The march to kill democracy.

What about , Barry O, Nordberg?? I'm sure that he could save America !! There must be some way the DNC can fix it so that Barry O. can go head to head with the evil, racist, fascist, orange man on the 5th November this year !!

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Your the cult of one man


The United states is not a DIRECT democracy (like ancient ATHENS), rather, it is a REPRESENTATIVE democracy.
Democracies have no representatives. There is no such thing as a 'direct' or 'indirect' democracy.
That is, Americans in each of the 50 states vote in democratic ("one vote-one value" elections) to select their Congressional REPRESENTATIVES (for the House and the Senate).
Nope. Those elections are strictly governed by a constitution, and those representatives have limited authority and term of service. Democracies have no constitution.
America is a Constitutional Republic
Redundant. All republics have constitutions. A republic is government by law.
that is a REPRESENTATIVE (liberal) democracy.
A democracy is not a republic. A democracy has no representatives and no constitution.
At least, that is how is was set up, and that is what it is still supposed to be. RIGHT?
The United States was organized as a federated republic. Each State is a republic, and the federal layer is also a republic.
There is no 'setup' for a democracy. A democracy is government by popular vote. There is no constitution, and there are no representatives.

The system of government that operates in Great Britain today is called a Constitutional Monarchy.
The UK is currently an oligarchy. It has no constitution.
In this system - which exists within a parliamentary democracy - the hereditary Monarch, (currently King Charles III), acts as a non party political (de facto/symbolic) Head of State. The role of the Constitutional monarch in Britain today is, by convention, mainly restricted to performing representative and civic role, but does not include executive or policy-making powers.
A democracy has no parliament or king.
Ironically, an American President seems to me to have the ready ability wield tremendous, personal, political power - while he is in office.
He has a good deal of the kind of tyrannical power that a historical English monarch like King John or King Henry VIII (the kind of power that horrified the Founding Fathers !)
The President is not a king.
Consider, for instance, the way President Joe Biden
Joe Biden is not President. He was never elected.
issued 60+ EXECUTIVE ORDERS (within the first 100 days of his administration)
Most of those have been overruled and nullified by courts.
to open the Southern Border
Biden's invitation of invasion of the United States is an act of treason.
It was clearly implied. I guess higher brain functions than those of an amoeba are something you lack. For YOUR information, you likely never look at any of the regulations or rules federal agencies make or question any of them.
Nothing was "implied"... YOU just purposely misconstrue or just out and out lie about what others say when you can't BS past the FACTS! Your last sentence is just more dodgy, out of your ass blather, as you clearly don't have the maturity and honesty to admit your error regarding the March of Dimes .... much less anything thing else.
The United states is not a DIRECT democracy (like ancient ATHENS), rather, it is a REPRESENTATIVE democracy. That is, Americans in each of the 50 states vote in democratic ("one vote-one value" elections) to select their Congressional REPRESENTATIVES (for the House and the Senate).

America is a Constitutional Republic that is a REPRESENTATIVE (liberal) democracy. At least, that is how is was set up, and that is what it is still supposed to be. RIGHT?

The system of government that operates in Great Britain today is called a Constitutional Monarchy. In this system - which exists within a parliamentary democracy - the hereditary Monarch, (currently King Charles III), acts as a non party political (de facto/symbolic) Head of State. The role of the Constitutional monarch in Britain today is, by convention, mainly restricted to performing representative and civic role, but does not include executive or policy-making powers.

Ironically, an American President seems to me to have the ready ability wield tremendous, personal, political power - while he is in office. He has a good deal of the kind of tyrannical power that a historical English monarch like King John or King Henry VIII (the kind of power that horrified the Founding Fathers !) Consider, for instance, the way President Joe Biden issued 60+ EXECUTIVE ORDERS (within the first 100 days of his administration) to open the Southern Border and then ENCOURAGE some 18+ million UN-VETTED, ILLEGAL, foreign aliens to pour into America. A 15 year - old could have told you that allowing Biden to do this using EXECUTIVE ORDERS ( in order to bypass Congress) was pure, tyrannical, Batshit - madness.

RIGHT ?? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
the Nazi dog from down under barks again. I'm always fascinated how these neo-fascist/totalitarian gits blather on about other political/social societies while ignoring the historical failures of their own ideology. Classic.
They confirm it. The EPA fucked up. Now the EPA is fucking up the recovery from their fuck up. The whole thing is in many ways a cover up. Those that got fucked are fighting the EPA and each other on what to do to fix the EPA's fuck up.

The Chernobyl disaster is the same thing. An unaccountable government does shit that is fucked up. When everything goes south, they cover it up and hold no one accountable for the disaster they created. Those that got fucked get nothing.

The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.
Your blathering again, bunky. As the chronology of the posts clearly shows, your first link doesn't want gov't help, the second complains about not enough EPA bucks, and the last points to local, private, state & federal haggling. They contradict your myopic view, so you just parrot "The EPA fucked up and you won't admit it!" Sadly, that does NOT address the flaws in your links that don't wholly support all you've stated. Typical MAGA mook move.

Oh, and only a completely proud ignorant would compare a communist gov't handling of it's public utilities to an American oversight and regulation agency. You have yet to factually prove a "cover-up" by the EPA based on your own offered information.

No one said the EPA is flawless, but YOU just do the usual MAGA parroting that private industry can take care of itself and any federal oversight or accountability is somehow unconstitutional or anti-American.

Saying it and proving it are two different things. Carry on.
Yep, the ultra-conservatives have worked for decades to get this SCOTUS aligned with their agenda. Here it is:

Didn't Orwell lay out the blueprint for designing a global governance by 1984? Gee 40 years after projected date, here it is. Internet at the core. Ohy took two extra generation gaps to achieve it.
the Nazi dog from down under barks again. I'm always fascinated how these neo-fascist/totalitarian gits blather on about other political/social societies while ignoring the historical failures of their own ideology. Classic.
That was a "word salad" worthy of Joe Biden. I think it was intended to be a criticism of Conservative political philosophy (?) With respect to "historical failures, Conservatives didn't murder 100,000,000 human beings in the 20th century, Taichi, Baby. I think you will find it was the left (Marxists) who did that.

I also think you will agree that the neo-Marxist/"progressive"/globalist Democrat lunatics who have controlled Biden since 20th Jan, 2021, are responsible for the very worst American government in US history.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
To each of your sentences:

1. As I previously wrote: "And remember, the agencies are NOT perfect....look how long it took to lock up the sob's of Massey Energy."
2. Again, a generalization on your part. FYI:
3. Ahh, but the SCOTUS is applying a "short leash", they are literally taking the reigns WITHOUT HAVING THE EXPERTISE ON THE DETAILS.
4. You're flat out WRONG. FYI: and the United States have settled all,rather than continuing to expend resources on litigation.

You should really know WTF you're talking about before you endorse the bad decisions of a MAGA SCOTUS to "take your chances" with.

We have a Constitution - you Marxists just don't like it.

The concept of an "administrative court or judge" is a direct affront to our Constitutional Republic.

I apologize in advance, knowing that the Constitution on a democrat is like salt on a slug, but...

Article III

Section 1

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

There is no constitutional provision for the executive branch to usurp the judicial by creating an alternate judiciary controlled by the executive - thwarting the checks and balances inherent in our Republic.
The EPA usurped the courts and established a second judiciary independent from the legitimate courts.

It's unfortunate that you know nothing of law or the Constitution.
Yet they still didn’t make “all the decisions for the judiciary.”