Maybe you're just a racist. Every consider that?
By a constantly changing definition, that wouldn't surprise me. But tell me, what would you consider racist? Is it racist to only judge someone by their character rather than race?
Maybe you're just a racist. Every consider that?
Did it start with the Soviets putting so much effort into promoting Marxism at our Universities in the 60's onwards, that our not standing up to a foreign power corrupting our Universities then was our original sin ?
I don't have a problem with a Conservative Political Ideology. I see it as equally important as a Liberal Political Ideology.
But, for several political cycles now, I don't recognize Republicans anymore. All I see are hateful White Supremacists hellbent to get their way by lying, cheating, and acting like complete assholes and hypocrites!
I just don't like you Republicans individually or personally anymore! You people are some of the most hateful people on earth!
There's definitely a lot of infiltration that happened in academia, but the roots of this go back to the 1890s and early 1900s. Figures like Emma Goldman were early anarchists that spread their ideas into academia and among the general public. Anarchism and Marxism share a lot in common, and both were born out of a reaction to the predominant social order of the mid to late 1800s. By the 1960s, there had already been multiple generations of academics in positions of influence that were sympathetic to anarchism and sometimes Marxism. Infiltration was a more coordinated effort that was sponsored by the USSR as far back as the 1940s. Multiple figures in FDR's administration had been outed as either compromised by the Soviets or sympathetic to the point of being questionable in their loyalties.
The Venona Project covered a lot of points of interest regarding these influences:
I think it is pretty clear that the current collapse of America dates back to the collapse of the University, the failure of the University is the main driver here, that the only questions are when did it happen and who is responsible.
it's the genocidal anti human bankers and their fake money scam, and their subsequent opportunity for complete corruption of everything.
Well I spect you kow what Bret says....that what has happened to America is some people have long been hit with a absence of opportunity, which is driven by the rent seeking elites who corrupted government in order to not only keep the gravy flowing but also to increase the flow, and that they are in part driving the mobs on the streets because it all to their benefit to have mobs yelling that the main problem is the racism of the keeps peoples eyes and minds diverted from the real problem.....which is why the elites are thrilled to pay bribes to BLM to keep things going this way.
most of society is a caculated distraction.
I have been saying that since the late 80's....for instance I said from the start that the so-called abortion debate starting in the 80's was intended as a diversion.
Because Americans are blind to class and ignorant of power we have generally never been able to pick out who the con men are, and even if we did we would have no clue how to confront them.
....and now critical thought is white supremacy.
"im really down today"
he bemoaned ineffectively into cyberspace...
These people who have been trained at the Failed University to overthrow America via revolution understand power, they understand it very very well....and the nation is largely unequipted to either understand what is happening or to do anything about it....that is why the collapse is so rapid.
"I will be dead soon, it is you fuckers who will have to deal with the consequences of this failure to perform...I choose to laugh my ass off...this is cosmically hilarious!"
Carlin, paraphrased.
the uppercrusties are all paid off by china. soo...
I don't know
I try so hard to eschew nihilism...
I took it as "You have to either laugh or cry, and I choose to laugh my ass off".
I try to do that too.
By the way I talk on here about what is going on and how fucked America is and boy we sure deserve it because the quality of our work has been Dog Shit for a lot of decades you might think I am a miserable fuck.
I am anything thing I have learned very very well over this life is how to do things right even as my peers mostly dont...I certainly am now an expert at having fun!
By a constantly changing definition, that wouldn't surprise me. But tell me, what would you consider racist? Is it racist to only judge someone by their character rather than race?