The most American state



first, it would probably have to be a swing state, because an ultra liberal or conservative state is going to give you a warped perspective. you need a bellweather state that exposes you to the diverse attitudes and beliefs of americans

you would also need a state that has some sizeable cities and rural areas to understand those dynamics in our country

Said cities should ideally be impressive, interesting, and have some history to them.

Maybe illinois? Although I don't know how swinginy that state is recently

Perhaps a state like washington. Swing state, beautiful scenary, seattle is nice minus all the drugs and homeless people recently.

Virginia would be a good one too. Lots of colonial history, it's south, but also a swing state, and near our nations capital.
Yemen is currently getting the crap kicked out of it. A real American state would never get curbstomped the way Yemen does on the daily. Technically, my definition excludes the states of the former CSA, and, of course, I'm perfectly okay with that.

I hope your families house gets bombed one day

I hope the water treatment plant in your town gets bombed and you have to drink poison water while your children die of cholera

I will laugh the whole time and wave the Cuban flag

first, it would probably have to be a swing state, because an ultra liberal or conservative state is going to give you a warped perspective. you need a bellweather state that exposes you to the diverse attitudes and beliefs of americans

you would also need a state that has some sizeable cities and rural areas to understand those dynamics in our country

Said cities should ideally be impressive, interesting, and have some history to them.

Maybe illinois? Although I don't know how swinginy that state is recently

Perhaps a state like washington. Swing state, beautiful scenary, seattle is nice minus all the drugs and homeless people recently.

Virginia would be a good one too. Lots of colonial history, it's south, but also a swing state, and near our nations capital.

More like Ohio. Ohio has three major metro areas and lots of rural small towns. It's also a cross roads State with influences from the North East, Appalachia, The South and the Great Lakes region. Illinois is one great vas city on the west shore of Lake Michigan and the rest is farm land. Ohio is also the most bellweather or the bellweather States. None of the Southern States would qualify as they seem to take extreme pride in being un-American.

I think you hit it in that the Midwest, particularly the Great Lakes region would be the most representative.
More like Ohio. Ohio has three major metro areas and lots of rural small towns. It's also a cross roads State with influences from the North East, Appalachia, The South and the Great Lakes region. Illinois is one great vas city on the west shore of Lake Michigan and the rest is farm land. Ohio is also the most bellweather or the bellweather States. None of the Southern States would qualify as they seem to take extreme pride in being un-American.

I think you hit it in that the Midwest, particularly the Great Lakes region would be the most representative.

i was thinking that at first, but.. ohio sucks. and your cities suck. i've always imagined ohio smells like farts. Don't know if I want to introduce a foreigner to this: :derpmott:
i was thinking that at first, but.. ohio sucks. and your cities suck. i've always imagined ohio smells like farts. Don't know if I want to introduce a foreigner to this: :derpmott: can't judge the whole State by Youngstown. Cleveland rocks, Columbus is consistently voted the most intelligent city in the nation and Cincinnati invented professional Baseball.

besides, they'd be turned off by all the heroin addicts and Brahmin Massholes if they went to Massholechussets. It's about as representative as Mississippi, just with better schools.
It's Washington.

Everyone drinks our coffee, shops online or at our warehouses, flies (and sometimes perishes) aboard our aircraft, poisons one another with our apples, pirates our software (but sadly rejected our shitty smartphone design), and utilizes our timber research. Plus, we have you all obsessed with recycling. And, somehow, Grey's Anatomy is still running on TV.

One idiot and one independent businessman will be seeking the presidency in the next election cycle, too.
No, it's PA. Yeah, we have our leftist city Phila, but the central part of PA is mostly small farms and small businesses.
Lots of hunters and sportsmen, hell, we even have a flintlock hunting season. Nothing more American than the flintlock rifle.
