The Mysterious Death of Loretta Fuddy and Possible Obama involvement?

I am not brainwashed because I have read the definition in federal law which determines citizenship. Obviously, you have not read it.

Being brainwashed is believing in the whacko conspiracy theories.

This sh*thead can't get over the fact that Barry was NOT born in the U.S., he was a Kenyan-born bastard. The end.
This sh*thead can't get over the fact that Barry was NOT born in the U.S., he was a Kenyan-born bastard. The end.

Me and 99.99% of every other American. Only conspiracy theory idiots are still beating that dead horse. But an American mother makes him a natural born American citizen no matter where he was born.

They think conspiracy theory people have a higher amount of dopamine in their brain--crazy stuff makes them feel better.
Trump dropped the issue because he knew he was wrong--he was not spending his time on the issue, anyway. He had others looking into it. Trump said he "finished it" and said "President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period."

Thats all well and good, but Trump is still going after Obama (for issues unrelated to so called birtherism) - Trump still believes Obama is the enemy. Trump also called him the founder of ISIS.

If you look at the video its true he says Obama was born here in the USA.
But directly after that, says:
"Now I want to get back to making America strong and great again. Thank you."
Indicating his purpose can be dedicated solely to helping America get back on track.
Call it what you will, but I believe Trump said this in order to put the issue to bed and get on with MAGA. Not that he believes it was all a witch hunt.

How do you explain the fact that Obama's SSN was registered in Connecticut?
You do understand that no one from the general public has ever seen Obama's original birth certificate, right?

You are refusing the answer the question? Lets see if I can break this down so a liberal brain can understand.
1) Loretta Fuddy's office produced Obama's long form birth certificate, right?
2) Loretta Fuddy confirmed this birth certificate to be "authentic", right?
3) Loretta Fuddy could have very easily created these documents and authenticated them at the behest of Obama
4) Loretta Fuddy would then have inside knowledge that Obama is a fraud and a liar and an illegitimate president
5) Obama eliminates Loretta because she knows too much. Wouldn't be the first politically motivated murder...

So do you understand that if it was falsified via Loretta Fuddy under instruction from Barack Obama, she would be the only one to know the truth?

Lets review. Barack Obama manipulates Loretta Fuddy into producing a "legitimate" birth certificate by virtue of the fact it was created by the state of Hawaii, but it is fraudulent because the person listed wasn't actually born in Hawaii. So the document is technically "authentic" but the person named on the birth certificate is not. Get it?

To frame it another way, Fuddy was enlisted to help Obama maintain the false narrative that he was born in Hawaii. Fuddy was paid off by Obama to create and authenticate a birth certificate for a person that wasn't actually born there. Fuddy then knew too much and was eliminated.

Go find me another engine that failed in the same way this one did.

Fuddy had to be killed to protect the lies and deceit of Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama also had Christopher Stevens killed - intentionally (malicious intent).

Good lord. When someone is so steeped in conspiracy theories as to sound unhinged, it's a waste of time continuing the discussion.

Let me know when you regain your sanity, you're not a bad writer, just a little flaky.
Me and 99.99% of every other American. Only conspiracy theory idiots are still beating that dead horse. But an American mother makes him a natural born American citizen no matter where he was born.

They think conspiracy theory people have a higher amount of dopamine in their brain--crazy stuff makes them feel better.

If this was just an accident, how do you explain the diver in the water? Just happened to pop up right next to Loretta Fuddy? just happened to be near her legs and appears to even make contact with her leg? Rescue didnt arrive for another 30 minutes.
Good lord. When someone is so steeped in conspiracy theories as to sound unhinged, it's a waste of time continuing the discussion.

Let me know when you regain your sanity, you're not a bad writer, just a little flaky.

Im ready to continue. Where should we start? Quid Pro Quo? lol jk

Obama's 2009 tax returns were listed to someone by the name of Harrison J Bounel?

Or we can talk about Benghazi?
Im ready to continue. Where should we start? Quid Pro Quo? lol jk

Obama's 2009 tax returns were listed to someone by the name of Harrison J Bounel?

Or we can talk about Benghazi?

Don't bother arguing with these morons. They've been SO seriously brainwashed, it's like talking to a wall. They really ARE that stupid.
Another crazy conspiracy theorist. You guys are nuts.

Just when you think it can't get any crazier around here...

Me and 99.99% of every other American. Only conspiracy theory idiots are still beating that dead horse. But an American mother makes him a natural born American citizen no matter where he was born.

They think conspiracy theory people have a higher amount of dopamine in their brain--crazy stuff makes them feel better.

^ Now this is a theory I can get behind.
Thats all well and good, but Trump is still going after Obama (for issues unrelated to so called birtherism) - Trump still believes Obama is the enemy. Trump also called him the founder of ISIS.

If you look at the video its true he says Obama was born here in the USA.
But directly after that, says:
"Now I want to get back to making America strong and great again. Thank you."
Indicating his purpose can be dedicated solely to helping America get back on track.
Call it what you will, but I believe Trump said this in order to put the issue to bed and get on with MAGA. Not that he believes it was all a witch hunt.

How do you explain the fact that Obama's SSN was registered in Connecticut?

I have no evidence his SS number was registered in CT--it is just somebody's wild claim.

How do you account for the fact that Obama's birth was listed in the Hawaiian newspaper the day(s) following his birth?

Trump is still going after Obama like he is locking Hillary up. He uses that to appeal to his supporters and they soon forget or don't care about his promises.
So what do you call the so called Russian collusion nonsense? Isn't that a conspiracy theory that almost everyone on the left believes?


To some extent, yes, but it was based on the large number of contacts between Trump campaign people and Russians. That didn't prove collusion but it was suspicious and we do know about Russian interference in the election which led to the investigation. But, there were no facts to prove collusion just as there are no facts to prove Obama was not a natural born citizen or born in Kenya but there are convicting facts to the contrary.

I did not believe there was collusion because Russia knew better than to try to get the Trump people involved in any effort to help him get elected. It would be too risky and would serve no purpose. It would be equally stupid for Obama to want to kill some woman. Or equally stupid to shoot JFK from the front and pretend he was shot from the rear. Or to plant charges in giant towers and not think anyone would know.

There was a conspiracy to kill Lincoln because we have the facts to prove it.

I can prove Obama was using SSN 042-68-4425

He also used this SSN for selective service in 1990

You will see here that the SSN is listed as having a date of 1890.

Harrison Bounel is listed as having been born in 1890

According to a debt collector database, Harrison Bounel is linked to the above SSN ( and also happens to have the same address of Obama?)

Michelle Obama is also linked to Harry Bounel:

This is all food for thought. Everything fits - including Harrison Bounel having a connection to Connecticut (remember the Newtown shooting?)
I have no evidence his SS number was registered in CT--it is just somebody's wild claim.

How do you account for the fact that Obama's birth was listed in the Hawaiian newspaper the day(s) following his birth?

Trump is still going after Obama like he is locking Hillary up. He uses that to appeal to his supporters and they soon forget or don't care about his promises.
In my opinion those newspaper clippings are plants. Seeing as how data has been scrubbed from the internet on this, its also possible the same people planted evidence to make it appear like Obama was born there.

The SSN is definitely Connecticut issued - thats a fact. The designation is 042 - which is specific to that state only. Seeing as how the SSN as a DOB record as 1890 this ties in with Harrison J Bounel. In the 1940 census, he is listed as a russian immegrant with a DOB of 1890.
In his later years he lived in Connecticut. Obama is using his SSN and this is treason and fraud. and lots more.
To some extent, yes, but it was based on the large number of contacts between Trump campaign people and Russians. That didn't prove collusion but it was suspicious and we do know about Russian interference in the election which led to the investigation. But, there were no facts to prove collusion just as there are no facts to prove Obama was not a natural born citizen or born in Kenya but there are convicting facts to the contrary.

I did not believe there was collusion because Russia knew better than to try to get the Trump people involved in any effort to help him get elected. It would be too risky and would serve no purpose. It would be equally stupid for Obama to want to kill some woman. Or equally stupid to shoot JFK from the front and pretend he was shot from the rear. Or to plant charges in giant towers and not think anyone would know.

There was a conspiracy to kill Lincoln because we have the facts to prove it.

That makes since, I agree with you to a degree.. But it is not equally stupid to kill some women. This women knew he was not born in Hawaii. She had inside knowledge, dangerous knowledge that could cause irreparable harm to Obama's image. She had to go.
And look at the video here, can you explain why a frogman appears and actually touches Loretta's leg? This thing disappears back under the water and she dies a few minutes later? There is NO explanation for the video. See for yourself, and let me know what you think.

So what do you call the so called Russian collusion nonsense? Isn't that a conspiracy theory that almost everyone on the left believes?

What do I call it, facts, and with all the latest news, reality with the Trump administration latest nonsense. There is no doubt in my mind, Trump conspires with Russia then and now.
What do I call it, facts, and with all the latest news, reality with the Trump administration latest nonsense. There is no doubt in my mind, Trump conspires with Russia then and now.

He-he! Russia, Russia, Russia! There was this thing, called the Mueller Report, that found NO ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.