The most important unresolved scientific questions, in my opinion.

I said nothing about the self.

What controls the brain? How does it make decisions.
Nothing controls the brain. The brain, from the moment you are born, if not sooner, is taking in information through your eyes, ears, nose, touch, etc. Every piece of data creates new connections up until your 50's I believe.

Your brain uses that information to make decisions.

A child's brain has no idea what it means when a parent says says something is "hot" until the child actually experiences hot.
Nothing controls the brain. The brain, from the moment you are born, if not sooner, is taking in information through your eyes, ears, nose, touch, etc. Every piece of data creates new connections up until your 50's I believe.

Your brain uses that information to make decisions.

A child's brain has no idea what it means when a parent says says something is "hot" until the child actually experiences hot.
So, how does the brain make decisions?
Nothing controls the brain. The brain, from the moment you are born, if not sooner, is taking in information through your eyes, ears, nose, touch, etc. Every piece of data creates new connections up until your 50's I believe.

Your brain uses that information to make decisions.

A child's brain has no idea what it means when a parent says says something is "hot" until the child actually experiences hot.
Nobody knows how electrochemical signals between electrons, atoms, molecules creates or is translated into a vivid subjective mental experience and unique sense of self awareness.

Just saying it is somehow caused by touch, smell, sight isn't a scientific explanation.
So, how does the brain make decisions?
If you're saying technically how it makes decisions, at a neurological level, I can't tell you.

We know that, when you "remember" something, your brain isn't pulling info from a storage. It recreates past events by reconnecting pathways.

So, when you put your hand on a hot stove as a child, the next time you come across a stove, your brain is recreating a past experience to decide what to do in that moment.
If you're saying technically how it makes decisions, at a neurological level, I can't tell you.

We know that, when you "remember" something, your brain isn't pulling info from a storage. It recreates past events by reconnecting pathways.
Why does the brain want to remember something?
Why does the brain want to remember something?
There's no reason to believe the brain WANTS to do anything. Evolutionarily speaking, a brain that didn't learn, in a way to impact future decisions, wouldn't do much to contribute to survival and passing on genes.
There's no reason to believe the brain WANTS to do anything. Evolutionarily speaking, a brain that didn't learn, in a way to impact future decisions, wouldn't do much to contribute to survival and passing on genes.
So, you are a physicalist who believes in evolutionary psychology. All actions are motivated by survival.
The knowledge I provide did not come from the internet, but from Hawking, and you can find it in his thesis.
I don't invest time in people who lie their asses off about having read Steven Hawking's PhD thesis and books, and I don't get into Google contests with trolls desperate for my attention. I am here to debate people, I'm not here to debate cursory and frantic Google searches.
Nobody knows how electrochemical signals between electrons, atoms, molecules creates or is translated into a vivid subjective mental experience and unique sense of self awareness.

What do you mean when you say "vivid subjective mental experience"?

Are you familiar with vivid subjective mental experiences that are had in the ABSENCE of a physical brain? Can you show us these vivid subjective mental experiences?

Just saying it is somehow caused by touch, smell, sight isn't a scientific explanation.

Actually it comes pretty close. It's scientific in that it doesn't propose hypotheses not in evidence and utilizes only the data we actually have. Science is imperfect but this is pretty much how it MUST operate.
There's no reason to believe the brain WANTS to do anything. Evolutionarily speaking, a brain that didn't learn, in a way to impact future decisions, wouldn't do much to contribute to survival and passing on genes.
There are numerous things human mind does that cannot be explained by Darwinian principles of survival. Art, music, religion, spirituality, certain kinds of values and ethics.
I don't invest time in people who lie their asses off about having read Steven Hawking's PhD thesis

And who are YOU, exactly, to be able to determine someone is lying about that? You read a LOT of stuff but clearly most of it is stuff you don't bother understanding (which is why all you ever do is quote authorities) so I don't know how YOU would tell someone was lying about reading a particular text.

and books, and I don't get into Google contests with trolls desperate for my attention.

This is really just saying you are scared of people who may be smarter than you are. You have to denigrate everything they do, especially when they nail you on a point. At that point it MUST be "frantic googling" because Cypress could NEVER be mistaken. LOL

You flatter yourself on a daily basis in a manner that would make ONAN jealous.

I am here to debate people, I'm not here to debate cursory and frantic Google searches.

Yet all YOU have is cursory book skimmings which you tell everyone about if they so much as leave an open space in a post. You spend all your time on here telling EVERYONE what you've read etc. It's so boring. But it's your ego.

Ironically you seem uniquely incapable of actually even DISCUSSING points you supposedly have read about. All you ever do is quote authorities and scream at anyone who questions the assumptions that you have the word of an authority.

If anyone is a second-rate intellect on here, Cypress, it's YOU.
There are numerous things human mind does that cannot be explained by Darwinian principles of survival. Art, music, religion, spirituality, certain kinds of values and ethics.

Thus Sayeth the Lord God Almighty.


You love you some ex catherda statements offered with no support. And you get SO BENT when someone questions your assumptions.

Almost as if you don't actually understand the blather you puke out.
What do you mean when you say "vivid subjective mental experience"?

Are you familiar with vivid subjective mental experiences that are had in the ABSENCE of a physical brain? Can you show us these vivid subjective mental experiences?

Actually it comes pretty close. It's scientific in that it doesn't propose hypotheses not in evidence and utilizes only the data we actually have. Science is imperfect but this is pretty much how it MUST operate.
Waving your arms and making vague, unsupported statements is not science.

You, nor anyone else, has an accepted explanation at the level of physics and first principles for how sensory and electrochemical impulses between quarks and electrons result in a vivid subjective mental experience, self awareness, conciousness.

Nobody can explain how that works.

I don't think we have even invented the scientific discipline that can even get the answer. People didn't know about the scientific disciplines of genetics, quantum physics, and biochemistry at one time, and it is arrogant assume that we live in a time when every scientific discipline that could possibly exist have been developed and discovered.
Thus Sayeth the Lord God Almighty.


You love you some ex catherda statements offered with no support. And you get SO BENT when someone questions your assumptions.

Almost as if you don't actually understand the blather you puke out.
^^ Not providing an accepted explanation for how religion, music, art are driven by Darwinian principles of survival and gene transmission
Waving your arms and making vague, unsupported statements is not science.

So as per usual you can't explain your own position. Got it.

I don't think we have even invented the scientific discipline that can even get the answer. People didn't know about the scientific disciplines of genetics, quantum physics, and biochemistry at one time, and it is arrogant assume that we live in a time when every scientific discipline that could possibly exist have been developed and discovered.

So nothing is worth discussing. I have to ask you why you bother showing up on discussion forums if the answer is always going to be:

1. Cypress is RIGHT
2. No one can possibly know anything so we can't discuss anyone else's position.
^^ Not providing an accepted explanation for how religion, music, art are driven by Darwinian principles of survival and gene transmission

No, you always make grand claims that either have NO MEANING or are something you can't possibly know but you claim it like it is a KNOWN FACT.

Like your claims about the content of animal minds. You seem to be of the impression you can read animal minds I guess.