The Mysterious Death of Loretta Fuddy and Possible Obama involvement?

I'm not sure what all the confusion over the premise is all about. Loretta Fuddy is the sole guarantee to the world that Obama's birth certificate is authentic, right?

No. His sister Maya knows he's a US citizen because he was born in a US state and had one US-born parent.
Didn't even read!

I never read anything written by WELL KNOWN forum lunatics!

Well he sure didn't act like a fellow right winger after an honest mistake in identity.

LOL just I figured with an attitude and lack of self control like that you had to be a lefty...

I guess I might have been shocked to see such a total lack of respect for a women that died at the hands of a traitor.

My "attitude" is solely dependent, upon yours. :good4u:

And I never said a word about her death.

Wrong. Obama was definitely not eligible. The constitution explicitly states you must be born ON THE LAND. Obama was also disqualified from running for president due to his childhood ties to Indonesia. So yeah, Obama was totally illegal. Just like Lance Armstrong, he should be held accountable.

"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

The Constitution does not say "born on the land." It says "natural born citizen" which means citizen at birth rather than naturalized.

That is a moot question since everybody other than conspiracy theorists knows he was born in Hawaii.
As usual, the Loathsome Loony Leftist Loser Liberals do NOT want to actually discuss these MURDERS because it makes the Left look VERY bad.
The Constitution does not say "born on the land." It says "natural born citizen" which means citizen at birth rather than naturalized.

That is a moot question since everybody other than conspiracy theorists knows he was born in Hawaii.

And you think Trump dropped the issue because he realized Obama was born in Hawaii? LOL he dropped the issue so he could focus on the future of America without causing a huge rift between the already polarized left and right wing, it wasn't because he believed Obama was legitimate. Obama was what we call double illegitimate. Because not only was he born in Kenya, but he also is using a bogus SSN from Connecticut. He's actually probably triple illegitimate and here very naïve people are walking around thinking Obama was just "perfect".

I personally interpret natural born citizen to mean someone born on the land. But it is up for debate. Therefore, there is still discussion over exactly who meets the definition of a natural-born citizen. It is clear that someone who was not a citizen from birth, but acquired citizenship through naturalization, is not one. One view is that all others, meaning anyone who is a citizen from the moment of birth, are natural-born citizens. There are arguments that a third category exists, of those who are citizens from birth by law or status, but are not intended to be considered as natural born. The most common reasons given are that the birth did not take place within the US, or that one of the birth parents was not a US citizen.

Natural-born citizen evidently comes from the writings of Emmerich de Vatell (1714-1767), a Swiss philosopher and legal scholar who laid the foundations and concepts of modern law.

The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.

full source here:
:rolleyes: The birth certificate proves he wasn't born in Kenya. Like all RWs, you've got it backwards.
You do understand that no one from the general public has ever seen Obama's original birth certificate, right?

You are refusing the answer the question? Lets see if I can break this down so a liberal brain can understand.
1) Loretta Fuddy's office produced Obama's long form birth certificate, right?
2) Loretta Fuddy confirmed this birth certificate to be "authentic", right?
3) Loretta Fuddy could have very easily created these documents and authenticated them at the behest of Obama
4) Loretta Fuddy would then have inside knowledge that Obama is a fraud and a liar and an illegitimate president
5) Obama eliminates Loretta because she knows too much. Wouldn't be the first politically motivated murder...

So do you understand that if it was falsified via Loretta Fuddy under instruction from Barack Obama, she would be the only one to know the truth?

Lets review. Barack Obama manipulates Loretta Fuddy into producing a "legitimate" birth certificate by virtue of the fact it was created by the state of Hawaii, but it is fraudulent because the person listed wasn't actually born in Hawaii. So the document is technically "authentic" but the person named on the birth certificate is not. Get it?

To frame it another way, Fuddy was enlisted to help Obama maintain the false narrative that he was born in Hawaii. Fuddy was paid off by Obama to create and authenticate a birth certificate for a person that wasn't actually born there. Fuddy then knew too much and was eliminated.

Go find me another engine that failed in the same way this one did.

Fuddy had to be killed to protect the lies and deceit of Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama also had Christopher Stevens killed - intentionally (malicious intent).
You do understand that no one from the general public has ever seen Obama's original birth certificate, right?

You are refusing the answer the question? Lets see if I can break this down so a liberal brain can understand.
1) Loretta Fuddy's office produced Obama's long form birth certificate, right?
2) Loretta Fuddy confirmed this birth certificate to be "authentic", right?
3) Loretta Fuddy could have very easily created these documents and authenticated them at the behest of Obama
4) Loretta Fuddy would then have inside knowledge that Obama is a fraud and a liar and an illegitimate president
5) Obama eliminates Loretta because she knows too much. Wouldn't be the first politically motivated murder...

So do you understand that if it was falsified via Loretta Fuddy under instruction from Barack Obama, she would be the only one to know the truth?

Lets review. Barack Obama manipulates Loretta Fuddy into producing a "legitimate" birth certificate by virtue of the fact it was created by the state of Hawaii, but it is fraudulent because the person listed wasn't actually born in Hawaii. So the document is technically "authentic" but the person named on the birth certificate is not. Get it?

To frame it another way, Fuddy was enlisted to help Obama maintain the false narrative that he was born in Hawaii. Fuddy was paid off by Obama to create and authenticate a birth certificate for a person that wasn't actually born there. Fuddy then knew too much and was eliminated.

Go find me another engine that failed in the same way this one did.

Fuddy had to be killed to protect the lies and deceit of Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama also had Christopher Stevens killed - intentionally (malicious intent).

Thank you. And how about SEVERAL of Barry's gay friends and lovers who died VERY mysterious deaths? Barry's Body Bag List is short compared to the Clintons', because he only had to silence people after 2008. Whereas the Clinton List goes back over 30 years!
Thank you. And how about SEVERAL of Barry's gay friends and lovers who died VERY mysterious deaths? Barry's Body Bag List is short compared to the Clintons', because he only had to silence people after 2008. Whereas the Clinton List goes back over 30 years!

Yes the Clintons death list goes back to the late 80s/early 90s. Vince Foster was MURDERED by the Clintons, one of the more famous "politically" motivated murders in US history.
Another crazy conspiracy theorist. You guys are nuts.

Can you explain the frogman for me? I haven't had a liberal or a republican that acts like a liberal refute this yet.

Did you know that Obama's SSN was issued in Connecticut? and according to Obama's 2009 tax returns his name is actually Harrison J Bounel?
Can you explain the frogman for me? I haven't had a liberal or a republican that acts like a liberal refute this yet.

Did you know that Obama's SSN was issued in Connecticut? and according to Obama's 2009 tax returns his name is actually Harrison J Bounel?

The diver obviously does something to Loretta Fuddy's foot/leg. Some speculate she was injected with something to kill her. I think they're correct.
And you think Trump dropped the issue because he realized Obama was born in Hawaii? LOL he dropped the issue so he could focus on the future of America without causing a huge rift between the already polarized left and right wing, it wasn't because he believed Obama was legitimate. Obama was what we call double illegitimate. Because not only was he born in Kenya, but he also is using a bogus SSN from Connecticut. He's actually probably triple illegitimate and here very naïve people are walking around thinking Obama was just "perfect".

I personally interpret natural born citizen to mean someone born on the land. But it is up for debate. Therefore, there is still discussion over exactly who meets the definition of a natural-born citizen. It is clear that someone who was not a citizen from birth, but acquired citizenship through naturalization, is not one. One view is that all others, meaning anyone who is a citizen from the moment of birth, are natural-born citizens. There are arguments that a third category exists, of those who are citizens from birth by law or status, but are not intended to be considered as natural born. The most common reasons given are that the birth did not take place within the US, or that one of the birth parents was not a US citizen.

Natural-born citizen evidently comes from the writings of Emmerich de Vatell (1714-1767), a Swiss philosopher and legal scholar who laid the foundations and concepts of modern law. ]

Trump dropped the issue because he knew he was wrong--he was not spending his time on the issue, anyway. He had others looking into it. Trump said he "finished it" and said "President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period."
I personally interpret natural born citizen to mean someone born on the land. But it is up for debate. Therefore, there is still discussion over exactly who meets the definition of a natural-born citizen. It is clear that someone who was not a citizen from birth, but acquired citizenship through naturalization, is not one. One view is that all others, meaning anyone who is a citizen from the moment of birth, are natural-born citizens. There are arguments that a third category exists, of those who are citizens from birth by law or status, but are not intended to be considered as natural born. The most common reasons given are that the birth did not take place within the US, or that one of the birth parents was not a US citizen.

This is not up for debate because federal naturalization and citizenship laws explain it clearly.