The Mysterious Death of Loretta Fuddy and Possible Obama involvement?

Why would Obama have this woman killed when she proved his birth certificate was authentic? He would have been better off going after dopes like trump or Philip Berg.

Why would Obama do that? Because she could expose to all the world that his birth certificate was indeed created out of thin air.
She was the only person who had inside knowledge that Obama was not in fact born in Hawaii. Obama paid her off handsomely to cooperate and then went about the process of eliminating witnesses. This is crime scene 101 stuff. You should know better, not impressed with your awesome powers of perception. It goes like this. You make the deal using deception. You get our desired result. Then you eliminate the only person with first hand knowledge. And that women, God Bless her soul, was executed by Obama. She made a deal with the devil and she got burned, that's all I'm going to say on the matter. This is very serious stuff - not joking around every word matters here. When a sitting presidents are murders other citizens of this nation? That's unconscionable.

I think it becomes more real if we know our victim here.
In remembrance of Loretta Fuddy...

Obama's mother was an American citizen making him a citizen at birth (natural born citizen) even IF he was born in Kenya

Wrong. Obama was definitely not eligible. The constitution explicitly states you must be born ON THE LAND. Obama was also disqualified from running for president due to his childhood ties to Indonesia. So yeah, Obama was totally illegal. Just like Lance Armstrong, he should be held accountable.

"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
What does that have to do with anything?:laugh: What does his unhealthy ass have to do with underestimating him? He's a corrupt businessman, not a fighter or even a legitimate politician for that matter. You should be giving the stats of his lawyers since that's his muscle.:laugh:

Absolutely delusional is what you are. Absolutely delusional. Trump would have no problem manhandling Obama if a fight broke out between the two (heaven forbit) OR in Obamas case (Hell forbit). Point being, Trump would kick Obama's sorry ass down the street and hang him in the pubic square after a good tar and feather scenario.

What Obama did at Benghazi was absolute evil. He set those men up to die. He created the conditions and THEN pulled security. No less than six attempts were made to get more security to the compound. These were all rejected by Hillary/Obama. It as an intentional set up to kill four good American citizens. Absolutely sick, the level of depravity here. These men were raped, sodomized knifed beaten and left for dead. Christopher Stevens, our lead Ambassador hand his genitals cut off while he was still alive. This is the mark Obama left and maybe you should reflect on this for a moment. You leader WAS A TOTAL FRAUD. CHEATED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE LIED TO THE PEOPLE.
Oh look its another lefty who is totally oblivious to the truth! Sorry, I'm thinking you might be a lost cause.

You are definitely on the wrong side of history. This much I know.

What in the fuck are you talking about, you delusional nitwit?

My post was a response to one that Owl left, so are you obtuse or just stupid?? :dunno:


You do the math. Come back when you can challenge me on any of the points I mentioned.
OBAMA KILLED A GOOD DOCTOR TO SAVE FACE. Absolutely despicable human being.
What in the fuck are you talking about, you delusional nitwit?

My post was a response to one that Owl left, so are you obtuse or just stupid?? :dunno:

LOL Doesn't matter what you were referencing in your original post. I was merely reflecting on the left's propensity for humor when the facts start hitting home. Humor is all you have left. It's sad and pathetic.


Here is what your beloved, beyond reproach, loved, honored, cool, hip, neat, just awesome all around guy Barack Obama has been up to. Its no good. His murders didn't end with Loretta Fuddy and you know it. You can knock off the act.
LOL Doesn't matter what you were referencing in your original post. I was merely reflecting on the left's propensity for humor when the facts start hitting home. Humor is all you have left. It's sad and pathetic.


Here is what your beloved, beyond reproach, loved, honored, cool, hip, neat, just awesome all around guy Barack Obama has been up to. Its no good. His murders didn't end with Loretta Fuddy and you know it. You can knock off the act.

USF is NOT a Lefty, he's definitely on the right, politically. You've got him mixed up with someone else.
LOL Doesn't matter what you were referencing in your original post. I was merely reflecting on the left's propensity for humor when the facts start hitting home. Humor is all you have left. It's sad and pathetic.


Here is what your beloved, beyond reproach, loved, honored, cool, hip, neat, just awesome all around guy Barack Obama has been up to. Its no good. His murders didn't end with Loretta Fuddy and you know it. You can knock off the act.

Kiss my ass, boot.

I WIN AGAIN. :good4u:

What in the fuck are you talking about, you delusional nitwit?

My post was a response to one that Owl left, so are you obtuse or just stupid?? :dunno:

Well he sure didn't act like a fellow right winger after an honest mistake in identity.

LOL just I figured with an attitude and lack of self control like that you had to be a lefty...

I guess I might have been shocked to see such a total lack of respect for a women that died at the hands of a traitor.
Well he sure didn't act like a fellow right winger after an honest mistake in identity.

LOL just I figured with an attitude and lack of self control like that you had to be a lefty...

I guess I might have been shocked to see such a total lack of respect for a women that died at the hands of a traitor.

From what I've read and seen about the incident, it really DOES appear that Loretta Fuddy WAS murdered. It's a disgrace that people were able to get away with this.
Her death is much like the death of Seth Rich. Those on the Left really do NOT want to talk about either one of these deaths. The first thing they'll say is there's no proof that they were murdered and point to one of the Far Left and totally biased news outlets and proclaim that THIS outlet says it's completely false. However, none of these lefty outlets go into any kind of detail of these incidents and flat out proclaim they were not murdered. And of course this is not true. ANY kind of investigating into either of these incidents and it's easy to see they WERE murdered. In Seth Rich's case, an ER doctor that treated Seth when he was brought in went on record that Seth's injuries were NON-LIFETHREATENING. Someone got to Seth and made sure he didn't survive. But the Loony Left does NOT want to talk about any of this because it makes the Democratic party look VERY suspicious and VERY bad.
Why would Obama do that? Because she could expose to all the world that his birth certificate was indeed created out of thin air.
She was the only person who had inside knowledge that Obama was not in fact born in Hawaii. Obama paid her off handsomely to cooperate and then went about the process of eliminating witnesses. This is crime scene 101 stuff. You should know better, not impressed with your awesome powers of perception. It goes like this. You make the deal using deception. You get our desired result. Then you eliminate the only person with first hand knowledge. And that women, God Bless her soul, was executed by Obama. She made a deal with the devil and she got burned, that's all I'm going to say on the matter. This is very serious stuff - not joking around every word matters here. When a sitting presidents are murders other citizens of this nation? That's unconscionable.

I think it becomes more real if we know our victim here.
In remembrance of Loretta Fuddy...

:palm: Good lord. You made up a premise based on nothing and are trying to prove it's verifiable truth, again based on nothing.

Where is your evidence for the following: "he could expose to all the world that his birth certificate was indeed created out of thin air; She was the only person who had inside knowledge that Obama was not in fact born in Hawaii; Obama paid her off handsomely to cooperate and then went about the process of eliminating witnesses; that women, God Bless her soul, was executed by Obama."

Where are the results from trump's investigators in Hawaii who supposedly found unbelievable stuff about Obama? Maybe you've forgotten this drivel, but I haven't.

“I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding,” Trump told host Meredith Vieira.
“You have people now down there searching, I mean in Hawaii?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” he replied. “And they cannot believe what they’re finding.”

Where are the results from senile Joe Arpaio's "five-year investigation had "proved" that Obama’s birth certificate from Hawaii in 1961 was a fake. An accompanying presentation highlighted what they called “9 points of forgery” on the document, which focused on the angles of date stamps, typed letters and words."

OW it's not enough to make the claim, you have to prove the claim but you have not. Stop using these poor people as fodder in your endless wars against Hillary and Obama. At least think of their families.
:palm: Good lord. You made up a premise based on nothing and are trying to prove it's verifiable truth, again based on nothing.
Where is your evidence for the following: "he could expose to all the world that his birth certificate was indeed created out of thin air; She was the only person who had inside knowledge that Obama was not in fact born in Hawaii; Obama paid her off handsomely to cooperate and then went about the process of eliminating witnesses; that women, God Bless her soul, was executed by Obama."
I'm not sure what all the confusion over the premise is all about. Loretta Fuddy is the sole guarantee to the world that Obama's birth certificate is authentic, right?