The JPP, worst president poll.

Worst president.

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  • Poll closed .
Polls are normally a waste of time, but here you get to see who's answering, so it's slightly more legit then most worthless polls. So lets see who the worst president is to this place. I'd like to place a bet that every Trump supporter will say Obama. If you vote, give your reasoning in a post please.

It was a rough choice between Obama and Carter
Fentoine Lum is not being weird. I highly recommend the History Channel series, "Life After People," available on youtube.

So neither of you care about preventing suffering, destruction, and famine of your fellow man, or animals? Earth will go on, but there's no guarantee any life will. We could become a barren wasteland like Mars if too much occurs. I for one consider myself a steward of the world I'm blessed with. Those that destroy it without a care are the lowest kind of slime. Even when I'm dead I hope for what I've done to benefit the future.
Do you remember double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, gas lines, under Carter? I sure do. And it wasn't fun to say the least.

You think Carter got a bum rap and that is your choice. I on the other hand think he was terrible that's my choice. So we will have to agree to disagree on this.
i sure do and I remember he inherited a mess from Nixon’s dumbass gambit on price controls and his fixing the dollar to the price of gold and his needless alienation of OPEC nations that caused the oil embargo. To Carters credit when Fed Chair Paul Voelker told him that his proposed monetary policies would stop run away inflation but the problem would get worse before it got better to his credit Carte supported the Fed policy and when Reagan took over he continued those exact same policies because they worked. It was Carter though who had the courage to take the political hit. Now do I regret voting for Reagan over Carter, no I do not.

However this is not a difference of opinion. Nixon’s economic policies devastated our economy in the 70’s but not only that he he outright lied to this nation over expanding the Vietnam war, lied about escalating the bombing of a North Vietnam, he completely demoralized our military, abused his powers to spy on the American public and persecute his political opponents and committed criminal acts during the Watergate break in, not to mention his attempt to gut the Judicial branch of our government.

So this is not a matter of a difference of opinion. The historical facts bear that out. None of our Presidents in the last sixty years were even remotely as bad as Nixon was and the fact that he faced certain impeachment and conviction and probably criminal prosecution forced his resignation. You’d be hard pressed to argue that any US President was as bad as Nixon. Maybe Buchanan or Andrew Johnson. Harding maybe. That’s about it.
Trumpkins all Obama, but we dems are scattered a bit more. I bet many still think W Bush was a good president.
So neither of you care about preventing suffering, destruction, and famine of your fellow man, or animals? Earth will go on, but there's no guarantee any life will. We could become a barren wasteland like Mars if too much occurs. I for one consider myself a steward of the world I'm blessed with. Those that destroy it without a care are the lowest kind of slime. Even when I'm dead I hope for what I've done to benefit the future.

Neither of us said any of that. Don't let that stop you. You must be doing one hell of a job of stewardship. Congratulations for being the environmental equivalent of the Racism Chihuahua.
If the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour trump wins hands down. We don't have to live through two more years of him to know that.

I’m going to put this bluntly. Based on fact any vote for anyone other than Nixon is a vote based on either emotion or ignorance or both. The mountain of fact based evidence condemns Nixon as the worst US President of the last sixty years and possibly the worst in our history.
Neither of us said any of that. Don't let that stop you. You must be doing one hell of a job of stewardship. Congratulations for being the environmental equivalent of the Racism Chihuahua.

What the heck are you talking about? You made it seem like because the world would go on, the environmental destruction, and suffering it causes isn't a thing to worry about. At least that's the way it seems when you countered me calling Lum weird, for not caring about what environmental destruction would mean for life on Earth. Saying you don't care to worry about the environments protection, equates you don't care to worry about famine, suffering, etc. It's cause, and effect.
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By far and away Johnson for starting and escalating the Vietnam war under false pretenses and knowing full well there was no chance of winning.
I’m going to put this bluntly. Based on fact any vote for anyone other than Nixon is a vote based on either emotion or ignorance or both. The mountain of fact based evidence condemns Nixon as the worst US President of the last sixty years and possibly the worst in our history.

I heard he had some rare good points though. Like forming the EPA, ending the draft, lowering voting age, and tribal self determination. I have yet to see squat from Trump, other than King of the world douchebaggery.
I’m going to put this bluntly. Based on fact any vote for anyone other than Nixon is a vote based on either emotion or ignorance or both. The mountain of fact based evidence condemns Nixon as the worst US President of the last sixty years and possibly the worst in our history.

AFAIK he's asking for opinion, not historical analysis.
Trump is a clown, a subhuman, a pathological liar, an arrogant pig without a shred of human decency or empathy.

Those aren't my words, folks. That is how some of Trump's Republican opponents in the GOP primaries characterized him.

Trump got blown out in the popular vote by millions, he is an embarrassment as president, and he has no redeeming qualities as a human being.

Has he done permanent damage that cannot be reversed when Joe Biden assumes office? I am not sure. Perhaps Trump has not been around long enough to do permanent damage.

What we can say is that George Dumbya Bush cause profound damage to this nation that will probably last for decades. Two failed wars, the epic disaster of Iraq, guiding us to a trajectory of permanent war, the Patriot Act and the other erosions of civil rights, and last but not least taking us right to the edge of a Second Great Republican Depression. That is a truly epic scale of failure.

I do not doubt that Trump eventually will be seen as one of America's worst presidents....but he just does not have the track record Dumbya had yet.
