The most useless university degrees

The only correct "translation" is that you are a useless fucking creep lol.

You should go with all your fellow nutjob friends and whine to Damo again. Maybe get me banned for talking to you.

BTW, Sydney Powell testified under oath that anyone who believes the election was stolen isn't a "reasonable person". She would know. ;)
You should go with all your fellow nutjob friends and whine to Damo again. Maybe get me banned for talking to you.

BTW, Sydney Powell testified under oath that anyone who believes the election was stolen isn't a "reasonable person". She would know. ;)

Making shit up again?
Making shit up again?

You should watch the news more often:
Her attorneys argued that "reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process."

"All the allegedly defamatory statements attributed to Defendants were made as part of the normal process of litigating issues of momentous significance and immense public interest," the motion reads.
You should watch the news more often:
Her attorneys argued that "reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process."

"All the allegedly defamatory statements attributed to Defendants were made as part of the normal process of litigating issues of momentous significance and immense public interest," the motion reads.

You should go with all your fellow nutjob friends and whine to Damo again.
No. If you spend four years training for a career that doesn't exist, then you chose a useless major. I used my degree, again, from the third semester on. I even used the training I got while a graduate student, which according to your judgement was a failure.

True and not true. I spent more than that getting a master in psychology specializing in criminal behavior. Then started an IT security company. At the time I didn't think I would use it, it actually came in handy. but in the end, none of my degrees got me anywhere. I ventured out on my own.