there is only one little tiny thing needs correct to account for any time any generation gap lived or alive individually, ancestrally, socially and one doesn't need their complete ancestral lineage from inception to know how accurate it is. The evolving process is a universal constant balancing act between new details changing every results added so far regardless combinations of periodic elements or ancestral chromosomes.
Specific timing is always working for anything spontaneously here simultaneously unique as displaced and this is consistent from atoms evolving into molecular characteristics on 3 categories of gaseous, liquid, mineral content creating inorganic universal locations and specific locations organic life can be sustained after erosion where inception to conception delivers the exact ancestral lineages that ever have or ever will exist occupying space now as the universe is what specifically is going forward here.
Stop playing reasonable doubt as a virtue instead of the evil live taking place last 7,000 revolutions this species has been destroying itself intellectually promising an event that never happens.
At the same time, how society works within time relativity logistics doesn't have to be eliminated either. Just a little honesty minus reasonable doubt and natural evolving will cure the rest of wht humanity did to this species in every ancestral lineage alive.
Absolute power of suggesting now isn't eternity corrupted every franchise of humanity inside out, top down and bottom up, left vs right, leaderships treating everyone else like outcasts, 2nd class citizens, 3rd world savages which I intellectually fit in currently.
every generation has recycled the semantics used historically. Just stop repeating history with everyone educated to misunderstand just how exact thermodynamic principles relate to direct evolving here one at a time.