The march to kill democracy.

Dear Taichiliberal

You just don't get it, do you?

Here's an objective fact that even a lard - assed, Lilly - White, pseudo-intellectual, left/progressive DUMMYCRAT like you should be able to google up and confirm.

Ready ?

Nothing, NOTHING in the past 1000 years comes even close to the amount of tyranny, terror and mass murder brought about by Marxist regimes.

After the Berlin Wall fell in late 1989, revolutions brought down most of the world's communist (Marxist - Leninist). Today there are only 5 nations: China; Laos; Vietnam; Cuba North Korea (and the American state of California) where communism remains the official ideology of the ruling parties. (BTW, Taichi, I was in England on the evening that the Berlin Wall fell - which was the 9th of November, 1989. After the news broke, I got myself on a flight to Berlin as soon as I could to go check out this amazing moment in world history. Two days later I landed in Berlin and hot-footed it to the Wall.When I arrived, I saw the wall covered with jubilant, young West Berliners who were busy attacking it with sledge hammers, drills, crow-bars, saws - anything they could use - to smash down the hated concrete barrier. The West Berlin side of the Wall was heavily covered in colourful graffiti and I managed to get a big chunk of it to keep as a memento. It is still on display in my living room today as a symbol of the death of the "Evil Empire" (Something you wouldn't understand or appreciate, Taichiliberal !).

I now have a challenge for you, TCL; it will require you to be brutally honest with yourself, if, that is, you actually possess the degree of moral integrity required to do so ( ! ).

So, here's the deal... As you are clearly an apologist for the modern - day (Cultural) Marxism of the Democratic Party in America, you should - being a leftist "political animal" - have no qualms ( at least in principle) about happily going of to live in a communist nation like China or North Korea tomorrow. I mean, it would be SOOOO much better than horrible, Western capitalism. Right Taichi ? (Just think, how inspiring and joyful life would be in Beijing - dutifully kissing Chairman Xi's freckle, 24/7. :sick::sick:Or the fun you would have in Laos wiping your ass with a bamboo leaf in your mud hut after meals).

Now, remembering you must be brutally honest - is this or is this not, true, TCL ?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Let's recap: Post #12 has our Nazi dog having a seizure and barking all types of racist rhetoric while TOTALLY AVOIDING THE TOPIC OF THE OP.

From then on, the Nazi Dog from Down Under regales us with the usual bigoted & fascist rhetoric and myopic/revisionist history, ignoring my easily verified general review of world history that does NOT support the Nazi Dog's blather...not to mention IGNORING THE CONTENT OF THE OP. Then he blathers on with his convoluted "logic", using his own nonsense to validate his earlier errors. And of course he does the usual dimwitted shuffle.....trying to change the subject by introducing a "challenge" (again off topic) that he deems MUST be answered or I forfeit all credibility of the OP and all I post thereafter.

Once almost has to feel sorry for the Nazi Dog....seeing countries like France and England give neo-fascism the boot and knowing that the rest of the world is catching on (if slowly).

As always, the chronology of the posts is the undoing for MAGA mooks and racists. I leave the little fool to rail and wail as he zeig heil's the mirror on what a great job he's doing. :LOL:

Michigan Gov. Whitmer (D) has signed bills into law prohibiting election recounts conducted due to allegations of FRAUƊ.Why would Democrats do this?Whitmer said in a statement that this supports “fair and free elections that make sure the winner can take office without unnecessary interference.”Also, the legislation will not allow an election board to investigate allegations of fraud; instead, they must refer the matter to the prosecuting attorney of the county or the state attorney general.

The Russian army was supposed to be "collapsing," but it's growing, advancing, and winning in Ukraine. The Russian President was supposed to be "Isolated", but he's just met two NATO leaders and the Presidents of the biggest manufacturing economy and the biggest democracy on Earth. The Russian Economy was meant to be "In Tatters" but it will outgrow all other developed economies this year.Western sanctions were meant to cripple Russia, but they have failed gloriously. The Russian people were meant to be "rebelling" against Putin, but he won 80% of the votes in the election. Ukraine was meant to be a "Democracy" but it's run by a corrupt Dictator who bans all opposition, opresses the church and discriminates against those speaking the language he grew up speaking. Now, after decades of cultivating this war with Russia, NATO and its EUSA accomplices openly admit they are fighting the Russians, something they denied for years. A billion Dollar disinformation machine called the Western mainstream media, deeply infiltrated and controlled by Western intelligence, peddles these lies and myths to you. They never retract their lies on the basis of facts, they, like their handlers in the pro War elites simply escalate. The bigger the lie, the more people belive it. Stay awake, recognise their motivations for what they are, It's only going to get worse as the scale of their failure in Ukraine emerges.
And Suuuuuuuupid.......I dont think anyone saw that happening.....Americans have become brainwashed ignorant motherfuckers.
Let's recap: Post #12 has our Nazi dog having a seizure and barking all types of racist rhetoric while TOTALLY AVOIDING THE TOPIC OF THE OP.

From then on, the Nazi Dog from Down Under regales us with the usual bigoted & fascist rhetoric and myopic/revisionist history, ignoring my easily verified general review of world history that does NOT support the Nazi Dog's blather...not to mention IGNORING THE CONTENT OF THE OP. Then he blathers on with his convoluted "logic", using his own nonsense to validate his earlier errors. And of course he does the usual dimwitted shuffle.....trying to change the subject by introducing a "challenge" (again off topic) that he deems MUST be answered or I forfeit all credibility of the OP and all I post thereafter.

Once almost has to feel sorry for the Nazi Dog....seeing countries like France and England give neo-fascism the boot and knowing that the rest of the world is catching on (if slowly).

As always, the chronology of the posts is the undoing for MAGA mooks and racists. I leave the little fool to rail and wail as he zeig heil's the mirror on what a great job he's doing. :LOL:
Inversion fallacy. You cannot blame your problems on anybody else.
MAGA is not a person.
Fascism is a form of socialism, like DEMOCRATS.
It is DEMOCRATS that are racist and bigots.
The Nazis were primarily fascists, like DEMOCRATS.