The no bullshit Christmas thread.

to be on topic, lets start with the premise that christmas has trees.

So we have trees.... and now we have me smoking those trees

So I have smoked some trees around christmas time

all very relevant

It's making me take a long hard look at considering sativas as new top dog? or is it a forgotten love? :thinking:

I will continue in my search for truth
Man it's hard to look through this place. I should have just searched through my profile to find this. Can't some people take a break from the degrading bs, for the holidays? I got sick for Christmas, but I'll still keep to it. Got stupid candida issues again. With my seasonal issues, I sleep way too much, and don't eat too much. When I do, it's meat, and starch. I should have picked up on things earlier instead of letting it get worse. It only just occurred to me, what it was though, because of physical signs starting.
Nice Gesture Opie!

Merry Christmas to you!

Here is an old photo that I thought you might enjoy- World War I Christmas Truce in the trenches!

Merry Christmas folks. Making a pumpkin pie, a pecan pie and a mincemeat pie this morning. Having traditional Christmas ham for lunch with the fixings along with a side of traditional fried squirrel.

Exchanged gifts with the extended family last night and with the wife and kid this morning. Got my wife some fuzzy socks and my kid a download for a game and some bullets.