The Left and One Party Rule

And yet you profitted, without putting any labor into it. (your words)
If you truly believed in what you've been offering, you would have either sold it for what you payed for it; or else you would have sold it a loss, to someone who was trying to make a life for his family.

Congratulations on being a Capitalist.

Isn't it amazing how a lying little shit like USF will just conveniently forget about all the sweat equity owners put into the upkeep of properties they own.

He tries to make the bullshit claim that apple never put any labor into his properties, which is obviously bullshit to everyone but angry Tightie Righties like USF

Not even capable of having an honest discussion about home low USF has sunk since his two trained cows ID and disloyal got banned.
And yet you profitted, without putting any labor into it. (your words)
If you truly believed in what you've been offering, you would have either sold it for what you payed for it; or else you would have sold it a loss, to someone who was trying to make a life for his family.

Congratulations on being a Capitalist.

Your idea doesn't make any sense. Let's say I sold it at a loss to a poor family. Now that family owns a building. Now they have money. Would they give any of it to the poor?

You see, this idea of charity and generosity has been tried since the beginning of mankind. During the 30's depression there were rich people. Did they give their money to the poor? The answer is, "No, they did not." That's why social programs came into being. It's the same thing, today, with ObamaCare. People talk about how others would have donated and how the poor woud have received medical care and how the States would have chipped in and on and on it goes but we KNOW that wouldn't have happened because they had the entire history of mankind to do it! The world never worked that way and from 1776 - 1935 the US never worked that way (150-some years). So we KNOW. There is no doubt left. Unless the government does something nothing will happen. That's why it's so strange to hear people complain about government programs to the point of suggesting it be handled privately. It never, ever was handled privately. That's why government got involved. Furthermore, the anti-government folks always wait until the government makes a move before jumping in and saying they'll do "it", whatever "it" may be. If they are hyped up about doing "it" why didnt they do "it" before the government got involved?

I'm sure you've noticed the latest drug company TV-ADS stating they'll help pay for medication if one is unable. Hmmm, I wonder why they're doing that now (within the last year or so.) Do you think there's a rumor going around there may be change in the air? I mean, a Capitalist system where companies offer to give away free medication!! Do you think management has become born again Socialists or do you think they're jumping ahead on the public relations angle? I'm betting on the latter.
Life expectancy? That’s rich, since America has the most aggressive drug war in the world causing ghetto violence. Hell, Obama’s home town Chicago alone could put America way down on the list of life expectancy. Then the fact that America has the world’s largest number of autos flying down super highways and having accidents doesn’t help our rating on the life expectancy chart either. Then there’s the fact that America sends the largest number of our youth off to fight and die in unconstitutional wars is another factor along with the fact that abortion is rampant in America and because we’re the most affluent of folks we gorge ourselves at McDonalds and on the richest of food menus on planet earth. ”life expectancy” has one hell of a lot more to do with issues other than just healthcare providers!

Eh, aborted fetuses are not considered deaths. Also, more women die from child birth than abortion. I see you were on a roll so just threw that in there. That's OK. Those things happen. ;)

(Excerpt) Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:16pm EST
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Getting a legal abortion is much safer than giving birth, suggests a new U.S. study published Monday.
Researchers found that women were about 14 times more likely to die during or after giving birth to a live baby than to die from complications of an abortion. (End)

As I’ve stated life expectancy has much more to do with issues other than healthcare providers. It’s perfectly apparent to me that leftist “don’t care.” The left and right politicians don’t care about our Constitution or America’s health care, all they care about is getting elected and reelected by bribing the vote with social programs and corporate subsidies and total bullshit!

Dozens of countries have government medical and the citizens in every country insist on keeping it. No exception. Not one. So, to say government health care is bullshit is completely off base. Even when statistics show greater longevity some folks try to discount that by the number of cars on the road. That's kind of funny, really. If statistics showed the opposite and someone claimed it's because of, say, bad food or poor safety features in cars (the Lada) they would be laughed out of the room. If any country should have a high number of car accidents it's Germany with the no-speed-limit autbahn.
Your idea doesn't make any sense. Let's say I sold it at a loss to a poor family. Now that family owns a building. Now they have money. Would they give any of it to the poor?

You see, this idea of charity and generosity has been tried since the beginning of mankind. During the 30's depression there were rich people. Did they give their money to the poor? The answer is, "No, they did not." That's why social programs came into being. It's the same thing, today, with ObamaCare. People talk about how others would have donated and how the poor woud have received medical care and how the States would have chipped in and on and on it goes but we KNOW that wouldn't have happened because they had the entire history of mankind to do it! The world never worked that way and from 1776 - 1935 the US never worked that way (150-some years). So we KNOW. There is no doubt left. Unless the government does something nothing will happen. That's why it's so strange to hear people complain about government programs to the point of suggesting it be handled privately. It never, ever was handled privately. That's why government got involved. Furthermore, the anti-government folks always wait until the government makes a move before jumping in and saying they'll do "it", whatever "it" may be. If they are hyped up about doing "it" why didnt they do "it" before the government got involved?

I'm sure you've noticed the latest drug company TV-ADS stating they'll help pay for medication if one is unable. Hmmm, I wonder why they're doing that now (within the last year or so.) Do you think there's a rumor going around there may be change in the air? I mean, a Capitalist system where companies offer to give away free medication!! Do you think management has become born again Socialists or do you think they're jumping ahead on the public relations angle? I'm betting on the latter.

Now you appear to be saying that a poor person will always remain poor.

The rest of was just a smoke screen, to try and hide your Capitalistic behavior.
Being that you're talking about food, I think that in this case it is. There's absolutely nothing that says "cutting welfare entirely will help increase employment". Where, I ask you, will the jobs come from?

They will be lots of jobs. People cutting lawns for $2.00/hr. Washing your car. Painting your house for payment of lunch and a bus ticket. The economy will thrive. Work or starve. That's the right wing idea of motivation. And don't forget Gingrich's toilet brushes for the inner city kids.

The Right Wing have it all worked out. :(
Maybe that’s why it was reported on the news last night that the government fund set up for Obamacare’s mandated ”preexisting conditions coverage”subsidy is out of money and won’t be subsidizing the insurance industry further for those preexisting conditions mandated to be covered under the Obamacare farce. Then there’s the fact that 26 State governors have refused to set up Obamacare’s healthcare insurance exchanges which they are under no obligation to do, according to the Supreme Court decision. Then there’s the fact that now the CBO is changing its scoring about the cost of Obamacare and now saying that Obamacare won’t save any money, but cost much more to America’s taxpayers and all citizens than was originally projected, huh?

Didn't we all know that's what was going to happen? One can't have a properly run national plan when some States are allowed to pull out and private insurance companies are involved and the plan is a hodge-podge. But that's OK. That's what has to happen for people to demand a full fledged national plan. ObamaCare is the first step. It was never intended to be the final answer and the court cases didn't help it. The point is the idea of strictly private, pay or suffer, health care is over. Those days are gone. Now the discussion will be how to make a proper health care plan. Before, one side was trying to form a national plan and the other side was arguing against it. Now both sides will have no choice but to concentrate on a plan. Different ideas/suggestions to be sure but, nonetheless, an all-encompassing plan.

As it comes to the forefront, as more and more people learn about how government health care operates throughout the world they'll demand something be done. It's going to be a rough road but it will happen.

The BIG community is proving to be a BIG fuck up! Western nations in ungodly debt, The “Arab Spring revolutions” looking more and more like the creation of Islamic radicalism governments being set up, perpetual wars and terrorism, governments sanctioning one another over construction of nuclear weapons, nations threatening nuclear war, Communist China becoming more capitalistic than America and becoming more industrious and financially successful than America and likely becoming the new world power, western world unemployment at all-time highs, America’s debt burden being downgraded by rating agencies, America in perpetual double digit unemployment, perpetual gas and food price inflation, Social Security in dire condition, Washington in perpetual gridlock, Obamacare proving to be the unconstitutional farce it truly is, the Catholic Church threating to sue Obamacare as a violation of freedom of religion and on and on.

:chesh: I just checked Google Earth to see where the closest bridge is so I can jump off! I'll say one thing, Classic Liberal, if you ever change careers I wouldn't recommend becoming a Motivational Speaker. I don't think you're cut out for that.

Here's the thing. Everything the world had it still has. There may be far fewer farming jobs but there's still plenty of food production. The money may have changed hands but it ddn't go off-world. The US is capable of making toasters and TV sets if the people still desire. Technology has replaced human labor. There are fewer jobs. That doesn't mean there are fewer things.

And then there's the capitalists. Those who look out over the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea or the glistening wheat fields or the manicured lawns of the golf course across the street are having their views blocked by a Foreclosure sign on their front lawn. Those who continually told us the poor are lazy and if they really wanted to succeed they'd get off their butt and get a job now find themselves unemployed. The people who worshipped Capitalism are now crying and whimpering like babies because their Messiah, Capitalism, is doing what Capitalism does. The only problem is they aren't benefitting from it anymore.

The middle class is not going to get wealthier as middle class jobs are disappearing. Either there's a machine doing the job here or some guy in India or China is doing it there. There has never been a better time for western nations to embrace societal change because Capitalism is now going to benefit the poor nations. While there's nothing inherently wrong with those nations benefitting it will mean a loss for the western nations. A loss in the sense of societal upheaval. Jobs. How products and services are distributed among the citizens will have to be addressed.

Nationalized medicine is one necessary step in that direction. As we fight amongst ourselves regarding social programs, as we push Capitalism on other nations, we are doing it to our own detriment. It will not look good if we wait any longer before asking for what the poor nations have been requesting for decades. Now is the time to unify while we still have something to offer as the current poor countries won't give a damn about us as they pass us on their way up. Surely folks can see the writing on the wall.

The Military Industrial Complex is among the most bloated and corrupt institutions in America. We could cut the Military expenditures in half and still have the world’s strongest military. We have 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers while the rest of the world combined has NONE. We have enough Generals and Admirals to provide all the world’s militaries with leadership and still have enough left over for ourselves. We have military bases in over 120 other countries and supply 75 % of all weapons to western world militaries and even some non-western world militaries, free of charge. We could save billions by simply closing our bases in most all foreign nations and leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and bring our troops home to spend their money while training right here in America doing wonders for our economy. But our military is ”constitutional” and only 1/3 of our debt problem. The other 2/3 is unconstitutional federal socialist entitlement programs, federal welfare, corporate subsidies and waste fraud and abuses by incompetent and corrupt government bureaucracies.

Then I suggest it's time to look at the Constitution before the people waving it are unemployed while standing on property they no longer own. Don't you?
Isn't it amazing how a lying little shit like USF will just conveniently forget about all the sweat equity owners put into the upkeep of properties they own.

He tries to make the bullshit claim that apple never put any labor into his properties, which is obviously bullshit to everyone but angry Tightie Righties like USF

Not even capable of having an honest discussion about home low USF has sunk since his two trained cows ID and disloyal got banned.

I explained to USF I never did the amount of work that would justify the price increase. For example, I never undertook major renovations. He has interpreted that to mean I didn't maintain the buildings or advertise for tenants when one moved out, etc.
Now you appear to be saying that a poor person will always remain poor.

Huh? I don't know how you read that into what I wrote.

The rest of was just a smoke screen, to try and hide your Capitalistic behavior.

It's obvious you have a reading comprehension problem. I couldn't have been more clear. I obtained money from a person who has sufficient and distributed a portion of it among the needy by way of paying taxes. What part of that are you having difficulty understanding?
Huh? I don't know how you read that into what I wrote.

It's obvious you have a reading comprehension problem. I couldn't have been more clear. I obtained money from a person who has sufficient and distributed a portion of it among the needy by way of paying taxes. What part of that are you having difficulty understanding?

OH, I understand.
You're really a Capitalist and all of your complaining, has been nothing more then a smoke screen. :good4u:
Of course democrats stomped repukes into the ground by millions of votes again!
The conservatards chased away moderate republicans.
True dems suck, but only half as much as riechwingers.
I make no bones about my dislike of Liberalism and the Dunbfuckocrat party. I live in a city where we haven't had a single Republican Mayor since 1965. Net result: Buffalo is the third poorest city in the entire frigging country, just behind Detroit and Lansing!
Apple has never dealt with the VA apparently.

Not with the VA but I've been up close and personal with government health care. Granted, the doctors and nurses do not come running when one snaps their finger, however, when recovering from a fractured spine, a broken shoulder, a broken arm and nerve damage in the other arm it's a bit difficult snapping fingers. Not to mention 6 broken ribs. I never realized how painful a sneeze could be.
I make no bones about my dislike of Liberalism and the Dunbfuckocrat party. I live in a city where we haven't had a single Republican Mayor since 1965. Net result: Buffalo is the third poorest city in the entire frigging country, just behind Detroit and Lansing!
So it's a shithole, you belong there
Not with the VA but I've been up close and personal with government health care. Granted, the doctors and nurses do not come running when one snaps their finger, however, when recovering from a fractured spine, a broken shoulder, a broken arm and nerve damage in the other arm it's a bit difficult snapping fingers. Not to mention 6 broken ribs. I never realized how painful a sneeze could be.

Deal with the VA. After a year of having yellow fever diagnosed as "nothing" and being given nothing but vicodin for everything, you'll sure be impressed.