The Left and One Party Rule

Then you're not really a conservative then. You're a political reactionary. That's the problem with most of you on the far right. You keep demonizing those who don't agree with you as "a liberal" then attempt to co-opt the phrase "conservative" when people like you aren't even remotely conservative.

A conservative is a person who has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Ya'll want to change the nation into some right wing never, never fantasy land. To say that a person cannot have a vested interest, economically, in the status quo and be progressive socially, is by defintion a reactionary thing to say.
And people like you want to change the country into some Euroweenie Socialist paradise with an anemic private sector.
What you call a cop-out I call true conservatism. The entire social conservatism movement goes against the premise that limited gov't and less gov't intrusion into our private lives is a cornerstone of what it means to be conservative.

Since Bassman has returned, perhaps we can discuss your claim that being conservative without being a social conservative is a copout.
When politicians run healthcare it becomes politicized and then is used for vote purchasing.
Just look at the UK NHS.
Prioritised care was given to those who had managed to achieve the lucrative label of VULNERABLE.

That was the magic word!

Vulnerable but to what?
The vulnerable were early released criminals, convicted sex offenders, career welfare recipients, drug addicts, convicts and suspects under arrest, they were the vulnerable.
Front of the line.
Paying customers last!!

What I find unbelievable is implying you don't fit in any of those above categories.
OK! Check out what’s called “bankruptcy” and get back to me OK?

Seems the financial “longevity” of nations that apply socialized medicine is in question.

The financial “longevity” of nations that apply socialized medicine is in question?

Surely you jest! Norway since 1912. That's ONE HUNDRED YEARS by the way. Germany since 1941. Over 70 years. New Zealand since 1938. That's over 70 years, as well. Thought I'd mention that seeing it's obvious you have a problem with numbers, as in $$$.

Back to the drawing board, old chap. Give it the old college try.
And once again, you mistake rewards from struggling, as greed.

When do you intend to relinquish one of your rental properties?

Going to a fancy private school, getting a free ride through college, inheriting a business, getting millions in inheritance, growing up in suburbia, getting into school and getting a job through family connections, receiving top-notch medical care from birth. All those points are characteristic of the wealthy, none of them amount to struggling.
Going to a fancy private school, getting a free ride through college, inheriting a business, getting millions in inheritance, growing up in suburbia, getting into school and getting a job through family connections, receiving top-notch medical care from birth. All those points are characteristic of the wealthy, none of them amount to struggling.

Why shouldn't the children be able to benefit from the struggles of their parents or grandparents?

I guess you want the children of a Hispanic immigrant, who works 14 hours a day, has two jobs, scrapes and sacrifices for his family; to also have to work 14 hours a day, have two jobs, scrape and sacrifice, just like their father did.
What I find unbelievable is implying you don't fit in any of those above categories.

Yeah, that's what you hard core totalitarians always insist on.
I was born in extreme poverty, that is not a sin.
You demand that I stay that way, there is the sin.
That is socialism.

I rejected socialism at age 11 and started working.

That angers you dosent it?

I should know my place, right?

Fucking socislists!!
Going to a fancy private school, getting a free ride through college, inheriting a business, getting millions in inheritance, growing up in suburbia, getting into school and getting a job through family connections, receiving top-notch medical care from birth. All those points are characteristic of the wealthy, none of them amount to struggling.
That is, in your opinion how all millionaires become millionaires?

Does the term full of shit mean anything to you?
The tired old opinions you spout have all failed elsewhere repeatedly.
Tired old totalitarian dogma!

Think for yourself, open your eyes.

You will realise when you grow up I'm sure!
The financial “longevity” of nations that apply socialized medicine is in question?

Surely you jest! Norway since 1912. That's ONE HUNDRED YEARS by the way. Germany since 1941. Over 70 years. New Zealand since 1938. That's over 70 years, as well. Thought I'd mention that seeing it's obvious you have a problem with numbers, as in $$$.

Back to the drawing board, old chap. Give it the old college try.

Of course none of the nations you exhibit as evidence are the right/left World’s Police Force spending along with their socialized medicine programs a larger chunk of change on national defense than the rest of the world combined Nor do they fight perpetual right/left unnecessary, undeclared unconstitutional wars nor do they even have a federal constitutional provision that forbids them from operating socialist programs like the United States does.

You also fail to mention Greece, Ireland, Italy & England who’s finances are even worse than the United States.

Socialized medicine alone won’t bankrupt a nation, but what leftist would stop with socialized medicine? What rightist or leftist in America is willing to give up their government subsidies, their Socialist Insecurity, their food stamps and welfare checks, their foreign police force or their wars, their Drug War, their 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and their gigantic wasteful incompetent government? Socialized medicine is simply more gasoline on the fire.

It also needs honorable mention that national socialized medicine is not constitutional.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The financial “longevity” of nations that apply socialized medicine is in question?

Surely you jest! Norway since 1912. That's ONE HUNDRED YEARS by the way. Germany since 1941. Over 70 years. New Zealand since 1938. That's over 70 years, as well. Thought I'd mention that seeing it's obvious you have a problem with numbers, as in $$$.

Back to the drawing board, old chap. Give it the old college try.
Now we see the totalitarian again glorifying hitlers programmes!!
Going to a fancy private school, getting a free ride through college, inheriting a business, getting millions in inheritance, growing up in suburbia, getting into school and getting a job through family connections, receiving top-notch medical care from birth. All those points are characteristic of the wealthy, none of them amount to struggling.

Why so envious?
I sold my two properties after developers moved into the area and the values skyrocketed.

Greedy why didn't you sell at a loss so some poor person could live in it for free?

Oh yeah, all of your socialist bullshit applies to everyone else but as far your own personal lives you libtards are the most avaricious capitalists going. You just despise others doing it.
Why shouldn't the children be able to benefit from the struggles of their parents or grandparents?

I guess you want the children of a Hispanic immigrant, who works 14 hours a day, has two jobs, scrapes and sacrifices for his family; to also have to work 14 hours a day, have two jobs, scrape and sacrifice, just like their father did.

Inversely. Everyone having equal opportunity, which is much different than your stagnation straw man, is my vision.
Yeah, that's what you hard core totalitarians always insist on.
I was born in extreme poverty, that is not a sin.
You demand that I stay that way, there is the sin.
That is socialism.

I rejected socialism at age 11 and started working.

That angers you dosent it?

I should know my place, right?

Fucking socislists!!

My Bulgarian girlfriend used to say poverty was a sin. Coal black hair with blue eyes and a chess competitor. Her abiltiy to compete allowed her to obtain permits to leave her communist country to travel, ultimately moving to Canada. We parted ways after a year or so but I do have a soft spot for her. Well, perhaps soft isn't the correct word. ;)

As for you working at 11, I think that's great. Keep working. People are depending on you.