ObamaCare is the first step. Like the citizens in every other country once the US citizens actually experience government medical they will insist on whatever changes are necessary to implement it, be amending the Constitution or whatever else has to be done. The evenly split for/against is due to the lies and misconceptions being spread. Again, like every other country with government medical the “for” group will skyrocket.
My only reply is “who cares?” and by that I mean check out the chart found here.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy Of all the countries the United Kingdom ranks 23 while the US is waaay down the list at 40. Australia, Italy, Canada, Spain, Germany, Norway, Sweden…..all the countries with government medical see greater longevity AND greater savings.
Leftist talking points? Even if the hospitals were pig-sties and the waiting lists circled the block and people had to fly around the world twice before they received medical care, who cares? They live longer. Isn’t medical care all about living longer or did I miss something?
I’m sure that will happen once the people actually experience ObamaCare. The “for” side has already slightly increased since a few programs have come on line. Then there’s the, as yet, unrealized benefits from certain young people who had diseases diagnosed early when having their yearly physical on their parent’s plan. As stories come out and statistics are compiled the citizens will insist on making whatever changes are necessary to implement a full government plan. At the very least the odds point that way.
That may be so but society changes. Just like people who hear about those who lost their job and their medical coverage and realize that could happen to them the country, indeed the world, is becoming a big community. It’s not going to happen overnight but it’s happening.
Look at the people in their 50s who lost jobs. Many will never find a decent paying job again. If things like medical care are not provided/accessible there will be a crisis. They’ll have nothing by the time they reach retirement. Everything will be sold and gone just to live.
Thanks for the correction. Yes, the military is the culprit and when people like Romney mention the lack of ships without taking into consideration planes compensate people get the wrong impression. Cuts to the military will not lessen effectiveness.
That’s true but the troop numbers can be considerably limited by the use of drones. My solution

would be to inform rogue nations that if they support their current government, if they support their terrorists/freedom fighters, we’ll blow everything up using drones. It’s really that simple. We do the same thing here, in a matter of speaking. People who harbor fugitives become fair collateral damage. Either fight your naughty countryman or risk being droned. Those are the two choices we give them. The countries the West is currently involved in do not have nuclear weapons. Any country with nuclear weapons will use them if it comes down to the wire. Why not? What do they have to lose? If their country is being invaded and taken over.....what's that saying, "Live free or die."
The shortage of doctors/hospitals and the lack of financial incentive are bogus arguments. Many countries have had government medical for 40 or 50 years. Germany for over 100 years! The only thing nationalized health care does is get rid of the greedy people and attract those who really care about health care. If the incentive argument held a drop of water, after all the generations that have passed, doctors would be as rare as hen’s teeth. (Now there’s an old expression!)
Again, ObamaCare is just the first step. It will lead to changes. The people will insist on it. If it’s against the Constitution they’ll vote for people who’ll vote to change it. That’s why the Repubs fought so hard against ObamaCare. They knew it was a gigantic slippery slope and it is and at the bottom of the slope is nationalized health care.