The JPP Cup

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Let's have a JPP world championship in political debate. Here's the format I'd like to suggest.

First we need a scoring panel of 3 to 5 members. I would suggest a 3 member scoring panel of 1 liberal, 1 conservative and 1 moderate/independant. So we would need scoring panel volunteers.
I think a scoring panel is better then a vote of the membership cause if the membership is inbalanced towards liberals then it goes with out saying a liberal would win. So I think a judging panel would work better. The scoring panel would also decide what topics would be debated.

The problem I see with having a JPP Cup is that in a head to head single elimination format we would eventually have conservatives debating conservatives, and Liberals vs Liberas etc.

Any suggestions for a competition format?
Let's have a JPP world championship in political debate. Here's the format I'd like to suggest.

First we need a scoring panel of 3 to 5 members. I would suggest a 3 member scoring panel of 1 liberal, 1 conservative and 1 moderate/independant. So we would need scoring panel volunteers.
I think a scoring panel is better then a vote of the membership cause if the membership is inbalanced towards liberals then it goes with out saying a liberal would win. So I think a judging panel would work better. The scoring panel would also decide what topics would be debated.

The problem I see with having a JPP Cup is that in a head to head single elimination format we would eventually have conservatives debating conservatives, and Liberals vs Liberas etc.

Any suggestions for a competition format?

I think first you have to list members as to WHO is a liberal, moderate/independent, conservative.... though that might be best determined by topic. I would say Socrtease is pretty much a moderate, Nigel a liberal, Damo a conservative. (if Water sets down his emo persona, he would be another liberal panelist suggestion) Oncelor would be a good panelist, though some on the board may see him as liberal others as a moderate. You are too clueless to play werewolf, thus you should be automatically disqualified from being a panelist... plus you are from Ohio... that is two major strikes against you.

Resident idiots who should not qualify for the panel... Jarod, Desh, Dixie, Bravo, Cypress, Southern Man... all are partisan hacks and/or morons.
I'm thinking we'd do head to head competition. The Judging panel seeds the opponents into two differant brackets and rates each competitor from first to last in each bracket and then matches #1. against #last and #2 against Second from last, etc. The judging panel then gives each pair a topic to debate. The competitors then choose which side of the issue they want to defend. Each participant would then make an opening statement, then make a rebuttal of their opponents opening statements, they each get to ask their opponent one question and have to answer one question from their opponent. The judging panel would then choose, based on the merits of their arguments/answers, who won the debate. Participants would have one day (24 hours) to complete their debate or be disqualified.

This would proceed through the brackets of pairings until there is a winner.

Does this sound acceptable?
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I think first you have to list members as to WHO is a liberal, moderate/independent, conservative.... though that might be best determined by topic. I would say Socrtease is pretty much a moderate, Nigel a liberal, Damo a conservative. (if Water sets down his emo persona, he would be another liberal panelist suggestion) Oncelor would be a good panelist, though some on the board may see him as liberal others as a moderate. You are too clueless to play werewolf, thus you should be automatically disqualified from being a panelist... plus you are from Ohio... that is two major strikes against you.

Resident idiots who should not qualify for the panel... Jarod, Desh, Dixie, Bravo, Cypress, Southern Man... all are partisan hacks and/or morons.
Oh I have no desire to be on the Judging panel. I'm to competative. My suggestions for Panelist would be Grind (Liberal), Adam or Thorn (Moderate/Independant) and USLoyal (Conservative).
I think Grind is more the moderate/independent. I'm game. I also nominate SF for the conservative judge.