The most useless university degrees

You sound like a cruel and soulless life form.

I earned a degree which is generally not thought of as conventionally useful, and had to drive a bakery truck for 6 months before I was able to line my ducks up.

It's not my fault some chose a degree without thinking of the end game. I assume by "lining ducks up" you ran them over with your truck.

I chose my career so I could live almost anywhere, then got the degree that it required. I worked in my degree field starting after completing my freshman year, every other semester to make money to pay for school. I also worked on campus driving a bus, then again in my career field every summer, and every vacation even if it was only a week long. Towards the end of my last semester I was already paying off my tuition loans and I had less than $200 in the bank.

Two weeks prior to my last final exam I started a 70 hour per week gig and that lasted 6 months. It also included a decent hotel room and a pier diem. I went from poverty to High Cotton by making one phone call.

Before that gig was up I landed a full time StateGovCo job. I quit that after a year, and again one phone call had another gig, stipulating the time frame myself this time at 6 months because I wanted to move to another state but needed to save money to make that happen.

When I made my move I first chose the city. Then I identified three consulting firms, sent my resume to each and got three interviews. I scheduled all three for a two-day time period and got offers from all three.

I've quit every job that I've ever had and have never been fired. I don't feel sorry for the slackers who never planned, or didn't plan well.
I'll bet my brother the machinist makes more money than you or your maple syrup sipping cousin.
That is an incredibly stupid bet to propose since you cannot prove any of it. More importantly, I do not discuss salaries or pensions with strangers or losers.
That is an incredibly stupid bet to propose since you cannot prove any of it. More importantly, I do not discuss salaries or pensions with strangers or losers.

Doesn't mean I'm wrong

I don't give a fuck what you do or dont do
It's not my fault some chose a degree without thinking of the end game. I assume by "lining ducks up" you ran them over with your truck.

I chose my career so I could live almost anywhere, then got the degree that it required. I worked in my degree field starting after completing my freshman year, every other semester to make money to pay for school. I also worked on campus driving a bus, then again in my career field every summer, and every vacation even if it was only a week long. Towards the end of my last semester I was already paying off my tuition loans and I had less than $200 in the bank.

Two weeks prior to my last final exam I started a 70 hour per week gig and that lasted 6 months. It also included a decent hotel room and a pier diem. I went from poverty to High Cotton by making one phone call.

Before that gig was up I landed a full time StateGovCo job. I quit that after a year, and again one phone call had another gig, stipulating the time frame myself this time at 6 months because I wanted to move to another state but needed to save money to make that happen.

When I made my move I first chose the city. Then I identified three consulting firms, sent my resume to each and got three interviews. I scheduled all three for a two-day time period and got offers from all three.

I've quit every job that I've ever had and have never been fired. I don't feel sorry for the slackers who never planned, or didn't plan well.

Unfortunately, I stopped reading at the second paragraph because I am not that interested in your life.

If you want to walk into Starbucks and laugh at the employees making your coffee, that is your choice.
Does not legion and his various troll incarnations have close to 200,000 posts? Professional loser does not pay any salary.

My cousin got a degree in Art History and had a mid level management job in the Canadian government.

I do not think there is such a thing as a useless degree. It just depends on the motivation and discipline of the individual.

The people yucking it up about useless college degrees generally strike me as Deplorables who chose to take wood shop in high school in place of physics, calculus, chemistry and AP electives.

Whores gotta whore. It's telling when a particular troll starts 100s of threads about "teachers in the news" and constantly denigrates higher education. Revealing... very revealing. :rofl2:

I hope you're not too disappointed but I did not take physics, calculus, or chemistry in h.s. :laugh:
Every time I go to Starbucks and order a black coffee I laugh at the guy behind the counter with his useless degree. I have a BS in engineering. :D

People who go to Starbucks for ANY coffee, much less black coffee, are not too bright. Certainly, not smart enough to be laughing at the person serving them.
You sound like a cruel and soulless life form.

I earned a degree which is generally not thought of as conventionally useful, and had to drive a bakery truck for 6 months before I was able to line my ducks up.

I've had that useless piece of protoplasm on ignore for quite a while, but did read his post via your excellent response to it. Hope he sees this post:

Mr. Owl has a BS in Engineering too. He has a Masters in Economics. He retired young from a career as a software engineer/systems architect. He is wealthy. He is a brilliant, kind, wonderful man who loves to dine out with me. He grew up on a farm in Illinois, and has worked since he was 13 yo. He is a real man... he would never, ever laugh at any person who serves us when we eat out or get take-out. He once held a job like that. Who does that kind of thing?

Answer: Only the dickless.
That is an incredibly stupid bet to propose since you cannot prove any of it. More importantly, I do not discuss salaries or pensions with strangers or losers.

Agreed. Not to mention Yakuda has no intention of paying under one pretense or another. ;)

Salaries are relative. It depends on the local economy.

Food is often about the same cost. Same for lattes at Starbucks, albeit 50 cents here and there.

Mainly it's the cost of rent and utilities. Making salary or paycheck different depending upon which State and in/near which city.
I only ever drink black coffee and order it that way but I always know who has the PhD behind the counter, it's the one that asks if I want room for milk.

You like your coffee like your women? Cold and bitter?

If there's a PhD behind the counter, he's studying how idiots who can't even zip up their pants can earn a BS in engineering and still pay $5 for a Starbucks coffee.
Whores gotta whore. It's telling when a particular troll starts 100s of threads about "teachers in the news" and constantly denigrates higher education. Revealing... very revealing. :rofl2:

I hope you're not too disappointed but I did not take physics, calculus, or chemistry in h.s. :laugh:
Not in the least! I was a late bloomer and did not take calculus until sophmore year in college! I tried to stick to the academic track in HS, but I was not keeping up with the AP geeks!
Agreed. Not to mention Yakuda has no intention of paying under one pretense or another. ;)

Salaries are relative. It depends on the local economy.

Food is often about the same cost. Same for lattes at Starbucks, albeit 50 cents here and there.

Mainly it's the cost of rent and utilities. Making salary or paycheck different depending upon which State and in/near which city.

My philosophy is, I would rather have some creative and intellectual autonomy, and enjoy what I do, than make my life's focus about money and material possessions.

We all have a baseline of income we desire to be comfortable, but after that making our lives and careers meaningful depends on intangibles beyond mere money. I would not have traded what I did even if someone offered me three times the salary for something I considered less palatable.

If asked, I never advise a young adult to focus on engineering, computer science, or medical school, unless they have a strong interest in it.

If I am reincarnated, I will pursue a philosophy or oceanography degree in my next life!
Unfortunately, I stopped reading at the second paragraph because I am not that interested in your life.

If you want to walk into Starbucks and laugh at the employees making your coffee, that is your choice.

My point is that I planned a career path where I could make a good living almost anywhere. The training was often difficult and arduous, but it has given me gainful employment though most of my college career and for decades afterwards. Those who chose an easier path or did no planning whatsoever deserve their lot in life.
People who go to Starbucks for ANY coffee, much less black coffee, are not too bright. Certainly, not smart enough to be laughing at the person serving them.

I've always had a great cup of coffee at Starbucks. Locally, in any major city, and at many foreign countries. And their bathrooms are clean and free. Try finding a clean bathroom near Times Square otherwise.