The Mysterious Death of Loretta Fuddy and Possible Obama involvement?

Yes, keep laughing.

Well I have to say, after three years they still cant find collusion? I would have to say thats more than enough time (if it were true)

In my opinion those newspaper clippings are plants. Seeing as how data has been scrubbed from the internet on this, its also possible the same people planted evidence to make it appear like Obama was born there.

The SSN is definitely Connecticut issued - thats a fact. The designation is 042 - which is specific to that state only. Seeing as how the SSN as a DOB record as 1890 this ties in with Harrison J Bounel. In the 1940 census, he is listed as a russian immegrant with a DOB of 1890.
In his later years he lived in Connecticut. Obama is using his SSN and this is treason and fraud. and lots more.

You don't know that Obama is using that SS number or that it was issued to Bounel. You just believe some other source that made these claims.

Treason is giving aid and comfort to an enemy during times of war. So treason is not even a consideration.
That makes since, I agree with you to a degree.. But it is not equally stupid to kill some women. This women knew he was not born in Hawaii. She had inside knowledge, dangerous knowledge that could cause irreparable harm to Obama's image. She had to go.
And look at the video here, can you explain why a frogman appears and actually touches Loretta's leg? This thing disappears back under the water and she dies a few minutes later? There is NO explanation for the video. See for yourself, and let me know what you think.


Why do you kill the woman in 2013 after being re-elected? You kill her much earlier so she can't give information to disqualify you. It did not good to kill her in 2013.

Actually, it would serve no purpose to kill her at all since being born of an American mother makes him a natural born citizen regardless of his place of birth. He was not a naturalized citizen.

If somebody wanted her dead there would be much simpler ways to do it. Having a frogman inject her with other people around after a plane crash is the most stupid murder plot I have heard.
What do I call it, facts, and with all the latest news, reality with the Trump administration latest nonsense. There is no doubt in my mind, Trump conspires with Russia then and now.

Why would Trump conspire or collude with Russia? Why is Russia more special than say, Croatia or some other nation?
I guess what Im asking is why would Trump, an american, would be in communication with Putin.

And what did Russia actually do for Trump? Specifics please.
You don't know that Obama is using that SS number or that it was issued to Bounel. You just believe some other source that made these claims.

Treason is giving aid and comfort to an enemy during times of war. So treason is not even a consideration.

Actually the definition of treason is: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Using a false SSN is a betrayal of American values (and a crime). When the president uses a false SSN you know he has something to hide. Whatever he is hiding would undoubtedly lead to treason. There are absolutely ZERO excuses that can change this unsavory fact.

In reference to the SSN being used by Obama, Its definitely the SSN Obama has used since at least 1990 (see selective service above) also take a look at the SSN Verifyer plus (image above) where it confirms Obama used this SSN, you can also see Obama's DOB is linked to this SSN as well. Snopes even confirms that this is the SSN that Obama uses:

Actually the definition of treason is: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Using a false SSN is a betrayal of American values (and a crime). When the president uses a false SSN you know he has something to hide. Whatever he is hiding would undoubtedly lead to treason. There are absolutely ZERO excuses that can change this unsavory fact.

In reference to the SSN being used by Obama, Its definitely the SSN Obama has used since at least 1990 (see selective service above) also take a look at the SSN Verifyer plus (image above) where it confirms Obama used this SSN, you can also see Obama's DOB is linked to this SSN as well. Snopes even confirms that this is the SSN that Obama uses:

That is not the definition of treason in the U. S. Constitution:"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

The link to the tax return on the White House web site does not include the SS number--that was obviously added later.
This was a SSN verification that was completed in 2008 using Obama’s name associated with the stolen 042-68-4425 with his name listed as the owner. The result came back as a failure because naturally his name was never legally associated with that number.

And and a second search, via E-Verify came back with the same result. What was searched was Obama’s name again associated with the stolen 042-68-4425 SSN and the results were labelled a Mismatch as shown below.

Why do you kill the woman in 2013 after being re-elected? You kill her much earlier so she can't give information to disqualify you. It did not good to kill her in 2013.

Actually, it would serve no purpose to kill her at all since being born of an American mother makes him a natural born citizen regardless of his place of birth. He was not a naturalized citizen.

If somebody wanted her dead there would be much simpler ways to do it. Having a frogman inject her with other people around after a plane crash is the most stupid murder plot I have heard.

You make some good points thanks for posting this.

This sums up my view on the subject of naturalization (its open for debate the exact meaning) (On July 25, 1787, John Jay wrote to George Washington, presiding officer of the Convention:)

Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.

When Barack Obama was born in 1961, U.S. citizenship law provided that, if born abroad, he would have acquired citizenship at birth only if his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had been physically present in the United States for 10 years, five after the age of 14. She was only 18 when he was born and thus could not have transmitted U.S. citizenship to him. This is a mute point but I just wanted to respond to you previous question regarding natural born citizen and Obama's eligibility.

Edit: After further review, and watching the video over and over I have now figured out exactly what the so called "frogman" is. It's Fuddy's sneakers (mysterious yellow things) and her legs, and when it looks like the diver is coming out of the water, that is her knee bending (you can also make out her other leg)... So thats all it is. She was kicking to stay afloat, There was no frogman. Yes, it is very clear now that I took the video at face value - I should have done some research on the matter before just assuming it was a frogman. That being said, Im quite certain Obama has had other people killed, but I'll save that conspiracy theory for next week :)

EDIT updated to include new facts and point of view
Am I still a birther? YES to some extent - even without scuba diver this entire situation is very suspicious.
Do I still think Obama is hiding something in his past that precluded him from running for pres? YES
Do I think Obama was a legitimate president? NO.
I am also curious about Ann Dunham, Obama's mother.
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You make some good points thanks for posting this.

This sums up my view on the subject of naturalization (its open for debate the exact meaning) (On July 25, 1787, John Jay wrote to George Washington, presiding officer of the Convention:)

Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.

When Barack Obama was born in 1961, U.S. citizenship law provided that, if born abroad, he would have acquired citizenship at birth only if his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had been physically present in the United States for 10 years, five after the age of 14. She was only 18 when he was born and thus could not have transmitted U.S. citizenship to him. This is a mute point but I just wanted to respond to you previous question regarding natural born citizen and Obama's eligibility.

*****CASE CLOSED*****
Edit: After further review, and watching the video over and over I have now figured out exactly what the so called "frogman" is. It's Fuddy's sneakers (mysterious yellow things) and her legs, and when it looks like the diver is coming out of the water, that is her knee bending (you can also make out her other leg)... So thats all it is. She was kicking to stay afloat, There was no frogman. Yes, it is very clear now that I took the video at face value - I should have done some research on the matter before just assuming it was a frogman. This means that Obama did not kill Fuddy she died of natural causes while struggling to stay afloat. That being said, Im quite certain Obama has had other people killed, but I'll save that conspiracy theory for next week :)

Am I still a birther? NO
Do I still think Obama is hiding something in his past that precluded him from running for pres? YES
Do I think Obama was a legitimate president? NO. Although if I could figure out his bogus SSN I might consider him legit.
I am also curious about Ann Dunham, Obama's mother.

It's incredible how MUCH Barry got away with. And especially a shame that he and his cohorts got away with murdering Loretta Fuddy.
It's incredible how MUCH Barry got away with. And especially a shame that he and his cohorts got away with murdering Loretta Fuddy.

Yeah, I think you are correct. Even without the scuba diver there is no doubt this still looks suspicious.. The fact that Hawaii cannot and has not produced the original birth certificate is also troubling.
I must give you two guys my lesson in barack 101; and also; if fuddy falsely authenticated the birth certificate and was murdered by her co conspirators in treason, then justice is fulfilled for her: the sentence for treason is death. Now barack 101, in a nutshell: barack hussein marshall davis (a fictitious hybridized supertrItor) was conceived at the gates of hell (Lucifer's chief servants on Earth) for the antichrist islamic purpose of hell; according to the inverted, plagiaristic scribblings of the false prophet mohamed (damned forever). barack (the hybridized supertraitor) was bred like a dog (half devout socialist revolutionary frank marshall davis, half filthy white concubine fake jew slut, dunham) for the purpose of deceiving the nations, in order to fulfill the antichrist islamic purpose of hell according to the scribbles of the false prophet mohamed (damned forever). barack was trained in universal treason according to the false teachings of the false prophet mohamed (damned forever), to fulfill his purpose for existing :the antichrist islamic purpose of Lucifer in the Earth. It is now clear to me that the mechanism produced to bring about the circumstances for the hybridized supertraitor to be elected, after decades of preparation; having him unlawfully planted in this land and prepared to fulfill his purpose as the ceo of the u.s. gov. was Sept. 11, 2001; the day in which the overthrow of this republic began in earnest. A few of the names of the persons directly responsible for barack' presence in this land unlawfully are now known: Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller. There are many thousands more co conspirators in the overthrow of this republic which have recently become understood and known as the damned deepstate. DEATHTOTHEDEEPSTATE!. I hope this helps you good guys understand the mysteries of the worthless one, which so many here @JPP adore and worship as their commander in chief of Barack's Zombie Apocalypse army.
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I must give you two guys my lesson in barack 101; and also; if fuddy falsely authenticated the birth certificate and was murdered by her co conspirators in treason, then justice is fulfilled for her: the sentence for treason is death. Now barack 101, in a nutshell: barack hussein marshall davis (a fictitious hybridized supertrItor) was conceived at the gates of hell (Lucifer's chief servants on Earth) for the antichrist islamic purpose of hell; according to the inverted, plagiaristic scribblings of the false prophet mohamed (damned forever). barack (the hybridized supertraitor) was bred like a dog (half devout socialist revolutionary frank marshall davis, half filthy white concubine fake jew slut, dunham) for the purpose of deceiving the nations, in order to fulfill the antichrist islamic purpose of hell according to the scribbles of the false prophet mohamed (damned forever). barack was trained in universal treason according to the false teachings of the false prophet mohamed (damned forever), to fulfill his purpose for existing :the antichrist islamic purpose of Lucifer in the Earth. It is now clear to me that the mechanism produced to bring about the circumstances for the hybridized supertraitor to be elected, after decades of preparation; having him unlawfully planted in this land and prepared to fulfill his purpose as the ceo of the u.s. gov. was Sept. 11, 2001; the day in which the overthrow of this republic began in earnest. A few of the names of the persons directly responsible for barack' presence in this unlawfully are now known: Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller. There are many thousands more co conspirators in the overthrow of this republic which have recently become understood and known as the damned deepstate. DEATHTOTHEDEEPSTATE!. I hope this helps you good guys understand the mysteries of the worthless one so many adore and worship as their commander in chief of Barack's Zombie Apocalypse army.

There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is the man of lawlessness...
There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is the man of lawlessness...

It would be, in my opinion, reasonable to say as i have for nearly a decade now : "if you like barack, you will love The Antichrist"; because he does have many of the characteristics which The Antichrist/ Lucifer will have when he does show up. I have compared barack to John the baptist as John was the forerunner of Christ, preparing the way. even so, barack does prepare the way for The Antichrist; deceiving the nations of Earth.
barack is not Lucifer, however, he is definitely produced to bring about the 12th imam. He is a man of lawlessness indeed.

Methinks it necessary to clarify that "The Antichrist" as taught in the good word of God, "King James authorized" (the last best preserved version) is the same as "the 12th imam" as falsely taught in the inverted, plagiaristic, false teachings of the false prophet mohamed (damned forever). They are both none other than that old serpent and satan/ "allah"/ Lucifer. All these things are becoming clearer as this Earth age draws to an end and all things are fulfilled in the damned of Earth and in the Free and Living. I digress now. I do not intend to divert this thread.
When Barack Obama was born in 1961, U.S. citizenship law provided that, if born abroad, he would have acquired citizenship at birth only if his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had been physically present in the United States for 10 years, five after the age of 14. She was only 18 when he was born and thus could not have transmitted U.S. citizenship to him. This is a mute point but I just wanted to respond to you previous question regarding natural born citizen and Obama's eligibility.

You are right about citizenship laws in 1961 (which Congress changed in 1966 making it retroactive to 1952). However, there is no evidence Ann Dunham was abroad in 1961. She was living in Honolulu since 1959 and had the child in Hawaii in 1961 and lived in Seattle and took classes at the U. of Washington in 1961-62. In 1963 Dunham returned to Hawaii to work on her undergraduate degree and graduated in 1967. She did not leave the country until 1967 to go to Indonesia to join her second husband.

That means she was present in the U. S. for 10 years including 5 after the age of 14. She moved back to Hawaii for graduate work in 1972 and graduated in 1974.
This sums up my view on the subject of naturalization (its open for debate the exact meaning) (On July 25, 1787, John Jay wrote to George Washington, presiding officer of the Convention:)

Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.

Yet, the first seven presidents were not born in the United States and were British subjects.