Yeah right them poooor little Democrats are always being obstructed by them greedy bad Republicans. Never mind that the Democrats have a 5 to 1 advantage in TV biased reporting and the 5 swoon over Obama and piss their pants over the communist bastard, huh. If it weren’t for Fox, nary a Republican would even bother to run for public office. Leftist TV rules over a brainwashed, brain-dead TV viewing public.
I’m not sure of your definition of freedom but when the ability of one to obtain medical care is based on what’s in their wallet that has no place in civilized society. Think of ObamaCare as taking a long, absolutely essential trip. It would be great to go by plane or train or automobile but if ones companion objects then the journey is taken on foot.
My definition of freedom is as defined in our Constitution especially the Bill Of Rights. Nowhere there can I find a federal authority to establish Socialized Medicine or any other socialist garbage. As a matter of fact the 10th Amendment absolutely prohibits the feds from such unconstitutional scams.
That’s the point. Things aren’t all that rosy and peachy and they’re not going to get better as far as the West is concerned what with jobs gone and energy prices rising so it’s necessary to put plans into action before things hit a crisis. Health care is the biggie. Unemployed people cannot participate in the “pay or suffer” health care scam and people know their jobs are not secure. Social programs are a necessity.
Social programming is what killed the old Soviet Union and turned North Korea into a bastion of slavery and poverty and caused Cuba to rely on their neighboring communist Chavez to keep them afloat with the proceeds of oil sold to the capitalist oil market. Socialism is what China is sheading in favor of capitalism and growing at a rate 3 times the growth of western world countries including America.
Obviously you misread history. Which social program do you want to blame for the suffering endured during the Great Depression? Unemployment? Welfare? Medicare? Perhaps Medicaid? Pick one because I'm sure we'd all like to know which one or ones you think were responsible.
Recession and even depressions are a natural phenomenon in a capitalist and a socialist world caused by stupidity and over speculation in capitalism and by BIG government authoritarianism in socialism. Capitalism always corrects for stupidity and so does socialism. The difference is while neither is perfect capitalism is the natural force that can recover through capitalist principles, but socialism cannot ever recover by the principles of socialism it can only economically recover using capitalist principles. China and the old Soviet Union are prime examples thereof.
The problem is people think government programs have been around forever. If we just get rid of a few programs everything will work out fine. What they can’t grasp is there was a time when there weren’t any government programs. A time like the Great Depression when the lucky folks ripped the kitchen cupboards apart and used them as firewood to heat their apartment/flat and the unlucky ones gathered around a communal barrel/drum in the park in the middle of winter.
Depression? What about the living standards of the populations of socialist North Korea and Cuba at present or the living standards of the old socialist Soviet Union and China before they shed socialism in favor of capitalism?
America’s Great depression had a 30% unemployment rate. 7 out of every 10 folks had a job. Every bank that folded, recovered and reopened except one. The socialist New Deal solved none of those problems, the capitalist market place did.
CAPITALISM not socialism has economically recovered China and the old Soviet Union. The unemployment rate in socialist western Europe is higher than the United States because they’re still
more socialist than the United States. Greece, Ireland and Italy all on the economic ropes because they’re the
most socialist.