peace is impossible.
morality is for the weak.
joy is the enemy of progress.
causing misery is a virtue.
the world is "overpopulated".
Peace comes with understanding as chaos only arrives by those never accepting balance of time evolving uniquely here is the same for all things evolving between eroding and decomposing results never duplicated in details twice, so far, here now.
Morality is intellectually a psychological weapon as is legality, ethics, economics, social consensus, and most of all ancestral compliance to power of suggesting life isn't self evidently perpetually balancing in the moment here.
Space, time, distance, position, duration existing specifically here, relative to everything else universally present. Geometrically, geologically, geographically, specifically displaced equally present since added until departed. Thermodynamic principles from atoms, molecular characteristics combinations of gaseous, liquid, mineral, magnetism(push pull), electromagnetism(expanding and contracting), cycles(evolving from specific arrival, eroding and decomposing into random departures) intellectual minds define circle of life within adapting as displaced.
Reasonable doubt won't allow anyone to understand everything there was to understand about living while genetically eternally separated now. The needs of the few or the ones in charge misleading the majority into believing life isn't self evident.
History repeating itself within legislated morality, legalized self deception, organized doubt, orchestrated chaos brought down on anyone resisting social consensus by every reality operating geographically here saving humanities in New World Orders labeling each generation gap something.
101 generation gaps ago(based upon 20 year cycle born to replace parents until becoming a parent) there was a New Testament about a guy that defied every religion around a global superpower that divided the Asian, European, African continents history labeled Roman Empire between multiple religions, ancestral lineages, vernacular tribalic ideologies between 3rd world savages, 2nd class citizens, loyal they, them, those people, and royal we say so.
I choose to represent a prophecy from a guy that died 400 years ago. Nostradamus' "One Male" that wouldn't use hope, faith, charity, promising better tomorrows to gain power, wealth, fame, sustaining mayhem, madness, misery within his own species denying life in plains ight evolving one at a time as genetics has always eternally separated reproductions native to this atmosphere as ancestrally displaced inception to extinction of their ancestral lineages still reproducing another generation gap now.
Kept It Simple Stupid.