The left leaned the 2nd Amendment to its advantage

"No refuge could save"
They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
Random phrases. No apparent coherency.
Is it not the Americans who wrote about you fucking left-wing crooks from Europe who want to take over America through the feds and exterminate the American people? Where did millions of children go in 1992, on the eve of the arrival of the left? Why did California turn into hell?
Because California left the Union. It is currently a dictatorship.
Why is the fucking Biden corrupting kids, aren't kids protected by laws against perverts? Can they be licked and touched? What are you doing?
Because the federal government is no more. It is currently an oligarchy.

However, see the 4th verse of the same anthem:

Oh! Thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand,
Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation,
Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the Heav’n-rescued land,
Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, for our cause is just,
And this be our motto – “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Yes...that means enemies from within AND from without must be put down. The watchfulness of freedom never ends.

The States of America is still a nation.

You really should stop believing all the crap on the news these days.
You have dishonored America. 20 years ago, everyone respected America, and now the Russians are making fun of it, the Germans are driving it out of Europe like a rag, and even the pathetic Taliban now spit on America. A pathetic Taliban terrorist who fucks children can wipe his ass with an American flag on American land, and he will get nothing for it, because according to the feds it is his "private property". They fuck America 9/11 and now they're wiping their ass with America.

And this is not enough for you?

America is not Europe. You don't get to speak for everybody. Omniscience fallacy.
Answer yourself honestly, is American democracy working or are the feds arbitrarily? Is it the people of the USA who want the leftists to fuck their children, the fags to have weddings, the Taliban to wipe their asses with the American flag, to turn California into a garbage dump? Is this the will of the people of US?

The United States was never a democracy. No State was ever a democracy.
The essence of the 2nd is that back then we had citizen soldiers, no standing army. We were very vulnerable to other nations. So the founders wanted a well-trained militia to protect the baby nation.

wrong. almost EVERY piece of the founders documentation clearly state that they were concerned that the new federal government would take power away from the states, so they wanted to ensure that the people would always retain power over the new federal government by never being denied their own arms.
Government can take any of several forms:

democracy - Government by popular vote. There is no constitution and there is no representatives. This is an unstable form of government, since sooner or later (usually sooner) one faction gains control and becomes the Ruling Class. This form of government usually dissolves into an oligarchy or dictatorship. Athens dissolved into a dictatorship.

dictatorship - Government by a single ruler such as a king or queen. Other titles may be used to try to mask the dictatorship (such as Commander, President (of what?), Governor, or Prime Minister).

oligarchy - Government by committee. Essentially a dictatorship using a committee instead of a single ruler.

theocracy - Government by religion. Just another form of an oligarchy or dictatorship, with the government 'church' being the elite, and claiming to speak for a god or gods.

republic - Government by law, or a constitution. That constitution defines the structure of that government, gives it a limited scope of authority which it cannot legally exceed, has representatives that are defined and how they are to be elected, and usually a list of prohibited laws or 'fundamental rights' that said government cannot legally interfere with. This is the form of government of each State of the States of America.

A government may be federated. That is to say, it may have layers of jurisdiction. Any type of government may be federated.

The United States was formed as a federated republic. It is a republic, with sovereign republics under the common republic.

The United States fell during a coup by Democrats in 2020. At that time, the federal government became an oligarchy. Since then, the States of America have been working to restore the United States government as a republic.

Throughout most of history, governments have typically been oligarchies or dictatorships, complete with all the problems and tyranny that implies. Colonists came to America to escape that tyranny, eventually forming the United States of America.

My minute is up.

Republic my ass!! The Republic of China- The Republic of Congo!

The United States is what is defined as a Democratic Republic.

A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. As a cross between two similar systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.

Republic my ass!! The Republic of China- The Republic of Congo!

The United States is what is defined as a Democratic Republic.

A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. As a cross between two similar systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.


The USA is a Constitutional republic, not a democratic republic. the former confines the government to prescribed and restricted powers while the latter allows a majority to tyrannize the minority.
Republic my ass!! The Republic of China- The Republic of Congo!

The United States is what is defined as a Democratic Republic.

A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. As a cross between two similar systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.


What's a "republic"?
The USA is a Constitutional republic, not a democratic republic. the former confines the government to prescribed and restricted powers while the latter allows a majority to tyrannize the minority.

Fuck off you impossible paranoid idiot!

You just have a problem with the word Democratic- because you are ANTI-DEMOCRATIC and just another Retard that wants to enforce your self-important self-interests on everyone else- AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!

I'm with the people- You can go and fuck yourself!
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If you don't know already- DON'T ASK ME.

No tell me what a republic is. You people toss around words and you have no clue what they mean. Case in point, ANY person who disagrees with leftists stupidity is a fascist, so no I'm not convinced you know what a republic is. When people do what you just did that means they don't know shit.
your olfactory nerves must be dead from all that cocaine you did as a kid. That would matter to just about anyone

I was always smart enough to avoid drugs for one reason- I may like the damn things a little too much if I tried them.

That philosophy has kept me drug free all of my life.

However, I see THC as a Medicinal Herb- not really a dangerous drug like Cocaine etc.
I was always smart enough to avoid drugs for one reason- I may like the damn things a little too much if I tried them.

That philosophy has kept me drug free all of my life.

However, I see THC as a Medicinal Herb- not really a dangerous drug like Cocaine etc.

like most things, they can be dangerous when used to excess. Before the advent of modern pharmaceuticals, cocaine was used a an anesthetic.
wrong. almost EVERY piece of the founders documentation clearly state that they were concerned that the new federal government would take power away from the states, so they wanted to ensure that the people would always retain power over the new federal government by never being denied their own arms.

Nordberg's propaganda comes straight out of Russia. Even Stalin used it.
Republic my ass!! The Republic of China- The Republic of Congo!

The United States is what is defined as a Democratic Republic.

A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. As a cross between two similar systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.


China is not a republic. Congo is not a republic.
There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'. A democracy is government by popular vote. It has no constitution and not representatives. A republic has a constitution and representatives. A republic is government by constitution.

You are trying to define a paradox.

You don't want either a democracy nor a republic. You want an oligarchy or dictatorship. You deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.