The modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism

You arent suggesting you're "smart" by calling others stupid are you?

I am just pointing how stupid he and you are. Is that not enough?

He, and you by extension, are pushing a view that DeSantis and other Republican governors (and the Trump admin) did not order lock downs during covid and it was only a Dem thing.

As i have schooled him you see him now trying to backpedal a bit and switch to a claim of 'who was worse'. But that is not what he claimed to begin with, which is that only Dem's did it.

Pure stupidity on his end, that you went along with.
I am just pointing how stupid he and you are. Is that not enough?

He, and you by extension, are pushing a view that DeSantis and other Republican governors (and the Trump admin) did not order lock downs during covid and it was only a Dem thing.

As i have schooled him you see him now trying to backpedal a bit and switch to a claim of 'who was worse'. But that is not what he claimed to begin with, which is that only Dem's did it.

Pure stupidity on his end, that you went along with.

Oh right I forgot you're a leftist and leftist believe things are true simply because they think they are true. My bad. The problem is I do care what you think is true.

I almost suspect you think calling people stupid makes them stupid. You don't still leave cookies and milk for Santa do you?
I am just pointing how stupid he and you are. Is that not enough?

He, and you by extension, are pushing a view that DeSantis and other Republican governors (and the Trump admin) did not order lock downs during covid and it was only a Dem thing.

As i have schooled him you see him now trying to backpedal a bit and switch to a claim of 'who was worse'. But that is not what he claimed to begin with, which is that only Dem's did it.

Pure stupidity on his end, that you went along with.

It is only a Dem thing. Trump ordered no lockdowns or closing of businesses. DEMOCRATS did.
Oh right I forgot you're a leftist and leftist believe things are true simply because they think they are true. My bad. The problem is I do care what you think is true.

I almost suspect you think calling people stupid makes them stupid. You don't still leave cookies and milk for Santa do you?

hahhaha OMG you are so stupid you think it is not true that DeSantis and Trump's admin did not push lock down orders during covid.

hahaha you have been lied to and duped again.

Florida's DeSantis issues statewide stay-at-home order to curb coronavirus

ahaha at you not knowing the above really happened.
look at all the lefties brazenly using fascism to push for more fascism while they point fingers at the other side and call them fascists..........

Look at the ignorant right that doesn't even understand the meaning of the word. it's obvious who the fascists are while the right just likes to blame the left for whatever they are being accused of. Just like racism, they like to say the democrat is racist while virtually every outwardly racist group like the KKK is 100% right wing.
you are such a fucking retard

Disney setup a crony government where elections are purely a farce and only landowners get a say

When the people were set to get control, this fascist entity voted to try to keep the people from having a say forever

you will allow any form of disgusting corruption if it helps your political ideology.

You don't know a fucking thing about Disney's previous agreements with the state and how beneficial Disney has been to Florida. You are an ignorant jackass.
derp derp.

He has overwhelming support of the citizens of the state - unlike Disney. He is also just one branch

you are too stupid to have a conversation with.

He HAD overwhelming support from the citizens of Florida until he showed his dictorial hand. he doesn't stand a chance of winning the primary and if he did he would be crushed in a general election. All of the left, most of the independants and even a significant number from the right aren't interested in his fascist book burning and telling professional educators how to treat our children, he is disgusting.
If the "modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism" then it should be noted that the modern Democrat party has already achieved fascism and then some.
You don't know a fucking thing about Disney's previous agreements with the state and how beneficial Disney has been to Florida. You are an ignorant jackass.

everything I said was a fact

landowners only get a vote - and they can only vote for another landowner

Disney gets to cast 67% of the vote because they own 67% of the land

that is the precise "democracy" that you are championing.
We are witnessing the logical culmination of win-at-any-cost Trump Republican politics – scorched-earth tactics used by Republicans to entrench their power, with no justification other than that they can.

Democracy is about means. Under it, citizens don’t have to agree on ends (abortion, healthcare, guns or whatever else we disagree about) as long as we agree on democratic means for handling our disagreements.

But for Trump Republicans, the ends justify whatever means they choose – including expelling lawmakers, rigging elections through gerrymandering, refusing to raise the debt ceiling and denying the outcome of a legitimate presidential election.

We went fascist in the 1990's asshat. Ironically, you're right about the GOP, they are the party who drove us there.
If the "modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism" then it should be noted that the modern Democrat party has already achieved fascism and then some.

Utter bullshit. You cannot come up with any evidence of democrats being facist while trump openly says what he wants, and it is classic fascism.

Donald Trump in interviews with conservative news outlets, has been floating the idea of using the military to control crime, purging government workers, and siccing the DOJ on whistleblowers. The former president's vision for expanding federal power has all the hallmarks of authoritarianism that has constitutional scholars raising alarms that he will be going way past the extremes he reached during his four years in the Oval Office. According to constitutional law expert Steve Vladeck of the University of Texas, the former president's hopes to deploy the military domestically would be going far beyond what is legally or constitutionally permissible.

You can't get any more Hitlesque than that!
We are witnessing the logical culmination of win-at-any-cost Trump Republican politics – scorched-earth tactics used by Republicans to entrench their power, with no justification other than that they can.

Democracy is about means. Under it, citizens don’t have to agree on ends (abortion, healthcare, guns or whatever else we disagree about) as long as we agree on democratic means for handling our disagreements.

But for Trump Republicans, the ends justify whatever means they choose – including expelling lawmakers, rigging elections through gerrymandering, refusing to raise the debt ceiling and denying the outcome of a legitimate presidential election.

fascism is the union of state and corporate power.

big pharma hijacking governmental authorities to mandate their products is a timely example.
Utter bullshit. You cannot come up with any evidence of democrats being facist while trump openly says what he wants, and it is classic fascism.

Donald Trump in interviews with conservative news outlets, has been floating the idea of using the military to control crime, purging government workers, and siccing the DOJ on whistleblowers. The former president's vision for expanding federal power has all the hallmarks of authoritarianism that has constitutional scholars raising alarms that he will be going way past the extremes he reached during his four years in the Oval Office. According to constitutional law expert Steve Vladeck of the University of Texas, the former president's hopes to deploy the military domestically would be going far beyond what is legally or constitutionally permissible.

You can't get any more Hitlesque than that!

We can start with this thread going on right now.

As for your examples of things Trump wanted to do but actually didn't

Going after whistleblowers. The Democrats actually have done that repeatedly.

Judiciary Democrats go after GOP ‘whistleblowers’ in FBI probes

Democrats Go After Whistleblowers in FBI Weaponization Probe

Using the military for controlling crime? Democrats want to do that too...

“The law is the law”: Dems threaten to deploy military after cops refuse to enforce gun laws

So, you can get more fascist than that, and those fascists are the Democrats.
Utter bullshit. You cannot come up with any evidence of democrats being facist


Evidence that the democrat Reich is fascist. When the Reich press colluded with federal agencies to spread disinformation about the Hunter Biden laptop from hell that implicates "The Big Guy" as taking bribes and selling influence to foreign nationals; when the FBI/CIA/NSA cabal lied to the American people that this was "Russian Disinformation," playing off the earlier fraud they perpetrated in seditious acts against the president of the United States; when they did this in order to tamper with and corrupt a federal, national election, should they not all face charges of treason? Is this not fascism - classical fascist control of the press?

Traditionally, conservatives favor bottom up governance, where the people have to greatest political power. Electing representatives to govern in cities and towns who are directly responsible to the people. Towns and cities cede a small portion of the authority granted by the people to counties and shires. Counties cede a small portion of their authority to states. States then cede a small portion of authority to the federation, the federal government for the purpose of national courts and national defense.

democrats have a far different view, where there is a ruler, or group of rulers in Washington DC who hold absolute power. The Ruler will appoint barons, earls, ministers, secretaries, et al. to execute the will of the ruling caste on the many states. Governors are the rulers of the individual state, deriving their power from the central government and submit to rule by the central government. Counties must submit to the rule of the state, cities must submit to the rule of the counties, and the people must submit to the rule of every level of government.

Abortion being dictated by the central rulers is consistent with the top down rule of democrats, but is at odds with bottom up governance as supported by conservatives.
Fascism is a sect of socialism. Fascism is collectivist by definition. The idea of raising taxes to increase spending by the central government is a very collectivist idea - entirely consistent with fascism.

So WHAT is fascism?

Fascism is ultimately the supremacy of the state, the concept that ALL power ultimately is the rightful domain of the central, in our case federal, government.

Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants and deeply dedicated to the cause of socialism. But of course he was a megalomaniac and not going to play second fiddle to anyone, Il Deuce was the boss.

Mussolini set out to fix some of the deep flaws of the Bolsheviks. First was the issue of human nature. The Bolsheviks addressed this by corruption, Lenin and later Stalin made corruption a central feature of Communism, because nothing gets accomplished without the promise of reward. Graft is a poor way of managing.

Italy is the birth place of the modern market, Venice the heart of the Renaissance. Also the rise of the Guilds. The Marxists in academia like to lie and claim that Fascism is "corporatist" - whatever the fuck that means. But in reality Mussolini followed the guild structure.

Surprisingly, Wikipedia does a good job of explaining how these guilds under Il Deuce were nothing like a modern corporation.

A fascist corporation is a government body that brings together federations of workers and employers syndicates belonging to the same profession and branch, to regulate production in a holistic manner. Each trade union would theoretically represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. It was theorized that this method could result in harmony amongst social classes.[35]

In Italy from 1922 until 1943, corporatism became influential amongst Italian nationalists led by Benito Mussolini. The Charter of Carnaro gained much popularity as the prototype of a "corporative state", having displayed much within its tenets as a guild system combining the concepts of autonomy and authority in a special synthesis.[36] Alfredo Rocco spoke of a corporative state and declared corporatist ideology in detail. Rocco would later become a member of the Italian fascist regime.[37]

Italian Fascism involved a corporatist political system in which the economy was collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level.[38] Its supporters claimed that corporatism could better recognize or "incorporate" every divergent interest into the state organically, unlike majority-rules democracy which they said could marginalize specific interests. This total consideration was the inspiration for their use of the term "totalitarian", described without coercion (which is connoted in the modern meaning) in the 1932 Doctrine of Fascism as thus:

When brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State.[39]
[The state] is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual... Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State... Far from crushing the individual, the Fascist State multiplies his energies, just as in a regiment a soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the number of his fellow soldiers.[39]}
[h=3]Corporatism - Wikipedia[/h]

Ultimately the central doctrine of Fascism is supremacy of the state. This is also the central doctrine of the democrat party - that the state is supreme and individuals are irrelevant.