The no trolling, personal attacks, or political bluster, discussion.

Found something I'm dying to try some day. Too bad it's all the way over in New York City.


Yet you wonder why you're grossly overweight!
Jade posted an old Aerosmith song in another thread, "Jaded", and it took me back. Now I've been listening to other 20 year old Aerosmith tunes, this is the latest...really love this one. Steven Tyler was so awesome.

Jade posted an old Aerosmith song in another thread, "Jaded", and it took me back. Now I've been listening to other 20 year old Aerosmith tunes, this is the latest...really love this one. Steven Tyler was so awesome.

And isn't it funny how you can remember all the lyrics, but don't ask what you had for lunch yesterday. lol
Girl, don't you know it?!!
I remember incidents and things in great detail from years ago, and as you said, don't know what I had for lunch yesterday. God help us. :D

LMAO... yeah. I try to look at it as "Every day's an Easter egg hunt! Now where's my glasses/keys/pen/that spoon I just had/the Kindle/that husband....." :laugh:
I need to take it,so I'm stuck with no memory.

I'm sorry. My brother was prescribed Crestor and had the same problem. He quit taking it and did other things to get his lipids under control. Not everyone can do that, though. Talk to your doc; maybe they can change your dosage?
:laugh: I know, right? That's an old joke: "I believe in the hereafter. Every time I walk into another room, I wonder what I'm here after."

I'm 32, and I have memory that sucks in the present tense. Of course I remember what I got for my birthday when I was 4. I don't know if it has anything to do with my SSRI's, my arachnoid cyst, or just my lax brain type.
I'm 32, and I have memory that sucks in the present tense. Of course I remember what I got for my birthday when I was 4. I don't know if it has anything to do with my SSRI's, my arachnoid cyst, or just my lax brain type.

A lot of medications are hard on short-term memory.
I'm sorry. My brother was prescribed Crestor and had the same problem. He quit taking it and did other things to get his lipids under control. Not everyone can do that, though. Talk to your doc; maybe they can change your dosage?

I'm not taking less,don't want to risk blocking arteries!