The JPP Cup

Ok fine. I'll take the position of judge on the conservative side. Watermark can be the liberal judge with Grind as the moderate.

There are a lot of issues where us three just happen to align. Social conservatism would be given no representation. Oh, I see your plan! Good job.
If you put a libertarian on a board with a liberal and a conservative, it would inherently be biased towards a libertarian viewpoint. You'd have to get a populist to balance the libertarian, but we don't have any populists here (I think most populists are idiots and can't afford internet connections). It's like playing paper rock scissors, except scissors beats all.

Ideally I think you'd want to or four people who balance each other on most issues. So maybe you'd put me with SM (LOLOLOLOLOL). But that would mean we'd mostly have to exclude libertarians, because pretty much everyone agrees with libertarians on some things and there aren't really any anti-libertarians.
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Grind is weird. Thorn is definitely more liberal than him (although she does have a few quirks).
OK, Thorn (liberal), Grind or Adam (moderate) and USL (conservative). Will that work? I'd also suggest that the judges use a 3 point scoring system. That would reduce the number of ties.
There are a lot of issues where us three just happen to align. Social conservatism would be given no representation. Oh, I see your plan! Good job.
Uhhmmm, I'd refer you to post #19. No, you yungins will just have to man up and compete. This will be your shining moment to show us old fogeys what you got.
If you put a libertarian on a board with a liberal and a conservative, it would inherently be biased towards a libertarian viewpoint. You'd have to get a populist to balance the libertarian, but we don't have any populists here (I think most populists are idiots and can't afford internet connections). It's like playing paper rock scissors, except scissors beats all.

Ideally I think you'd want to or four people who balance each other on most issues. So maybe you'd put me with SM (LOLOLOLOLOL). But that would mean we'd mostly have to exclude libertarians, because pretty much everyone agrees with libertarians on some things and there aren't really any anti-libertarians.
Uhhh how the judges align on politics is just one criteria for choosing a panel. Experience, knowledge, integrity, objectivity, fairness are also criteria. To put it bluntly. I think most folks here would trust Thorn, Adam (or Grind) and USL to share most of those qualities. Personally I'd rather see Grind compete but I do think he is even handed enough to be a panelist.
We have Asshate and Crashk for the populist standpoint. And we have Moot and Dixie for the anti-libertarian ranting.
No, no, no and no. 3 judges are enough. Right, Left and Center. We need people who not only want to be on the panel but have the temperment and other qualities needed.
Grind is weird. Thorn is definitely more liberal than him (although she does have a few quirks).

Grind is definitely not a liberal. To put him in that position to simply slot him as a judge would defeat the purpose of having a liberal, moderate and conservative viewpoint. The debate results would be slanted to the right.

While I agree Thorn is more liberal than Mott, I would not classify her as a liberal either. She may be a bit left of center, but she would also fall in the moderate camp in my opinion.

That said... she would be a great judge... if she had the time.
Grind is definitely not a liberal. To put him in that position to simply slot him as a judge would defeat the purpose of having a liberal, moderate and conservative viewpoint. The debate results would be slanted to the right.

While I agree Thorn is more liberal than Mott, I would not classify her as a liberal either. She may be a bit left of center, but she would also fall in the moderate camp in my opinion.

That said... she would be a great judge... if she had the time.
We can always ask her.