The no bullshit Christmas thread.

A holiday discussion for pleasant banter about plans, gifts, meals, etc. ILA is banned from all my discussions. No tapatalk bs. No warnings, so behave.

Will there be a "No Bullshit Happy New Year" thread?

(and will that trouble-maker 'Dark Soul' be thread banned?) I know why it's named The Nutcracker.

LMAO! I kept hearing the girls and their poorly-muffled snickering, and giving them The Mom Look. Then the one closest to me leaned over and whispered "That guy is driving me NUTS" and I lost it and so did Oksana. Good times!
My Christmas plans got moved to New Years. The neighbors had another thing come up, so I'll make a meal on New Years. Just as well, as Mom had got some guttural issues on Christmas. My candida issues are also lessening, thanks to supplementation, and probiotics. My brother in Denver, sent me a $50 gift card to Panera. Mom told my sister not to get us anything this year, so she sent a $100 to go out to eat. I told Mom, that telling people not to get you anything, often makes them want to get you something more.

Good plan -- tell *everyone* you don't want anything!

What are you planning to fix for NY Eve?