The left will likely oppose this; guess why

Christiecrite says no to the "No Repeat Child Sex Offenders Act," which proposes making child sexual abuse a capital offense, potentially leading to the death penalty or life imprisonment for offenders.

Christiecrite opposes child protection measures.
Christiecrite says no to the "No Repeat Child Sex Offenders Act," which proposes making child sexual abuse a capital offense, potentially leading to the death penalty or life imprisonment for offenders.

Christiecrite opposes child protection measures.
Leggiecrite lies as usual. Christie opposes the death penalty for any offenders.

Btw leggiecrite, your comments are fallacious. :nodyes:
Leggiecrite lies as usual. Christie opposes the death penalty for any offenders.

Christiecrite says no to the "No Repeat Child Sex Offenders Act," which proposes making child sexual abuse a capital offense, potentially leading to the death penalty or life imprisonment for offenders.

Why does Christiecrite coddle criminals of this ilk?

Fucking Mexican Americans voting for Republicans...I guess that they all want to be deported whether they were born here or not.

After the money that I lost betting on Oscar DeLaHoya
in fights he should have one if he wasn't snorting blow in salsa clubs,
I can't argue too hard against it.

I don't believe in execution, but I do believe in humane euthanasia.
Thr OP is certainly on my list of appropriate candidates.

Liberalese to English Translation (provided by the number 3 and the letter H):

Derp Derp Derp, I hate republicans. I especially hate the ones that are brown or even, heaven forfend, black! Those jerks should vote how I (me, number one, my me mine) tell them to vote because they are so very stupid, and brown. They shouldn't think or form opinions that are contrary to us super smart liberal white folk because their brown skin makes them stupid and their decisions wrong. Thankfully for them, we are here to think on their behalf, and to scare them into voting exactly like we tell them to vote, we tell them it is because "or else those republicans they would vote for if they had their own opinions will do bad things to them"...

Jerks, stop thinking, you can't do it well, because you are brown and too stupid to form opinions without my input.
Christiecrite says no to the "No Repeat Child Sex Offenders Act," which proposes making child sexual abuse a capital offense, potentially leading to the death penalty or life imprisonment for offenders.

Why does Christiecrite coddle criminals of this ilk?
Leggiecrite uses the false dichotomy fallacy to argue that there's only one way to handle child sexual abuse, and that is by the death penalty.

Leggiecrite never brought up life imprisonment until now, after I said offenders should be thrown into Gitmo.