The left will likely oppose this; guess why


Amerikkkans seem very comfortable living with people that murder them by the thousands. They even pay their killers billions of dollars every year.
Fucking Mexican Americans voting for Republicans...I guess that they all want to be deported whether they were born here or not.

After the money that I lost betting on Oscar DeLaHoya
in fights he should have one if he wasn't snorting blow in salsa clubs,
I can't argue too hard against it.

I don't believe in execution, but I do believe in humane euthanasia.
Thr OP is certainly on my list of appropriate candidates.
Leggiecrite uses the false dichotomy fallacy to argue that there's only one way to handle child sexual abuse, and that is by the death penalty.

Leggiecrite never brought up life imprisonment until now, after I said offenders should be thrown into Gitmo.
Fallacy fallacy. No dichotomy is being discussed here at all.

silence means consent​

"If you do not voice your objection to something, then it is assumed that you support it."


silence means consent​

"If you do not voice your objection to something, then it is assumed that you support it."

Let the record show that no JPP Democrats have expressed any objection to child rape, and only one so far has stated that they support Re. Lun's bill.