The Offensive Thread...

Say what..........

and BB does not like You dave, good goin.

Bison breath...I don't even know the dude...this is just a message board...if ya take it to serious...ya really need to get out more often...speaking of the same...must make a store run...the fridge is getting bare...adios Mr.Serious...for awhile....:gives:
Bison breath...I don't even know the dude...this is just a message board...if ya take it to serious...ya really need to get out more often...speaking of the same...must make a store run...the fridge is getting bare...adios Mr.Serious...for awhile....:gives:

Take it too serious ????
Don't go away mad , just go away :)
Hitler walks up to the Pearly Gates and says to St Peter, "I'd like to come in."

St Peter: "Not likely!"

Hitler: I've repented and I've given back all the gold and treasures that I stole from the Jews, and I'm really sorry."

At that point, Jesus walks up and asks what's going on.

St Peter: "It's Hitler here, he wants to come in."

Jesus: "Bugger off!"

Hitler: "No, it's true! To prove it, I've got a six foot solid gold cross I can't find the owner of. I could give that to you."

Now Jesus was partial to crosses, so he went to see God.

Jesus: "Hey Dad, I've got Hitler outside and he wants to come in now he's repented."

God: "Tell him to get lost!"

Jesus: "But Dad, he's given back all the gold that he stole from the Jews - except for a six foot, solid gold cross he can't find the owner for. He says I can have it."

God: "And what do you want with a solid gold cross? You couldn't even carry a fuckin' wooden one!"

Pathetic, DW, simply pathetic.
won't go away untilI really get bored with y'all 'Three Muskeeters' Cippie,darla and usc! and like I already said I don't get mad or cry...I always laugh at fools!:cof1:
Is that why your mirror has permanent laugh lines???/

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist. HEH HEH

Is that why your mirror has permanent laugh lines???/

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist. HEH HEH

Ya know what...I read this and hit the bathroom...ya may be on to something here donny...ya have the same problemo?
:cof1:... Never mind I just looked at your avatar cheat old fart...a goatee and
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Ya know what...I read this and hit the bathroom...ya may be on to something here donny...ya have the same problemo?
:cof1:... Never mind I just looked at your avatar cheat old fart...a goatee and
What cheat???? I just don't like to shave, so I use the hair clippers instead.
Wow.... this is supposed to be offensive? Damn..... ya'll aint ready for the majors yet I see.

Q: Why does the Navy keep Marines on ships?

A: Because SHEEP would be too obvious!


What has an I.Q. of 42 ??????

40 marines, plus there SGT.
Q: Why does the Navy keep Marines on ships?

A: Because SHEEP would be too obvious!


What has an I.Q. of 42 ??????

40 marines, plus there SGT.

That is just common knowledge , can't you do better than that ?
So what ? It is not like they hold non believers or those who believe differntly in any kind of regard. for the most part, there are a few, very few.
Just my christian-inian opinion. (I am "christian", but not "A" Christian.)