The left sneers at those who do not have college degrees.

The next time you lefties need your car repaired, plumber, electrician, general maintenance man or any of the myriad of professions that require specialized training and not a sheep skin. Insist that they be college educated then see how long it takes to get the needed repairs. College is great for many professions but often technical schools are just as demanding when it comes to knowledge and intelligence as many college degree programs. So sneer at the poor uneducated boob fixing your plumbing making $40 an hour with no student debt. Yea a college degree really makes one superior. I have an advanced Bachelors degree so I am speaking from experience.

you watch to much fox fantasy dribblings
I have not either. Some ppl dual-major, and of course there's the summa and magna cum laude honors. I'm curious to see what, if anything, Grumpy says in response to my post mentioning how he started a thread to mock me going back to university in my 60s, and how I was awarded an academic scholarship (which I did not apply for) -- and how that is somehow robbing some kid of an education. Yet he's getting a masters in engineering on line in his 70s. I wonder why one is okay and the other is not. ???

How does one get a scholarship without either you or someone you know putting your name in the hat? To the best of my knowledge scholarship funds don't recruit.
its a fox news talking point

they tell their idiot malleable brained viewers to scream Elitist at anyone who trys to correct the fucking lies they teach them as a response to REAL FACTS

the facts you give them kills the propaganda programming and sets the fox viewer into a brain panic

the slow brained Fox viewer is trained to believe screaming Elitist at people protects the fox news lies

they are just that fucking stupid
its a fox news talking point

they tell their idiot malleable brained viewers to scream Elitist at anyone who trys to correct the fucking lies they teach them as a response to REAL FACTS

the facts you give them kills the propaganda programming and sets the fox viewer into a brain panic

the slow brained Fox viewer is trained to believe screaming Elitist at people protects the fox news lies

they are just that fucking stupid
...are you OK?
How does one get a scholarship without either you or someone you know putting your name in the hat? To the best of my knowledge scholarship funds don't recruit.

quit pretending you are studying facts

you hate edumacation and facts

fucking stupid russo bot hole
you right wong fucks are a dumb as a turd bucket can be

the elitists are the trump types

massive money they got from family and just sure all other humans are their lessors

and what do you ass junk idiots do ???

call the decent people elitists while licking the ass of the real elitists

I wish you could see them laugh at you behind your back
you are too stupid to understand that just screaming ELITIST at people giving you real facts doesn't work in a fact based reality
Oh no someone with 2 brain cells is sneering at me, what ever am I gong to do LMFAO

Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha, that's like a kid in kindergarten sneering at people for not graduating high school

Spot the leftist

Leftist prefer college because they don't want to work, they want to party and smoke dope and listen to their communist professors teach them the glories of socialism and hand them that liberal arts degree they borrowed thousands of taxpayer's dollars to pay their stoned college trip into absurdity and pipe dreams, that got them their job at Burger King. Then they move into their parents basement, borrow money from Mom, join JPP and post the hilarious absurd and comical leftist horseshit we see here coming off of their Obama phone computers they got from BIG government.
Leftist prefer college because they don't want to work, they want to party and smoke dope and listen to their communist professors teach them the glories of socialism and hand them that liberal arts degree they borrowed thousands of taxpayer's dollars to pay their stoned college trip into absurdity and pipe dreams, that got them their job at Burger King. Then they move into their parents basement, borrow money from Mom, join JPP and post the hilarious absurd and comical leftist horseshit we see here coming off of their Obama phone computers they got from BIG government.
