The JPP, worst president poll.

Worst president.

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  • Poll closed .

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Polls are normally a waste of time, but here you get to see who's answering, so it's slightly more legit then most worthless polls. So lets see who the worst president is to this place. I'd like to place a bet that every Trump supporter will say Obama. If you vote, give your reasoning in a post please.
I voted Trump as the worst. His lies, bullheaded ego rhetoric, sexist, and racist attitude, attacks on the environment, wildlife, national parks, and monuments, cuts to medicaid, insolent behavior towards our allies, and kissing up to enemies is the most known. However it's not everything, but I don't want to write an essay. He's worse then the new Star Wars crap.
These polls are pretty worthless unless you provide specific and objective criteria for making those evaluations.

Otherwise it’s just boils down to partisan bickering. This list is also just for the last 60 years and doesn’t include real duds like Pierce, Buchanan, Harding, Andrew Johnson and Cooledge.

Using objective criteria Nixon stands out on your list. Although he had some substantial and important accomplishments his abuse of power, criminal acts, his handling of the Vietnam war and his economic policies had devestating consequences for the nation. So hands down he was the worst US president in my lifetime and the fact he had to resign or face certain impeachment and conviction is proof of the pudding.

W and his failed foreign policy of unilateralism demonstrated clearly his incompetence and why liberal internationalism has been US policy from FDR till W and Trump. Conservatives apparently learned nothing from the devastating consequences of neoconservative unilateralism and isolationism and it’s abdication of US leadership in the world. The fact that Trump is going that route in trade policy and our NATO alliance is deeply disturbing. His behavior during the recent G7 meeting was alarming and could have profound consequences that could harm our economy and undermine the PAX Americana.

Having said that he hasn’t been in office long enough nor have his policies had the time to demonstrate their worth or lack there of. So to say Trump is worse than Nixon or W, given the facts, is partisan silliness. You simply don’t have the facts to defend that argument.
Polls are normally a waste of time, but here you get to see who's answering, so it's slightly more legit then most worthless polls. So lets see who the worst president is to this place. I'd like to place a bet that every Trump supporter will say Obama. If you vote, give your reasoning in a post please.

Jade Dragon;2429698Everyone needs to stop trying to get jollies off of political polls.[/QUOTE said:
Trump the man is the worst, but as president so far he is doing a pretty good Job. Carter the man is most likely the best, but by far the worst president in my lifetime.
Trump the man is the worst, but as president so far he is doing a pretty good Job. Carter the man is most likely the best, but by far the worst president in my lifetime.

trump will go down in history as the worst American president ever

if you dont know that you are as dumb as they come
Trump the man is the worst, but as president so far he is doing a pretty good Job. Carter the man is most likely the best, but by far the worst president in my lifetime.

Carter was the only wholly honest and decent President you've ever had. What's so good about politicians and crooks? And, for God's sake, what can anyone say for the sub-human, posturing clown, trump?
Clinton was a good president

just like you we don't hold elections for saints

we hold elections for national managers
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Carter was the only wholly honest and decent President you've ever had. What's so good about politicians and crooks? And, for God's sake, what can anyone say for the sub-human, posturing clown, trump?

see, this is why we have immigration restrictions.......we don't want any more idiots from shit hole countries like yours........
Trump is a clown, a subhuman, a pathological liar, an arrogant pig without a shred of human decency or empathy.

Those aren't my words, folks. That is how some of Trump's Republican opponents in the GOP primaries characterized him.

Trump got blown out in the popular vote by millions, he is an embarrassment as president, and he has no redeeming qualities as a human being.

Has he done permanent damage that cannot be reversed when Joe Biden assumes office? I am not sure. Perhaps Trump has not been around long enough to do permanent damage.

What we can say is that George Dumbya Bush cause profound damage to this nation that will probably last for decades. Two failed wars, the epic disaster of Iraq, guiding us to a trajectory of permanent war, the Patriot Act and the other erosions of civil rights, and last but not least taking us right to the edge of a Second Great Republican Depression. That is a truly epic scale of failure.

I do not doubt that Trump eventually will be seen as one of America's worst presidents....but he just does not have the track record Dumbya had yet.
Trump is a clown, a subhuman, a pathological liar, an arrogant pig without a shred of human decency or empathy.

Those aren't my words, folks. That is how some of Trump's Republican opponents in the GOP primaries characterized him.

Trump got blown out in the popular vote by millions, he is an embarrassment as president, and he has no redeeming qualities as a human being.

Has he done permanent damage that cannot be reversed when Joe Biden assumes office? I am not sure. Perhaps Trump has not been around long enough to do permanent damage.

What we can say is that George Dumbya Bush cause profound damage to this nation that will probably last for decades. Two failed wars, the epic disaster of Iraq, guiding us to a trajectory of permanent war, the Patriot Act and the other erosions of civil rights, and last but not least taking us right to the edge of a Second Great Republican Depression. That is a truly epic scale of failure.

I do not doubt that Trump eventually will be seen as one of America's worst presidents....but he just does not have the track record Dumbya had yet.

Economic stuff can be reversed, but environmental stuff, like the newest thing of going after Sequoia preserves, not much at all. Damages to things that took at it's oldest 3,226 years to get to where it is, can't be fixed much at all.
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Trump is a clown, a subhuman, a pathological liar, an arrogant pig without a shred of human decency or empathy.

Those aren't my words, folks. That is how some of Trump's Republican opponents in the GOP primaries characterized him.

Trump got blown out in the popular vote by millions, he is an embarrassment as president, and he has no redeeming qualities as a human being.

Has he done permanent damage that cannot be reversed when Joe Biden assumes office? I am not sure. Perhaps Trump has not been around long enough to do permanent damage.

What we can say is that George Dumbya Bush cause profound damage to this nation that will probably last for decades. Two failed wars, the epic disaster of Iraq, guiding us to a trajectory of permanent war, the Patriot Act and the other erosions of civil rights, and last but not least taking us right to the edge of a Second Great Republican Depression. That is a truly epic scale of failure.

I do not doubt that Trump eventually will be seen as one of America's worst presidents....but he just does not have the track record Dumbya had yet.

Hateful delusion.