The left leaned the 2nd Amendment to its advantage

Fuck off you impossible paranoid idiot!
Insult fallacy. Inversion fallacy.
You just have a problem with the word Democratic
Yes, because you are using the word improperly. Democratic simply refers to people that support a democracy. A democracy is government by popular vote. Democrats do not want a democracy.
- because you are ANTI-DEMOCRATIC
Yes. I am against democracies. They are an unstable form of government. There is no constitution and no protection of a minority opinion. Democracies usually dissolve pretty quickly into an oligarchy or dictatorship.

I am a republican. I support the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. I support a federated republic as a form of government.
and just another Retard that wants to enforce your self-important self-interests on everyone else- AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!
You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
I'm with the people- You can go and fuck yourself!
No, you are not. You support The Oligarchy. You support tyranny. You discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. These are documents that have been voted into authority by the people. These are documents that people have died for in defending them.
Your opinions mean about as much to me as a Loud STINKING Fart in a crowded elevator! :laugh:

It's not an opinion. He called you out for your mistake and you are butt hurt. Your attempt to redefine words is pathetic. You support The Oligarchy. You discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
I was always smart enough to avoid drugs for one reason- I may like the damn things a little too much if I tried them.

That philosophy has kept me drug free all of my life.

However, I see THC as a Medicinal Herb- not really a dangerous drug like Cocaine etc.

Once, as a freshman in college, I took a
mphetamines. to stay up and study.
I absolutely hated the way they made me feel, so there was no way I would ever take them, or any stimulant other than coffee, which I love, recreationally.

When injured, I took prescription opiates for extreme pain.

I got no high from them whatsoever, merely a little bit of relief from the pain,
so even though I did not find them addictive, I had no desire to try them recreationally either.

The only street drug that I ever tried and actually enjoyed was marijuana.
There were no undesirable effects that I could perceive, and they relaxed me and made me laugh.

So that's something I would accept when offered back in the day,
but even then, I wasn't so enamored with them that they became a regular part of my life.

I really like certain adult beverages, but HATED how I felt if I drank enough to make me sick. Therefore, as alcohol wasn't addictive for me,
I never had an alcohol problem.

It was my misfortune to really like the first cigarette that I ever smoked,
and for me, they were viscously addictive. I went through hell to give up smoking, and it wasn't for my health.
Around thirty years ago, they banned smoking in so many places
that I had to beat the habit to avoid suffering from nicotine deprivation when I couldn't smoke.

I think our temptation to abuse drugs is very dependent on how our individual bodies react to them.
I was always smart enough to avoid drugs for one reason- I may like the damn things a little too much if I tried them.

That philosophy has kept me drug free all of my life.

However, I see THC as a Medicinal Herb- not really a dangerous drug like Cocaine etc.

Paradox. Irrational.