I really do not revere our paranoid self-important self-serving Founding Racists, Misogynistic Plutocrats and Theocrats, and Powder-puffed make-up wearing Bigots and wig-wearing HOLY-ROLLING trannies. My God, did they squat to pee?
Fuck them and you too!
The essence of the second amendment is the right to rebel against the feds, for this the Americans kept weapons and the feds did not become impudent, because they knew that they would be rebuffed.
However, the left used this to create chaos. Decoupling gun ownership from military training will create havoc and lead to them pushing a gun ban law. That is what they are striving for.
Gun owners must be trained by the state militia, and must be ready to rebel against the feds. At the same time, there is no need to cancel personal rights to protection from villains, but there must be order.
The essence of the second amendment is the right to rebel against the feds, for this the Americans kept weapons and the feds did not become impudent, because they knew that they would be rebuffed.
However, the left used this to create chaos. Decoupling gun ownership from military training will create havoc and lead to them pushing a gun ban law. That is what they are striving for.
Gun owners must be trained by the state militia, and must be ready to rebel against the feds. At the same time, there is no need to cancel personal rights to protection from villains, but there must be order.
This is exactly what makes the framers of the 2nd Amendment such total fuckwits, not unlike someguy.
They decided that in a nation with free elections and an amendable constitution, it was still ok to overthrow the government by force.
I wish that hell was real so that those idiots could burn in it.
They could have protected the citizenry's right to bear arms without bringing up up the legal sedition aspect,
but they didn't because they were fucking assholes.
People on both sides of politics feel obligated to cherish a constitution that was written so inartfully as to embarrass the truly thoughtful American..
unlike the founders, you apparently didn't learn a damned thing about the history of governments, did you?
Why don't you take a minute, and tell us everything you know about governments?
Take two minutes, if you need the extra time!![]()
Nope. It is not a compromise at all. The purpose of any constitution is to define and declare a government. That is it's only purpose.In fact, the constitution is a compromise between slave-owning Eurocentrists and Free.
The Constitution of the United States is not the Articles of Confederation. True Scotsman fallacy.The real US constitution is the Articles of Confederation.
The United States was organized as a federated republic. Each State is a republic.And there is no republic.
It was organized as a union of republics into overlying republic.This is a union.
So you completely disregard the Constitution of the United States. Gotit.The feds are an evil that must go away.
The reason the federal government was formed is laid out in the Constitution itself. I suggest you read it.Only the Senate should be left as an assembly of state governments. Nothing else is needed.
Have you ever lived in the United States?
You hate the United States too. You support The Oligarchy.
No, the second amendment was not put in place so you could commit treason. But go ahead and see how that works out for you. Might be one of the dumbest arguments ever advanced. There are already state militias. Get a clue.
There should be only state militias. An army subordinate to the federals should not be at all. This army is stronger than all the militias, so the balance between the federals and the states is broken. This is a threat to America's democracy. The feds can turn the army against the people.
the 2nd Amendment was put there so that the federal government could NEVER out gun the states by usurping power. The people are to ALWAYS be the power of the country. go learn actual history and not that shit they give you at slate or huffington
The essence of the 2nd is that back then we had citizen soldiers, no standing army. We were very vulnerable to other nations. So the founders wanted a well-trained militia to protect the baby nation.
No. It says right there that it's to protect the freedoms of the states. A federal army is not needed, if the feds are honest with the people of the states and respect their freedoms, they have nothing to fear. And if they try to deprive them of their freedom and enslave them, they must be rebuffed.
You are a stupid asshole.
If Americans don't know this, then whose anthem is it?
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the Star-Spangled Banner, in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.