The Left and One Party Rule

My Bulgarian girlfriend used to say poverty was a sin. Coal black hair with blue eyes and a chess competitor. Her abiltiy to compete allowed her to obtain permits to leave her communist country to travel, ultimately moving to Canada. We parted ways after a year or so but I do have a soft spot for her. Well, perhaps soft isn't the correct word. ;)

As for you working at 11, I think that's great. Keep working. People are depending on you.

You can't argue the merits of your totalitarian ideas so you resort to personal attack.

Keep celebrating your nazi ideas.
Of course none of the nations you exhibit as evidence are the right/left World’s Police Force spending along with their socialized medicine programs a larger chunk of change on national defense than the rest of the world combined Nor do they fight perpetual right/left unnecessary, undeclared unconstitutional wars nor do they even have a federal constitutional provision that forbids them from operating socialist programs like the United States does.

You also fail to mention Greece, Ireland, Italy & England who’s finances are even worse than the United States.

Socialized medicine alone won’t bankrupt a nation, but what leftist would stop with socialized medicine? What rightist or leftist in America is willing to give up their government subsidies, their Socialist Insecurity, their food stamps and welfare checks, their foreign police force or their wars, their Drug War, their 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and their gigantic wasteful incompetent government? Socialized medicine is simply more gasoline on the fire.

It also needs honorable mention that national socialized medicine is not constitutional.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

"Of course none of the nations you exhibit as evidence are the right/left World’s Police Force spending along with their socialized medicine programs a larger chunk of change on national defense than the rest of the world combined........What rightist or leftist in America is willing to give up their government subsidies, their Socialist Insecurity, their food stamps and welfare checks, their foreign police force or their wars, their Drug War, their 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and their gigantic wasteful incompetent government? "

Ahhh, but that is the point of ObamaCare. When it comes to nationalized health care the citizens in every country that has such a system insist on keeping it. Insist on it to the point of cutting, say, their military involvement, their drug war, etc. Once nationalized health care is instituted it tends to go to the top of the list. Not one country with nationalized health care has a politiican of any prominence campaigning on dismantling it. If I recall correctly one Canadian Conservative politician merely suggested "adjusting" it and the entire Conservative party was attacked by the other parties. Needless to say that particular politician quickly found himself on the back benches....waaaay back. :lol:

I think it's just common sense. What is more important than the health of the citizens? Can anyone really argue the Founding Fathers would not have included health care if they had any idea how far health care would come? In the days of the Constitution one was more likely to die if they sought health care considering the lack of knowledge regarding bacteria/infections, the snake oil that passed as medicine, etc. And, finally, the lower cost and equal or greater longevity experienced in countries with nationalized health care.

As for “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." isn't it the people who voted for a President who said he would implement a health program? He came right out and told the people his intentions and the people voted for him. If the majority of the people want a health care plan are they not entitled to one?
Greedy why didn't you sell at a loss so some poor person could live in it for free?

Oh yeah, all of your socialist bullshit applies to everyone else but as far your own personal lives you libtards are the most avaricious capitalists going. You just despise others doing it.

LOL When I sold them a friend of mine said I must be angry I have to pay capital gains tax on them. Where I live 50% of capital gains is taxed like income and that was taxed at 50% (approximately). The point being why would I care? I sold the buildings for three times what I paid for them. I did nothing, absolutely nothing to warrant such an increase. Why would I complain about taxes? I don't have to worry about medical care. I don't even pay a monthly premium. It's a full government plan.

All I'm saying is people who can afford to pay should pay. I didn't suffer and sacrifice and you can be damn sure I didn't work any harder than the average person who gets up for work every day. I was lucky. Plain and simple. Some people bought when I did and realized handsome profits. Others sold at the wrong time and others did neither and just rented. Who worked harder? Who deserves more to the extent other people have to suffer?

Are you naive to the point where you believe the guy who makes $500,000/yr. works 10 times as hard as the guy making $50,000/yr? I hope not.

Tax the people who can afford to pay. Liberals and Conservatives. What is unfair about that? With the taxes I paid I could have bought a house but I have a house. Do I need another one if it means someone can't get medical care? Not in my world.
LOL When I sold them a friend of mine said I must be angry I have to pay capital gains tax on them. Where I live 50% of capital gains is taxed like income and that was taxed at 50% (approximately). The point being why would I care? I sold the buildings for three times what I paid for them. I did nothing, absolutely nothing to warrant such an increase. Why would I complain about taxes? I don't have to worry about medical care. I don't even pay a monthly premium. It's a full government plan.

All I'm saying is people who can afford to pay should pay. I didn't suffer and sacrifice and you can be damn sure I didn't work any harder than the average person who gets up for work every day. I was lucky. Plain and simple. Some people bought when I did and realized handsome profits. Others sold at the wrong time and others did neither and just rented. Who worked harder? Who deserves more to the extent other people have to suffer?

Are you naive to the point where you believe the guy who makes $500,000/yr. works 10 times as hard as the guy making $50,000/yr? I hope not.

Tax the people who can afford to pay. Liberals and Conservatives. What is unfair about that? With the taxes I paid I could have bought a house but I have a house. Do I need another one if it means someone can't get medical care? Not in my world.

While you typed a nice diatribe, it didn't answer his question.
Why didn't you sell them for the original price, to someone who needed them?
While you typed a nice diatribe, it didn't answer his question.
Why didn't you sell them for the original price, to someone who needed them?

Now The Dude is groaning over the fact that Apple just showed he's nothing more then someone who wants to make a profit, at the expense of others.
"Of course none of the nations you exhibit as evidence are the right/left World’s Police Force spending along with their socialized medicine programs a larger chunk of change on national defense than the rest of the world combined........What rightist or leftist in America is willing to give up their government subsidies, their Socialist Insecurity, their food stamps and welfare checks, their foreign police force or their wars, their Drug War, their 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and their gigantic wasteful incompetent government? "

Ahhh, but that is the point of ObamaCare. When it comes to nationalized health care the citizens in every country that has such a system insist on keeping it. Insist on it to the point of cutting, say, their military involvement, their drug war, etc. Once nationalized health care is instituted it tends to go to the top of the list. Not one country with nationalized health care has a politiican of any prominence campaigning on dismantling it. If I recall correctly one Canadian Conservative politician merely suggested "adjusting" it and the entire Conservative party was attacked by the other parties. Needless to say that particular politician quickly found himself on the back benches....waaaay back. :lol:

I think it's just common sense. What is more important than the health of the citizens? Can anyone really argue the Founding Fathers would not have included health care if they had any idea how far health care would come? In the days of the Constitution one was more likely to die if they sought health care considering the lack of knowledge regarding bacteria/infections, the snake oil that passed as medicine, etc. And, finally, the lower cost and equal or greater longevity experienced in countries with nationalized health care.

As for “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." isn't it the people who voted for a President who said he would implement a health program? He came right out and told the people his intentions and the people voted for him. If the majority of the people want a health care plan are they not entitled to one?

Aahhh the tyranny of the majority? What about the minority that doesn't want it? Time was a majority of you democrats thought the blacks were less than human and codified it into law. You even had science to back you up.

I am tired of paying the price for democrat stupidity
Ahhh, but that is the point of ObamaCare. When it comes to nationalized health care the citizens in every country that has such a system insist on keeping it. Insist on it to the point of cutting, say, their military involvement, their drug war, etc. Once nationalized health care is instituted it tends to go to the top of the list. Not one country with nationalized health care has a politiican of any prominence campaigning on dismantling it. If I recall correctly one Canadian Conservative politician merely suggested "adjusting" it and the entire Conservative party was attacked by the other parties. Needless to say that particular politician quickly found himself on the back benches....waaaay back. :lol:

Again I’ll remind you that Canada is not the western world’s designated protector of one world peace and tranquility, nor a military power expected,(by right and left), to out-spend all tyrannical governments on military defense and police the globe and declare and conduct all wars therewith. Nor does Canada have a constitutional mandate awarding its social programming to 50 individual States and forbidding it’s federal government from creating such folly, or does Canada need to worry about its citizens getting critical healthcare operations since they can simply cross the United States border and buy it on the open market with little to no waiting period. I’ll also remind you that Canada doesn’t have to worry much or spend anything to protect its southern border in the insane federal Drug War. I’ll also remind you that Canada has no problem recovering its natural resources such as oil sands and selling them on the open market even to China who it seems will be rewarded with Canadian oil that the leftist American President and leftist environmental lobby rejects for America.

Therefore I submit that Canada can well afford the folly of socialized healthcare. For America its simply more badly spent money chasing too much already badly spent money, not to mention its unconstitutionality.

I think it's just common sense. What is more important than the health of the citizens? Can anyone really argue the Founding Fathers would not have included health care if they had any idea how far health care would come?

Oh yes! I’ll surely argue that our founders, (most of them), thought the greatest objective of humankind was freedom and limited government and sure as hell not the extortion, corruption and government malpractice of socialized tyranny.

In the days of the Constitution one was more likely to die if they sought health care considering the lack of knowledge regarding bacteria/infections, the snake oil that passed as medicine, etc. And, finally, the lower cost and equal or greater longevity experienced in countries with nationalized health care.

They gave us the constitutional provision to promote the sciences. (Article One, Section Eight)

As for “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." isn't it the people who voted for a President who said he would implement a health program? He came right out and told the people his intentions and the people voted for him. If the majority of the people want a health care plan are they not entitled to one?

So a President boastfully submits he will intentionally violate the Constitution and its principles that the greatest nation on earth was founded on and the uninformed thoughtless majority buys the bribery and that’s fine and dandy by you?

Then by what guarantee do you submit that this President or any other President or Congress or Judiciary won’t simply ignore our constitutional guarantees relative to every other freedom and right?

Why would anybody oppose the founder’s constitutional construction that gives the power of social order and programming to the States and grant it by ignorance and bribery to a bloated incompetent federal government? Why would anybody be OK with federal violations of their only written guarantees of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness?
While you typed a nice diatribe, it didn't answer his question.
Why didn't you sell them for the original price, to someone who needed them?

Thank-you for the compliment and for asking a good question. The reason I did not sell them for the original price was because the person who bought the building(s) obviously could afford them meaning they had plenty of money. (I couldn't afford to buy them for what I sold them for.) So, the buyers gave me their money and I gave a portion of their/my money to the governemnt so other people could get medical care.

See how it works? Everyone is happy.