Nice sarcasm... However, I see the problem...Damo, I see the problem; may I suggest a class at your local community college on world religions?
With two billion christians on the planet, not everybody practices "christianity" as we commonly know it from the american methodist church, or american penecostal church.
Though much of latin american, the carribean, and africa, local traditions and mythologies have been incorporated into their christian faith. Including idolatry and animism. Ever heard of the santeria catholicism practied by many latin american catholics? Just like american values and traditions have been incorporated into evangelical american christian churches.
there's probably a community college nearby you, that offers a world religion class where you could inform yourself.
You can take a class on religion at one of those self-same colleges... Amazingly other religions, such as Islam itself, stem from another religion (Judaism and Christianity in this case) and are considered a third religion. I just extend it to this one as well....
Had this group, like al Qaeda with the Quran, used solely the Bible to justify their actions I would agree with you 100%, however I only agree at a smaller percentage because of the whole two religions base that this new religion is based on.
Like those groups that use the Bible as their sole reason to bomb clinics or to justify racism, I would say that they are like al Qaeda. In fact, I have in this very thread!
It is the whole different base to the religion that causes me pause and makes me reflect on such things as Islam and how they first began with stories that were based in both Judaism and Christianity with some local beliefs mixed in and how it created a whole new religion that started small, like this dude's group, and grew... Hopefully this guy's group won't grow like Muslim did or Christianity did as it seems to take the worst of both of the religions and only the worst portions...