Of course you can fight ideologies with guns and bullets. You kill everyone who espouses those thoughts. Don't say things are impossible just because you don't have the nads. Ok, chief?
But ideas spread. Have you never heard of memetics?
The Romans had a damn good crack at exterminating Christianity, especially under Marcus Aurelias. Couldn't do it.
To defeat an ideology, you have to undermine it, and make it irrelevant.
Nothing to do with not having the nads. Its to do with thinking things through rather than thinking 'derr fuck it, lets just kill everyone...'
And all religions are not innately totalitarian. Christianity teaches salvation through voluntary consent, not coercion. God only wants you if you want him. He is not an enslaver of mankind. Christ explicity preached a separation between faith and worldly power. Render unto caesar... blah blah blah. He was a rebel. That's why the gnostic/new age/masonic totalitarians hate jesus.
Bollocks. I take it you are a Christian then? LMOA!
Christianity is as totalitarian as they come. It has its thoughtcrime (sin), it expects its acolytes to accept the word of its priests without question, insists on following a moral code dictated by priests and is headed by a 'god' that resembles Saddam Hussien... ie if you creep up to 'god' you are rewarded, if you piss him off, he tortures you for eternity.
Just because Christianity has been tamed by reason, secularism and science doesn't make it any less incidious or totalitarian than any other religion.