are not left if you don't accept facts

you are one of the fake left here
you need to accept FACTS

you are not left if you don't accept facts

you are one of the fake left here
Desh I love you to death sweety but you wouldn't know what a fact is if it bit you like a rabid opossum.

Fact -

1. something that actually exists; reality; truth:
"Your fears have no basis in fact."
2. something known to exist or to have happened:
"Space travel is now a fact."
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true:
"Scientists gather facts about plant growth."
4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened:
"The facts given by the witness are highly questionable."
5. Law.. Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence.