Truck Fump / h1b
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Utter lie
Some religions are full of evil
Right. You deep stafers prefer constant religious war. I almost forgot.
Utter lie
Some religions are full of evil
Godless globalist satanism isnt better.
Utter lie
Some religions are full of evil
You are not Devine
You are devoid of anything good
You are a Russian bot hole
they both come from god.
The concept of God was created to sustain intellectual reasonable doubt within this species every generation gap added one reproduction at a time left alive here now. The Original Sin isn't defying God, but denying life when living eternally separated adapting to the moment here by each brain navigating space uniquely never same results twice now.
Denying time is a balancing act conceived to decomposed corrupted every generation gap living forward now with 8 billion humans destroying themselves over which ideology governs tomorrow today until extinction arrives sooner than later. Every great great grandchild added keeps the population never same forms adapting as displaced here now.
that is personal responsibility to correct one's own ancestral behavior forward each generation gap alive. You and your ancestry failed.
you're a fucking idiot.
When another ancestor calls me an idiot while intellectually minding social consensus corrupting people life isn't self evident that genetics actually does sustain eternal separation of reproductions alive now, I cannot be offended by their callous disrespect for their own ancestral position equally occupying space in the atmosphere as specifically as I am explaining why every human reality implodes in any generation gap present.
Call me all the names your mind learned to stay in character wishing life wasn't real, demanding everyone else obey ideas life isn't self evident or else.
Karma and realities never going as designed by laws ruling social conduct cradle to grave.
you're a nihilist.
Do you know the physical difference between intellectual labels and genetic results are in plain sight? I do. Social type casting is done by deniers of life in real time. I am just a reproduction adapting in space mutually timed apart in my specific ancestral position living my time uniquely here as you are.
Who is two things a presumption nobody knows and assumption nobody can prove life is self evident in a factual reality. Both are as inaccurate as eternal hell intellectually exists after death but during the time each sole replacement lives eternally separate lifetimes are living ancestrally here, now.
so you believe in eternal hell.
that's nihilism.
I explain how it arrived, not where one ends up.
Genetics eternally separates the numbers of each species occupying space in series parallel time here now. You define life by speculating living comes from beyond genetics equally timing each reproduction apart now.
I don't mind social consensus working against my brain navigating the moment ehre equally evolving since conceived to replace the previous 30 lifetimes of my previous 4 generation gaps. another 32 on top of that when I analyse another previous generation gap prior to previous 4.
See my 2 parents arrived in 1920's. My 4 grandparents arrived in the 1890's, my 8 great grandparents 1860's, my 16 great great 1830's. I didn't become a dad until 1980's didn't become a grandpa until 2021. My siblings have already become great great grandparents.
Now only way that happens is series parallel existing now. Relative time logistical facts just makes exponential time feel linear instead of adapting as displaced since conceived. My brain works both intellectually and instinctively together. Your mind ignores what your brain navigates in plain sight to stay in organized self deception cradle to grave.
I quit doing that in 1982.
I reject your idiotic assertions about my brain.
and your family tree is boring.
if you quit speaking like an imbecile you might could get your point across.
You reject life in plain sight also, have for decades. I am not the fooled ancestry so far anymore. I stopped being a useful idiot 42 years ago. Now I am ignored by everyone denying life in plain sight and that includes every franchise of humanity this species pretends to be cradle to grave by 8 billion reproductions alive now.
ok, like, how am i rejecting life in plain sight.
please explain to simply me it.
serving humanity pretending genetics isn't eternally separating active reproductions limited as eternally separated adapting to occupying time here now unique as DNA became your biological addition to numbers alive proportionately here(this atmosphere, this species, your ancestral lineage).
can you make it a little more plain.
like, put it in practical terms.
i really want to understand.
If you really wanted to understand life, you would have recognized the errors made within your own ancestry including your time serving traditional values of hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame, means, motives, misery, induced every generation sacrificing biological time to sustain doubt life was always limited to evolving when adapting to the moment here now.
Choices matter and results are matter in ever changing form shaped since combined periodic elements eroding or cellular ancestors decomposing in series parallel position adapting to the moment here uniquely positioned now.