The Mysterious Death of Loretta Fuddy and Possible Obama involvement?

Yet, the first seven presidents were not born in the United States and were British subjects.

And why is that a problem? I would have to consider the fact that these men were patriots and measure them on their merits as a vetting process. They had come thousands of miles to create a country after all, and at that time we were unified in the goal of Making America Great in the spirit of George Washington with faith in God:

You make some good points thanks for posting this.


When Barack Obama was born in 1961, U.S. citizenship law provided that, if born abroad, he would have acquired citizenship at birth only if his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had been physically present in the United States for 10 years, five after the age of 14. She was only 18 when he was born and thus could not have transmitted U.S. citizenship to him. This is a mute point but I just wanted to respond to you previous question regarding natural born citizen and Obama's eligibility.


Just one little point for now.

Hawaii became a state on August 21, 1959. The Dunham family moved there after Stanley Ann graduated from high school in 1960. So for the first 17-18 years of her life she lived on the U.S. mainland, then she was living in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Then when Barack was a month old, she moved back to Washington state to go to school.
I can prove Obama was using SSN 042-68-4425

He also used this SSN for selective service in 1990

You will see here that the SSN is listed as having a date of 1890.

Harrison Bounel is listed as having been born in 1890

According to a debt collector database, Harrison Bounel is linked to the above SSN ( and also happens to have the same address of Obama?)

Michelle Obama is also linked to Harry Bounel:

This is all food for thought. Everything fits - including Harrison Bounel having a connection to Connecticut (remember the Newtown shooting?)

Where are the links to these items? Wordpress is a create-your-own website tool so all this shows is that someone called "The Obama Hustle" posted a lot of unverifiable info.
Thanks to all of the info provided by Iron-Merc, it's obvious Loretta Fuddy WAS murdered. It's a shame Barry the Fairy and his cohorts got away with it.
Where are the links to these items? Wordpress is a create-your-own website tool so all this shows is that someone called "The Obama Hustle" posted a lot of unverifiable info.

SSN Verifier Plus is legit. Here is a link to their website:

More than one database was used to cross reference Obama's SSN.

So now we have two databases that confirm the information posted above:

Harrison J Bounel linked to this SSN:

Michelle Obama listed as spouse to Harrison J Bounel:

Once again here is the result from SSN Verifier Plus:


Snopes even confirms that this is Obama's real SSN:

Snopes also confirms Obamas SSN was issued to a CT address:
Why Barack Obama’s Social Security card application might have included a Connecticut mailing address is something of a curiosity, as he had no known connection to that state at the time

Snopes also confirmed that Harrison J Bounel was in fact linked to Obama's SSN (and call it yet another clerical error):
the name “Harrison J. Bounel” had been mistakenly cross-indexed with Barack Obama’s home address and Social Security number.

The 1940 Census listing Harry Bounel as a US Citizen with a DOB of 1890:
This proves the guy existed and is not just some imaginary red herring

Anyone have any ideas why Obama's SSN would have a DOB of 1890? Honest question. An SSN with multiple dates of birth is usually a clear cut sign of identity fraud. Because SSN numbers are never re used.

But for Obama, it's just another day at the office. He has all the protection he could ever want from the liberal media. What is Obama up to these days anyway?

Here is the most recent interview I could find. Seems scripted if you ask me...
