The moral to the history of the humanities so far.

Yes you are losing since reality in a no win scenario sustained by perpetual balancing outcomes arriving uniquely here with previous 4 generation gaps promising a win win better tomorrow to each great great grandchild replacing their 30 previous ancestral DNA donors as living never evolves beyond adapting to life here now.

you're a fucking idiot.
you're a fucking idiot.
I am one ancestor living among over 8 billion others worshipping reasonable doubt as the salvation at keeping reality true to life acted out beyond adapting forward here.

This country, America, was based upon two words in english language, "Self evident". Now kinetically explain evolving to the point all numbers of the food chain are specifically evolving in series parallel positions now? I have in this thread all the time.
I am one ancestor living among over 8 billion others worshipping reasonable doubt as the salvation at keeping reality true to life acted out beyond adapting forward here.

This country was based upon two words in english language, "Self evident". Now kinetically explain evolving to the point all numbers of the food chain are specifically evolving in series parallel positions now? I have in this thread all the time.

you're an idiotic bullshitter, saying nothing.
you're an idiotic bullshitter, saying nothing.

I cover evolving results between universal position(earth eroding), circle of life sustaining cycles of living here now at the same time each gets conceived to decomposed adapting as displaced either obeying social consensus or being punished for questioning people denying living in their one time event.
I cover evolving results between universal position(earth eroding, circle of life sustaining cycles of living here now at the same time each gets conceived to decomposed adapting as displaced either obeying social consensus or being punished for questioning people denying living in their one time event.


the best you can do is Jennifer Lawrence acting like a superstar, saving art and reality governing ancestries like the world is but a stage? Vanity of humanity is the downfall of the species created societal evolution is greater than ancesties denying living in plain sight.
the best you can do is Jennifer Lawrence acting like a superstar, saving art and reality governing ancestries like the world is but a stage? Vanity of humanity is the downfall of the species created societal evolution is greater than ancesties denying living in plain sight.

no. the best I can do is responding to you to elicit more word salad, which proves your idiocy.
no. the best I can do is responding to you to elicit more word salad, which proves your idiocy.

Leading people to ancestrally believe life isn't self evident to evolving uniquely here won't allow everyone uniquely here to admit their brain was compromised by social consensus alone. they need reasons why nobody will ever admit generations are conspiring against alst generation arriving as great great grandchildren forever changing the numbers alive forward in the moment here.

Academia trains brains to mind the civic behavior practiced for thousands of years by their own ancestral lineage of previous 4 generations continuing the traditional methods of making believe life isn't self evident. So many ways to defy one universal constant while that one universal constant keeps working as usual eternally separating the reproductions changing forms shaped as conceived to replace their previous 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great grandparents, 32 before that, 64 become that, 128 before that.
Intellectual statistical averages factualizes missing links into actual results never same details again adapting to the moment here.

Why patterns of social behavior are so important to navigate between and around ideas saying life is too complicated to know which is true, art or reality. morality, legality, ethics, economics, loyalty to a royal we mentality as living is simply compounding chromosomes adapting to time evolving individually here now.

You have all those theories and theologies that sustain reasonable doubt every generation the emotional sibling rivalries is used against people saving ideologies where chain of commands get privileges those sacrificing biological time have to die for to receive trickle down economic rewards for the risk takers misleading ancestry for 7,000 years.

That karma thing works like a Butterfly Effect in power of suggestion bastardized into persuasion of power suggesting life is more complicated than understanding time occupying space uniquely here as conceived to replace one's own ancestral lineage each generation gap alive.

You know the difference between actually evolving uniquely here and people believing anything else is possible but limited to one sole event adapting as displaced now? I do.
Leading people to ancestrally believe life isn't self evident to evolving uniquely here won't allow everyone uniquely here to admit their brain was compromised by social consensus alone. they need reasons why nobody will ever admit generations are conspiring against alst generation arriving as great great grandchildren forever changing the numbers alive forward in the moment here.

Academia trains brains to mind the civic behavior practiced for thousands of years by their own ancestral lineage of previous 4 generations continuing the traditional methods of making believe life isn't self evident. So many ways to defy one universal constant while that one universal constant keeps working as usual eternally separating the reproductions changing forms shaped as conceived to replace their previous 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great grandparents, 32 before that, 64 becomre that, 128 before that.
Intelelctual statistical averages factualizes missing links into actual results never same details again adapting to the moment here.

Why patterns of social behavior are so important to navigate between and around ideas saying life is too complicated to know which is true, art or reality. morality, legality, ethics, economics, loyalty to a royal we mentality as living is simply compounding chromosomes adapting to time evolving 8indiviudally here now.

You have all those theories and theologies that sustain reasonable doubt every generation the emotional sibling rivalries is used against people saving ideologies where chain of commands get privileges those sacrificing biological time have to die for to receive trickle down economic rewards for the risk takers misleading ancestry for 7,000 years.

That karma thing works like a Butterfly Effect in power of suggestion bastardized into persuasion of power suggesting life is more complicated than understanding time occupying space uniquely here as conceived to replace one's own ancestral lineage each generation gap alive.

You know the difference between actually evolving uniquely here and people believing anything else is possible but limited to one sole event adapting as displaced now? I do.

harmful social concensus is a thing.

lets discuss that.

abandon your idiotic vagaries and maybe we could have a discussion.
harmful social concensus is a thing.

lets discuss that.

abandon your idiotic vagaries and maybe we could have a discussion.

I describe evolving as genetically here and you define life by intellectual projection of anything else is possible and I have to compromise my time away so your adopted social consensus can control my time adapting uniquely me for membership fees, taxation, fines for not complying on top of owing an eternal debt of gratitude to believe life isn't self evident when it always has been to a brain developed since conceived and a mind cultivated after birth by one's colonized ideology throughout history.
I describe evolving as genetically here and you define life by intellectual projection of anything else is possible and I have to compromise my time away so your adopted social consensus can control my time adapting uniquely me for membership fees, taxation, fines for not complying on top of owing an eternal debt of gratitude to believe life isn't self evident when it always has been to a brain developed since conceived and a mind cultivated after birth by one's colonized ideology throughout history.

i have not defined life at all.

quit blowing smoke up your own ass and be a real person.
i have not defined life at all.

quit blowing smoke up your own ass and be a real person.

Exactly the reason I did this thread, this way. You never define life as evolving, Your humanity defines a franchise reality that maintains directing tomorrow's outcomes happening today. Vernacular Manifested Destiny by laws ordering ancestral compliance or else conspiring done throughout history by ruling elites controlling the narratives used at pretending life is mysterious and magical, not self evident.
Exactly the reason I did this thread, this way. You never define life as evolving, Your humanity defines a franchise reality that maintains directing tomorrow's outcomes happening today. Vernacular Manifested Destiny by laws ordering ancestral compliance or else conspiring done throughout history by ruling elites controlling the narratives used at pretending life is mysterious and magical, not self evident.

ok, piddling jackanapes.
ok, piddling jackanapes.

You are one of the best examples of an ancestral brain choosing to ignore what you were as conceived to act out hypothetical scenarios until extinction of your own ancestry evolving forward now. Mind those social possibilities genetics cannot limit your time to the cycle of living you have accomplished since conceive to replace your previous ancestry by the direct numbers occupying the moment in this atmosphere as your ancestry evolves like any other, one ancestor at a time now.

Bet you still won't admit knowing the Original Sin of mankind not being so kind in the mean time of demanding human rights to ignore adapting here as uniquely as occupying space specifically you doing everything you have done after birth.
You are one of the best examples of an ancestral brain choosing to ignore what you were as conceived to act out hypothetical scenarios until extinction of your own ancestry evolving forward now. Mind those social possibilities genetics cannot limit your time to the cycle of living you have accomplished since conceive to replace your previous ancestry by the direct numbers occupying the moment in this atmosphere as your ancestry evolves like any other, one ancestor at a time now.

Bet you still won't admit knowing the Original Sin of mankind not being so kind in the mean time of demanding human rights to ignore adapting here as uniquely as occupying space specifically you doing everything you have done after birth.

Im always talking about rejecting the programming.

the war machine 'peace is impossible' mengele deep state siloed soliloquy of Keynesian hate bling?
Resisting the endless brainwashings is essential.

peace is impossible.

morality is for the weak.

joy is the enemy of progress.

causing misery is a virtue.

the world is "overpopulated".

peace is impossible.

morality is for the weak.

joy is the enemy of progress.

causing misery is a virtue.

the world is "overpopulated".


Peace comes with understanding as chaos only arrives by those never accepting balance of time evolving uniquely here is the same for all things evolving between eroding and decomposing results never duplicated in details twice, so far, here now.

Morality is intellectually a psychological weapon as is legality, ethics, economics, social consensus, and most of all ancestral compliance to power of suggesting life isn't self evidently perpetually balancing in the moment here.

Space, time, distance, position, duration existing specifically here, relative to everything else universally present. Geometrically, geologically, geographically, specifically displaced equally present since added until departed. Thermodynamic principles from atoms, molecular characteristics combinations of gaseous, liquid, mineral, magnetism(push pull), electromagnetism(expanding and contracting), cycles(evolving from specific arrival, eroding and decomposing into random departures) intellectual minds define circle of life within adapting as displaced.

Reasonable doubt won't allow anyone to understand everything there was to understand about living while genetically eternally separated now. The needs of the few or the ones in charge misleading the majority into believing life isn't self evident.

History repeating itself within legislated morality, legalized self deception, organized doubt, orchestrated chaos brought down on anyone resisting social consensus by every reality operating geographically here saving humanities in New World Orders labeling each generation gap something.

101 generation gaps ago(based upon 20 year cycle born to replace parents until becoming a parent) there was a New Testament about a guy that defied every religion around a global superpower that divided the Asian, European, African continents history labeled Roman Empire between multiple religions, ancestral lineages, vernacular tribalic ideologies between 3rd world savages, 2nd class citizens, loyal they, them, those people, and royal we say so.

I choose to represent a prophecy from a guy that died 400 years ago. Nostradamus' "One Male" that wouldn't use hope, faith, charity, promising better tomorrows to gain power, wealth, fame, sustaining mayhem, madness, misery within his own species denying life in plains ight evolving one at a time as genetics has always eternally separated reproductions native to this atmosphere as ancestrally displaced inception to extinction of their ancestral lineages still reproducing another generation gap now.

Kept It Simple Stupid.
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Im always talking about rejecting the programming.

the war machine 'peace is impossible' mengele deep state siloed soliloquy of Keynesian hate bling?

You defend reasonable doubt because you love the idea everyone is capable of fooling themselves cradle to grave under the right circumstances making people believe it is better to rule in hell than serve adapting to the moment equally alive now.

My avatar signifies 4 generation gaps of ancestral lineage where the 7th point of perpetual balancing is the arriving great grandchild from the 8 great grandparents(8 core corners of open ended triangulating points of view), added 4 horisontal corner balancing 4 grandparents to the vertical axis of mom and dad adding each great great grandchild adapting between 24 inside angles and 12 outside edges to rule of 72 compounding results present as ancestrally numbering the po[pulaiton adapting to space now.

Event horizons of results never duplicate twice. borders of cycles of life changing population adapting as displaced here now. I created a visual way to measure idealistic methods used to corrupt my time, my siblings, my parents, their parents, their parents, my entire ancestry including my children and grandchild, everyone I ever knew and everyone I never want to meet.

I discovered the specificity to how, why, what, where, wehn, which, means, motives, methods, opportunities, to inflict mayhem, madness, misery upon anyone being honest about physical absolutes life was always self evidently leaving lifetimes eternally separated when adapting forward in the moment here now.

Humanity is a results of ancestral self deception practiced since dawn of civilization. The moral of humanity is never become tempted to believe life isn't self evident or you will wake up after last generation gap arrived was eliminated before previous 4 died off and no more will be conceived to birth again because of the pride people have denying how living was self evident so far.

Intellect isn't a supernatural spirit that exists after a brain stops functioning properly adapting as displaced being a replacement now. Instincts arrive when conceive, and minds are developed socially after birth using lines of communication to govern outcomes by all left adapting to the moment here.
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You defend reasonable doubt because you love the idea everyone is capable of fooling themselves cradle to grave under the right circumstances making people believe it is better to rule in hell than serve adapting to the moment equally alive now.

My avatar signifies 4 generation gaps of ancestral lineage where the 7th point of perpetual balancing is the arriving great grandchild from the 8 great grandparents(8 core corners of open ended triangulating points of view), added 4 horisontal corner balancing 4 grandparents to the vertical axis of mom and dad adding each great great grandchild adapting between 24 inside angles and 12 outside edges to rule of 72 compounding results present as ancestrally numbering the po[pulaiton adapting to space now.

Event horizons of results never duplicate twice. borders of cycles of life changing population adapting as displaced here now. I created a visual way to measure idealistic methods used to corrupt my time, my siblings, my parents, their parents, their parents, my entire ancestry including my children and grandchild, everyone I ever knew and everyone I never want to meet.

I discovered the specificity to how, why, what, where, wehn, which, means, motives, methods, opportunities, to inflict mayhem, madness, misery upon anyone being honest about physical absolutes life was always self evidently leaving lifetimes eternally separated when adapting forward in the moment here now.

Humanity is a results of ancestral self deception practiced since dawn of civilization. The moral of humanity is never become tempted to believe life isn't self evident or you will wake up after last generation gap arrived was eliminated before previous 4 died off and no more will be conceived to birth again because of the pride people have denying how living was self evident so far.

Intellect isn't a supernatural spirit that exists after a brain stops functioning properly adapting as displaced being a replacement now. Instincts arrive when conceive, and minds are developed socially after birth using lines of communication to govern outcomes by all left adapting to the moment here.

life is self-evident.

it's evident you're a nihilistic douche.

if it's self-deception to believe human life has significance,

it's equally self-deceptive to belief it has no significance.

you could learn a lot from me.

you don't have to be a glass half empty kind of person.

how do you want to feel?