The march to kill democracy.

Sure. The most corrupt politician we ever had can save us. Perhaps he can by suicide.

Your blathering again, bunky. As the chronology of the posts clearly shows, your first link doesn't want gov't help, the second complains about not enough EPA bucks, and the last points to local, private, state & federal haggling. They contradict your myopic view, so you just parrot "The EPA fucked up and you won't admit it!" Sadly, that does NOT address the flaws in your links that don't wholly support all you've stated. Typical MAGA mook move.

Oh, and only a completely proud ignorant would compare a communist gov't handling of it's public utilities to an American oversight and regulation agency. You have yet to factually prove a "cover-up" by the EPA based on your own offered information.

No one said the EPA is flawless, but YOU just do the usual MAGA parroting that private industry can take care of itself and any federal oversight or accountability is somehow unconstitutional or anti-American.

Saying it and proving it are two different things. Carry on.
Private industry can take care of itself. It has done so before and it can continue to do so.

People CAN sue for damages a private industry causes, you know.

The EPA has done NOTHING to clean up or prevent ANY spill or pollution.
The EPA itself IS unconstitutional. Congress never had any authority to create such an agency.

Fascism doesn't work, Taichi.
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Except the court records clearly show it’s been the Republican Party who has cheated in elections for decade

You cannot blame your problems on Republicans or anybody else, Vincy.
That was a "word salad" worthy of Joe Biden. I think it was intended to be a criticism of Conservative political philosophy (?) With respect to "historical failures, Conservatives didn't murder 100,000,000 human beings in the 20th century, Taichi, Baby. I think you will find it was the left (Marxists) who did that.

I also think you will agree that the neo-Marxist/"progressive"/globalist Democrat lunatics who have controlled Biden since 20th Jan, 2021, are responsible for the very worst American government in US history.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Ahh, the Nazi dog now parrots a phrase ("word salad") used by those who have no logical or rational retort to a fact or truthful observation. Pity for them that the objective, rational and honest reader can see through the fascist fog our little Nazi dog from down under blows out of his lower orifice.

Let me just (once again) pull the rug out from under the Nazi dog's BS: let's see, the 20th century ..... WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, all that nastiness with Russia and it's neighbors prior to the Cold War, Britian and Northern Ireland, the 6 Day War with Israel, U.S.A. backed coups in South America and parts of the Middle East and Africa. A little honest, comprehensive research shows that the Nazi dog's myopic and revisionist "history" leaves much to be desired it the way of accuracy.

I could go on, but the Nazi's dog's brain has in part turned off, as contrary facts could cause a seizure .... this usually happens with 3rd rate racist/bigoted propagandist like our Nazi dog from Down Under.

Carry on!
Ahh, the Nazi dog now parrots a phrase ("word salad") used by those who have no logical or rational retort to a fact or truthful observation. Pity for them that the objective, rational and honest reader can see through the fascist fog our little Nazi dog from down under blows out of his lower orifice.

Let me just (once again) pull the rug out from under the Nazi dog's BS: let's see, the 20th century ..... WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, all that nastiness with Russia and it's neighbors prior to the Cold War, Britian and Northern Ireland, the 6 Day War with Israel, U.S.A. backed coups in South America and parts of the Middle East and Africa. A little honest, comprehensive research shows that the Nazi dog's myopic and revisionist "history" leaves much to be desired it the way of accuracy.

I could go on, but the Nazi's dog's brain has in part turned off, as contrary facts could cause a seizure .... this usually happens with 3rd rate racist/bigoted propagandist like our Nazi dog from Down Under.

Carry on!

Dear Taichiliberal

You just don't get it, do you?

Here's an objective fact that even a lard - assed, Lilly - White, pseudo-intellectual, left/progressive DUMMYCRAT like you should be able to google up and confirm.

Ready ?

Nothing, NOTHING in the past 1000 years comes even close to the amount of tyranny, terror and mass murder brought about by Marxist regimes.

After the Berlin Wall fell in late 1989, revolutions brought down most of the world's communist (Marxist - Leninist). Today there are only 5 nations: China; Laos; Vietnam; Cuba North Korea (and the American state of California) where communism remains the official ideology of the ruling parties. (BTW, Taichi, I was in England on the evening that the Berlin Wall fell - which was the 9th of November, 1989. After the news broke, I got myself on a flight to Berlin as soon as I could to go check out this amazing moment in world history. Two days later I landed in Berlin and hot-footed it to the Wall.When I arrived, I saw the wall covered with jubilant, young West Berliners who were busy attacking it with sledge hammers, drills, crow-bars, saws - anything they could use - to smash down the hated concrete barrier. The West Berlin side of the Wall was heavily covered in colourful graffiti and I managed to get a big chunk of it to keep as a memento. It is still on display in my living room today as a symbol of the death of the "Evil Empire" (Something you wouldn't understand or appreciate, Taichiliberal !).

I now have a challenge for you, TCL; it will require you to be brutally honest with yourself, if, that is, you actually possess the degree of moral integrity required to do so ( ! ).

So, here's the deal... As you are clearly an apologist for the modern - day (Cultural) Marxism of the Democratic Party in America, you should - being a leftist "political animal" - have no qualms ( at least in principle) about happily going of to live in a communist nation like China or North Korea tomorrow. I mean, it would be SOOOO much better than horrible, Western capitalism. Right Taichi ? (Just think, how inspiring and joyful life would be in Beijing - dutifully kissing Chairman Xi's freckle, 24/7. :sick::sick:Or the fun you would have in Laos wiping your ass with a bamboo leaf in your mud hut after meals).

Now, remembering you must be brutally honest - is this or is this not, true, TCL ?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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