The left sneers at those who do not have college degrees.

Whether one supported or didn’t support the Iraq War has absolutely nothing to do with how those without college degrees today are viewed. That’s just stupid.

Let’s just cut to the chase, this is all about partisanship. If you are white, don’t have a college degree and hold conservative political beliefs you will be mocked by liberals like Cypress. If you are a minority without a college degree, are anti-intellectual but vote Democratic you will get a pass. It’s not about disliking ignorance, it’s disliking those who don’t vote how you would like them to.

I have no idea why. Most college graduates I know are now in the trades than what they went to college for. Better pay, better benefits. And of course they pay most of the taxes Democrats crave so much.
I really disagree with you on the immigration aspect. There is a system in place for immigrants to become citizens; millions have availed themselves of this system; I recommend the person making “crap wages….under the table” use it. Perhaps we could make it less strenuous and less prosecutorial but there is a system in place.

Then we need to crack down harshly on those who hire illegals and pay them under the table. We don't, and that's why they come here.
Is she mocking me again? I wonder if this will shut anyone up. I didn't get schooling, so Mom could go to work, and I cold stay home, and take care of my slowly dying father. When he died, I started getting disability money. Dad was in the middle of a huge house renovation when he started going down hill. Mom got in a car accident shortly after that though, and the money from the settlement paid for the bills of the renovation. All this happened shortly after my beloved dog died of cancer. I was still kind of numb from that when Dad passed. I've basically seen hell, so if anyone wants to judge me, I'd like them to see if they can make a scratch in my shell. Getting a job during all this, wouldn't have been feasible.

Yes, the fake special ed teacher was once again mocking someone with issues. You don't owe anyone an explanation of your situation, especially the obsessed one.
Yes it is snobbery. Call it pay back for the put downs you lefties heap on red states.

Pointing out the truth -- that red states tend to be net takers from the federal till, while blue states tend to be net givers -- is not a put down. It is also true that states in the South tend to have more poverty, poorer health, lower incomes, less education -- than other states. Sorry you live in one. I lived in one as well, most of my adult life. I heard a *lot* more sneering from those without college degrees aimed at those who have them, than the other way around.

Here's an interesting anecdote for our racist haters on JPP: The majority of black coworkers I've had in my life were actively seeking to better themselves by attending college classes outside of work. In many cases the courses were not job-related so the student was paying for them out of her/his own pocket, rather than receiving tuition reimbursement. One of my friends, who started out as an LPN, now has a masters in health administration and is administrator of a large SNF in the St. Louis metro area. She also has her own business making jewelry and accessories. She doesn't sneer at those w/o degrees. She's trying to lift them up to her level.
I am actually working on one on line. So it was a white lie, like many tell here every day don't they? Wink, wink.

I wouldn't know. So if you're supposedly getting a masters degree on line, in your 70s, why on earth were you mocking me a while back for getting an academic scholarship and working towards a BS on campus? There sure was a lot of speculation as to how I was allegedly pushing some poor kid out of a spot (not true) and "Why would some old retired person want another degree?" and so on.
That’s false. What gets mocked are the teachers union who fight against change and any competition. What also gets mocked are white liberals who claim to support public education but send their kids to private school or move to wealthy largely white suburbs that have good public schools. Then these folks want to lecture others? Please.

I will admit I'm new here so I don't know for sure about this forum but on other message boards I visit, when the subject of public school education comes up, the word "indoctrination" is usually quickly submitted by someone who identifies as a conservative. That has nothing, it seems, to do with "fighting against change and any competition".
There is a lot of truth to that

What is also true is that the illegals who take payment under the table (and I can't blame them in most cases) are not being victimized; they are willing accomplices in this....crime? Again, if I were in that situation, I would have both hands out to take as much under-the-table money as possible.

Jailing employers/payers of/to illegals would be a great start. But at the same time, if the illegals are not availing themselves of the citizenship process, they have only themselves to blame when they are deported.
I will admit I'm new here so I don't know for sure about this forum but on other message boards I visit, when the subject of public school education comes up, the word "indoctrination" is usually quickly submitted by someone who identifies as a conservative. That has nothing, it seems, to do with "fighting against change and any competition".

I’m referencing the fight against charter schools and really any change to the status quo. And that’s just not a conservative thing as you can find great quotes from such luminaries as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates about the need for change. And the ones hurt the most by the continued status quo are the poor and minorities. Those with money are generally fine.
I’m referencing the fight against charter schools and really any change to the status quo. And that’s just not a conservative thing as you can find great quotes from such luminaries as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates about the need for change. And the ones hurt the most by the continued status quo are the poor and minorities. Those with money are generally fine.

Ahh, my apologies.

I think what we should do is this:

Take 5 states or so with a wide disparity in sizes, populations, climate, etc... and see what happens when we have:

Full school choice via voucher
Partial school choice via voucher
Make no changes whatsoever

Full choice states:

Partial choice states:

Keep the same:

Let the systems run for 10 years and then see how it works. You could also do this with school districts and by regions within states (they don't have to be entire states if that is too radical for the local pols). At the end of 10 years, see where the states, districts, regions stack up against one another. The key is to have the experiment and see what happens. The modeling that is done is probably all done in good faith but nothing substitutes like having the rubber hit the road.

I frankly would like to see structural changes made to public schools before we start tinkering with them though and try that first. I can see shipping your daughter across town to play Westside High in a volley ball match but sending her 3-400 miles away to play a school that you've never heard of? No. It's crazy. A co-worker of mine sent her daughter 300 miles away to go to a cheer leading competition. Crazy. No way we should be spending money on that as a society.
The truth is a lot of smart people would go nuts working in an office or a lab. We are all different. Work choice is often something a person just falls into. Often we just learn to avoid some jobs after trying them.
How many want to be a proctologist? It pays well? How many want to be a gynecologist? How many want to build houses? How many want to be plumbers? Some people love it.
What profession someone is in is not that revealing about what the person is like.